2.9 KiB

List of existing containers

List of basic and runtime layers

Layer Container
Alpine 3.8 alpine3.8
Alpine 3.8 - PHP 5.6 alpine3.8-php5.6
Alpine 3.8 - NodeJS 8 alpine3.8-nodejs8
Alpine 3.9 - Ruby 2.4 alpine3.8-ruby2.4
Alpine 3.9 alpine3.9
Alpine 3.9 - Java 8 alpine3.9-java8
Alpine 3.9 - PHP 7.2 alpine3.9-php7.2
Alpine 3.9 - Python 2.7 alpine3.9-python2.7
Alpine 3.9 - Python 3.6 alpine3.9-python3.6
Alpine 3.9 - NodeJS 10 alpine3.9-nodejs10
Alpine 3.9 - Ruby 2.4 alpine3.9-ruby2.4
Alpine 3.9 - Tomcat 7 alpine3.9-tomcat7
Alpine 3.9 - Tomcat 8.5 alpine3.9-tomcat8.5
Sahana - Shared sahana-shared

List of service containers

Service Container UID/GID Internal Port
ActiveMQ activemq 61616 61616 (ActiveMQ)
CKAN Datapusher ckan-datapusher 8004 8080 (HTTP)
MariaDB mariadb 3306 3306 (MySQL)
Postgres postgres 5432 5432 (Postgres)
RabbitMQ rabbitmq 5672 5672 (AMQP)
Redis redis 6379 6379 (Redis)
Solr solr 8983 8983 (HTTP)

List of application containers

All application containers listen on internal port 8080 (HTTP)

Application Container UID/GID Host
CKAN ckan 8003 ckan
Crisis Cleanup crisiscleanup 8005 cc
CTS cts 8006 cts
EcoGIS ecogis 8020 ecogis
FrontlineSMS frontlinesms 8018 sms
GNU Health gnuhealth 8008 gh
KanBoard kanboard 8009 kb
Mifos X mifosx 8012 mifosx
Motech motech 8013 motech
ODK Aggregate opendatakit 8015 odk
ODK Build opendatakit-build 8017 odkbuild
Odoo odoo 8019 odoo
OpenMapKit openmapkit 8007 omk
Pan.do/ra pandora 8002 pandora
Sahana sahana 8001 sahana
Sahana - Demo sahana-demo 8001 sahana-demo
SAMBRO sambro 8001 sambro
SeedDMS seeddms 8010 dms
Sigmah sigmah 8011 sigmah
Ushahidi ushahidi 8014 ush