Disassembler ce325cf3d0
Squashed commit of the following:
- Bump basic OS to Alpine 3.9
 - Restructure repo and add layer versioning
 - Use JSON for all metadata
 - Merge abuild branch (but without abuild)
2019-02-26 20:24:02 +01:00

29 lines
696 B

IMAGE solr
LAYER shared/alpine3.9
LAYER shared/alpine3.9-java8
LAYER solr/solr
# Install runtime dependencies
apk --no-cache add bash lsof
# Download and install Solr
wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/6.5.1/solr-6.5.1.tgz -O - | tar xzf - -C /opt
mv /opt/solr-6.5.1 /opt/solr
# Create OS user
addgroup -S -g 8983 solr
adduser -S -u 8983 -h /var/lib/solr -s /bin/false -g solr -G solr solr
chown -R solr:solr /opt/solr
# Make start/stop script visible globally (also defines directory for solr.in.sh)
ln -s /opt/solr/bin/solr /usr/bin/solr
COPY lxc
MOUNT DIR /srv/solr/data var/lib/solr
USER 8983 8983
CMD solr start -f