294 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from gluon import *
from gluon.storage import Storage
from s3 import *
#from s3theme import NAV, SECTION
# Below is an example which you can base your own template's layout.py on
# - there are also other examples in the other templates folders
# - you will need to restart web2py after making changes to this file
# =============================================================================
#class S3MainMenuLayout(S3NavigationItem):
# """
# Application Main Menu Layout
# The layout() function takes an S3NavigationItem instance as input
# and renders it as an HTML helper class instance. If the item can
# or shall not be rendered on the page, this method must return None.
# S3NavigationItem instances provide a number of attributes and methods
# to support context-sensisitve rendering (see modules/s3/s3navigation.py).
# Note that individual items can override the layout method by explicitly
# setting the layout-property in the item's constructor.
# """
# @staticmethod
# def layout(item):
# """ Custom Layout Method """
# @staticmethod
# def layout(item):
# """ Layout Method (Item Renderer) """
# # Manage flags: hide any disabled/unauthorized items
# if not item.authorized and not item.opts.always_display:
# item.enabled = False
# item.visible = False
# elif item.enabled is None or item.enabled:
# item.enabled = True
# item.visible = True
# if item.enabled and item.visible:
# items = item.render_components()
# if item.parent is not None:
# if item.attr._class:
# classes = item.attr._class.split(" ")
# else:
# classes = []
# if item.parent.parent is None:
# # Item at the top-level?
# toplevel = True
# if item.opts.right:
# classes.append("menu-right")
# else:
# toplevel = False
# if item.components:
# classes.append("has-dropdown not-click")
# _class = " ".join(classes)
# # Menu item with Dropdown
# if item.get_first(enabled=True):
# _href = item.url()
# return LI(A(item.label,
# _href=_href,
# _id=item.attr._id
# ),
# UL(items,
# _class="dropdown"
# ),
# _class=_class,
# )
# else:
# # Menu item without Drop-Down
# if toplevel:
# item_url = item.url()
# if item_url == URL(c="default", f="index"):
# classes.append("menu-home")
# if item.selected:
# classes.append("active")
# _class = " ".join(classes)
# return LI(A(item.label,
# _href=item_url,
# _id=item.attr._id,
# _target=item.attr._target,
# ),
# _class=_class,
# )
# else:
# # Submenu item
# if isinstance(item.label, dict):
# if "id" in item.label:
# return S3MainMenuDefaultLayout.checkbox_item(item)
# elif "name" in item.label:
# label = item.label["name"]
# else:
# return None
# else:
# label = item.label
# link = A(label,
# _href=item.url(),
# _id=item.attr._id,
# _target=item.attr._target,
# )
# _class = " ".join(classes)
# return LI(link, _class=_class)
# else:
# # The main menu itself
# T = current.T
# settings = current.deployment_settings
# if item.opts.title_area:
# # Custom override
# title_area = item.opts.title_area
# else:
# # Standard: render a menu logo
# logo = settings.get_ui_menu_logo()
# if logo is None:
# # Render an icon
# logo = SPAN(settings.get_system_name_short(),
# _class="logo",
# )
# elif isinstance(logo, str):
# # Assume image-URL
# logo = IMG(_src = logo,
# _class = "logo",
# _alt = settings.get_system_name_short(),
# )
# #else:
# # use as-is (assume HTML or T())
# title_area = A(logo,
# _href = URL(c="default", f="index"),
# _title = T("Homepage"),
# )
# # Arrange items left/right
# right = []
# left = []
# for item in items:
# if "menu-right" in item["_class"]:
# item.remove_class("menu-right")
# right.append(item)
# else:
# left.append(item)
# right.reverse()
# # Reverse if right-to-left
# if current.response.s3.rtl:
# right, left = left, right
# # Build top-bar HTML
# return NAV(UL(LI(title_area,
# _class="name",
# ),
# LI(A(SPAN(T("Menu"))),
# _class="toggle-topbar menu-icon",
# ),
# _class="title-area",
# ),
# SECTION(UL(right,
# _class="right",
# ),
# UL(left,
# _class="left",
# ),
# _class="top-bar-section",
# ),
# _class = "top-bar",
# data = {"topbar": " "},
# )
# else:
# return None
# # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# @staticmethod
# def checkbox_item(item):
# """ Render special active items """
# name = item.label
# link = item.url()
# _id = name["id"]
# if "name" in name:
# _name = name["name"]
# else:
# _name = ""
# if "value" in name:
# _value = name["value"]
# else:
# _value = False
# if "request_type" in name:
# _request_type = name["request_type"]
# else:
# _request_type = "ajax"
# if link:
# if _request_type == "ajax":
# _onchange='''var val=$('#%s:checked').length;$.getS3('%s'+'?val='+val,null,false,null,false,false)''' % \
# (_id, link)
# else:
# # Just load the page. Use this if the changed menu
# # item should alter the contents of the page, and
# # it's simpler just to load it.
# _onchange="location.href='%s'" % link
# else:
# _onchange=None
# return LI(A(INPUT(_type="checkbox",
# _id=_id,
# _onchange=_onchange,
# value=_value,
# ),
# "%s" % _name,
# _nowrap="nowrap",
# ),
# _class="menu-toggle",
# )
# =============================================================================
#class S3OptionsMenuLayout(S3NavigationItem):
# """ Controller Options Menu Layout """
# @staticmethod
# def layout(item):
# """ Custom Layout Method """
# # Manage flags: hide any disabled/unauthorized items
# if not item.authorized:
# enabled = False
# visible = False
# elif item.enabled is None or item.enabled:
# enabled = True
# visible = True
# if enabled and visible:
# if item.parent is not None:
# if item.enabled and item.authorized:
# if item.components:
# # Submenu
# _class = ""
# if item.parent.parent is None and item.selected:
# _class = "active"
# section = [LI(A(item.label,
# _href=item.url(),
# _id=item.attr._id,
# ),
# _class="heading %s" % _class,
# ),
# ]
# items = item.render_components()
# if items:
# section.append(UL(items))
# return section
# else:
# # Submenu item
# if item.parent.parent is None:
# _class = "heading"
# else:
# _class = ""
# return LI(A(item.label,
# _href=item.url(),
# _id=item.attr._id,
# ),
# _class=_class,
# )
# else:
# # Main menu
# items = item.render_components()
# return DIV(NAV(UL(items, _id="main-sub-menu", _class="side-nav")), _class="sidebar")
# else:
# return None
# =============================================================================
#class S3MenuSeparatorLayout(S3NavigationItem):
# """ Simple menu separator """
# @staticmethod
# def layout(item):
# """ Custom Layout Method """
# if item.parent is not None:
# return LI(_class="divider hide-for-small")
# else:
# return None
# END =========================================================================