#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import os import sys from spoc import repo_local, repo_online, repo_publish from spoc.cli import ActionQueue, print_lock, readable_size from spoc.config import LOCK_FILE from spoc.depsolver import DepSolver from spoc.exceptions import ImageNotFoundError from spoc.flock import locked from spoc.image import Image from spoc.imagebuilder import ImageBuilder def get_image_name(file_path): # Read and return image name from image file with open(file_path) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('IMAGE '): return line.split()[1] return None def listing(list_type): # Lists images in particular state if list_type == 'installed': images = repo_local.get_images() elif list_type == 'online': images = repo_online.get_images() elif list_type == 'published': images = repo_publish.get_images() for image in images: print(image) @locked(LOCK_FILE, print_lock) def download(image_name): # Download and unpack image from online repository queue = ActionQueue() local_images = repo_local.get_images() for layer in repo_online.get_image(image_name)['layers']: if layer not in local_images: queue.download_image(Image(layer, False)) queue.process() @locked(LOCK_FILE, print_lock) def delete(image_name): # Remove the image including all images that have it as one of its parents # Check if image is in use used_by = [c for c,d in repo_local.get_containers().items() if image_name in d['layers']] if used_by: sys.exit(f'Error: Image {image_name} is used by container{"s" if len(used_by) > 1 else ""} {", ".join(used_by)}') # Gather layers inheriting from the layer to be removed which should be removed as well retained_layers = set(image for image,definition in repo_local.get_images().items() if image_name not in definition['layers']) remove_layers(retained_layers) @locked(LOCK_FILE, print_lock) def clean(): # Remove images which aren't used in any locally defined containers retained_layers = set() for definition in repo_local.get_containers().values(): retained_layers.update(definition['layers']) remove_layers(retained_layers) def remove_layers(retained_layers): # Enqueue removal of images for cleanup depsolver = DepSolver() # Build dependency tree to safely remove the images in order of dependency for image in set(repo_local.get_images()) - retained_layers: image = Image(image) depsolver.add(image.name, set(image.layers) - retained_layers, image) # Enqueue and run the removal actions queue = ActionQueue() for image in reversed(depsolver.solve()): queue.delete_image(image) queue.process() @locked(LOCK_FILE, print_lock) def build(filename, force, do_publish): # Check if a build is needed and attempt to build the image from image file image_name = get_image_name(filename) if force or image_name not in repo_local.get_images(): image = Image(image_name, False) print(f'Building image {image_name} from file {os.path.abspath(filename)}') image.delete() image.create(ImageBuilder(), filename) print(f'Image {image_name} built successfully') # If publishing was requested, force publish after successful build force = True else: print(f'Image {image_name} already built, skipping build task') if do_publish: publish(image_name, force) def publish(image_name, force): # Check if publishing is needed and attempt to publish the image if force or image_name not in repo_publish.get_images(): image = Image(image_name) print(f'Publishing image {image_name}') image.unpublish() size, dlsize = image.publish() print(f'Image {image_name} compressed from {readable_size(size)} to {readable_size(dlsize)} and published successfully') else: print(f'Image {image_name} already published, skipping publish task') def unpublish(image_name): # Remove the image from publish repo Image(image_name, False).unpublish() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='SPOC image manager') parser.set_defaults(action=None) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() parser_list = subparsers.add_parser('list') parser_list.set_defaults(action=listing) parser_list.add_argument('type', choices=('installed', 'online', 'published'), default='installed', const='installed', nargs='?', help='Selected repository') parser_download = subparsers.add_parser('download') parser_download.set_defaults(action=download) parser_download.add_argument('image', help='Name of the image to download') parser_delete = subparsers.add_parser('delete') parser_delete.set_defaults(action=delete) parser_delete.add_argument('image', help='Name of the image to delete') parser_clean = subparsers.add_parser('clean') parser_clean.set_defaults(action=clean) parser_build = subparsers.add_parser('build') parser_build.set_defaults(action=build) parser_build.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='Force rebuild already existing image') parser_build.add_argument('-p', '--publish', action='store_true', help='Publish the image after successful build') parser_build.add_argument('filename', help='Path to the file with build recipe') parser_publish = subparsers.add_parser('publish') parser_publish.set_defaults(action=publish) parser_publish.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='Force republish already published image') parser_publish.add_argument('image', help='Name of the image to publish') parser_unpublish = subparsers.add_parser('unpublish') parser_unpublish.set_defaults(action=unpublish) parser_unpublish.add_argument('image', help='Name of the image to unpublish') args = parser.parse_args() if args.action is listing: listing(args.type) elif args.action is download: download(args.image) elif args.action is delete: delete(args.image) elif args.action is clean: clean() elif args.action is build: build(args.filename, args.force, args.publish) elif args.action is publish: publish(args.image, args.force) elif args.action is unpublish: unpublish(args.image) else: parser.print_usage()