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2Avalanchesnow avalanche, snow slide
3Cold Waveextreme weather, extreme temperature, cold temperatures
4Cyclonehurricane, tropical storm, tropical depression, typhoon
5Droughtdeficiency of precipitation, desertification, pronounced absence of rainfall
6Earthquakeseismic, tectonic
7Epidemicbubonic plague, cholera, dengue, non-pandemic diseases, typhoid
8Floodinundation; includes: flash floods
9Heat Waveextreme weather, extreme temperature, high temperatures
10Insect Infestationlocust, plague, African bees
11Land Slidedebris flow, mud flow, mud slide, rock fall, slide, lahar, rock slide and topple
12Storm Surgecoastal flood, wave surge, wind setup
13TechnicalDisaster chemical spill/leak, explosions, collapses, gas leaks, urban fire, oil spill, technical failure
14Tornadowaterspout, twister, vortex
16Volcanocrater, lava, magma, molten materials, pyroclastic flows, volcanic rock, volcanic ash
17Fireurban fire, bush fire, forest fire, uncontrolled fire, wildland fire