parser_create.add_argument('-d', '--depends', action='append', default=[], help='Add another container as a start dependency')
parser_create.add_argument('-m', '--mount', action='append', default=[], help='Add mount to the container - format volume:mountpoint')
parser_create.add_argument('-e', '--env', action='append', default=[], help='Add environment variable for the container - format KEY=value')
parser_create.add_argument('-u', '--uid', help='Sets the container init UID')
parser_create.add_argument('-g', '--gid', help='Sets the container init GID')
parser_create.add_argument('-c', '--cmd', help='Sets the container init command')
parser_create.add_argument('-w', '--workdir', help='Sets the container init working directory')
parser_create.add_argument('-r', '--ready', help='Sets the container ready command')
parser_create.add_argument('-s', '--stopsig', help='Sets the signal to be sent to init on container shutdown')
parser_create.add_argument('-a', '--autostart', choices=('on', 'off'), help='Sets the container to be automatically started after the host boots up')
parser_modify = subparsers.add_parser('modify')
parser_modify.add_argument('-d', '--depends', action='append', default=[], help='Add another container as a start dependency - prepend the name with ! to remove the dependency')
parser_modify.add_argument('-m', '--mount', action='append', default=[], help='Add mount to the container - format volume:mountpoint - specify empty mountpoint to remove the mount')
parser_modify.add_argument('-e', '--env', action='append', default=[], help='Add environment variable for the container - format KEY=value - specify empty value to remove the env')
parser_modify.add_argument('-u', '--uid', help='Sets the container init UID')
parser_modify.add_argument('-g', '--gid', help='Sets the container init GID')
parser_modify.add_argument('-c', '--cmd', help='Sets the container init command')
parser_modify.add_argument('-w', '--workdir', help='Sets the container init working directory')
parser_modify.add_argument('-r', '--ready', help='Sets the container ready command')
parser_modify.add_argument('-s', '--stopsig', help='Sets the signal to be sent to init on container shutdown')
parser_modify.add_argument('-a', '--autostart', choices=('on', 'off'), help='Sets the container to be automatically started after the host boots up')