# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from collections import OrderedDict from gluon import current from gluon.storage import Storage def config(settings): T = current.T # Pre-Populate # http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/DeveloperGuidelines/PrePopulate # Configure/disable pre-population of the database. # To pre-populate the database On 1st run should specify directory(s) in # /modules/templates/ # eg: # ["default"] (1 is a shortcut for this) # ["default", "default/users"] # Unless doing a manual DB migration, where prepopulate = 0 # In Production, prepopulate = 0 (to save 1x DAL hit every page) settings.base.prepopulate.append("Spotter") # Uncomment this to prefer scalability-optimized strategies globally #settings.base.bigtable = True # Theme (folder to use for views/layout.html) #settings.base.theme = "default" # Enable Guided Tours #settings.base.guided_tour = True # Authentication settings # These settings should be changed _after_ the 1st (admin) user is # registered in order to secure the deployment # Should users be allowed to register themselves? #settings.security.self_registration = False # Do new users need to verify their email address? #settings.auth.registration_requires_verification = True # Do new users need to be approved by an administrator prior to being able to login? #settings.auth.registration_requires_approval = True # Disable welcome-emails to newly registered users #settings.auth.registration_welcome_email = False # Allow a new user to be linked to a record (and a new record will be created if it doesn't already exist) settings.auth.registration_link_user_to = {"staff":T("Staff"), "volunteer":T("Volunteer"), "member":T("Member")} # Always notify the approver of a new (verified) user, even if the user is automatically approved #settings.auth.always_notify_approver = False # The name of the teams that users are added to when they opt-in to receive alerts #settings.auth.opt_in_team_list = ["Updates"] # Uncomment this to set the opt in default to True #settings.auth.opt_in_default = True # Uncomment this to request the Home Phone when a user registers settings.auth.registration_requests_home_phone = True # Uncomment this to request the Mobile Phone when a user registers settings.auth.registration_requests_mobile_phone = True # Uncomment this to have the Mobile Phone selection during registration be mandatory #settings.auth.registration_mobile_phone_mandatory = True # Uncomment this to request the Organisation when a user registers settings.auth.registration_requests_organisation = True # Uncomment this to have the Organisation selection during registration be mandatory settings.auth.registration_organisation_required = True # Uncomment this to hide the Create-Organisation link in registration forms #settings.auth.registration_organisation_link_create = False # Uncomment this to have the Organisation input hidden unless the user enters a non-whitelisted domain #settings.auth.registration_organisation_hidden = True # Uncomment this to default the Organisation during registration settings.auth.registration_organisation_default = "My Organisation" # Uncomment this to request the Organisation Group when a user registers #settings.auth.registration_requests_organisation_group = True # Uncomment this to have the Organisation Group selection during registration be mandatory #settings.auth.registration_organisation_group_required = True # Uncomment this to request the Site when a user registers #settings.auth.registration_requests_site = True # Uncomment this to allow Admin to see Organisations in User Admin even if the Registration doesn't request this #settings.auth.admin_sees_organisation = True # Uncomment to set the default role UUIDs assigned to newly-registered users # This is a dictionary of lists, where the key is the realm that the list of roles applies to # The key 0 implies not realm restricted # The keys "organisation_id" and "site_id" can be used to indicate the user's "organisation_id" and "site_id" #settings.auth.registration_roles = { 0: ["STAFF", "PROJECT_EDIT"]} # Whether the first user to register for an Org should get the ORG_ADMIN role for that Org settings.auth.org_admin_to_first = True # Define which entity types to use as realm entities in role manager settings.auth.realm_entity_types = ("org_organisation",) # Uncomment to activate entity role manager tabs for OrgAdmins settings.auth.entity_role_manager = True # Define modules for entity role manager #settings.auth.role_modules = OrderedDict([]) # Define access levels for entity role manager #settings.auth.access_levels = OrderedDict([]) # Uncomment this to enable record approval settings.auth.record_approval = True # Uncomment this and specify a list of tablenames for which record approval is required settings.auth.record_approval_required_for = ("cap_alert",) settings.auth.record_approval_manual = ("cap_alert",) # Uncomment this to request an image when users register #settings.auth.registration_requests_image = True # Uncomment this to direct newly-registered users to their volunteer page to be able to add extra details # NB This requires Verification/Approval to be Off # @ToDo: Extend to all optional Profile settings: Homepage, Twitter, Facebook, Mobile Phone, Image #settings.auth.registration_volunteer = True # Terms of Service to be able to Register on the system # https://termsfeed.com/terms-conditions/generator/ # uses <template>/views/tos.html settings.auth.terms_of_service = True # Enable options for tracking user consent settings.auth.consent_tracking = True # Uncomment this to allow users to Login using Gmail's SMTP #settings.auth.gmail_domains = ["gmail.com"] # Uncomment this to allow users to Login using Office365's SMTP #settings.auth.office365_domains = ["microsoft.com"] # Uncomment this to allow users to Login using OpenID #settings.auth.openid = True # Uncomment this to allow users to login using master key #settings.auth.masterkey = True # Uncomment this to block password changes since managed externally (OpenID / SMTP / LDAP) #settings.auth.password_changes = False # Uncomment this to disable password retrieval (e.g. if impractical or unsafe) #settings.auth.password_retrieval = False # Uncomment this to enable presence records on login based on HTML5 geolocations #settings.auth.set_presence_on_login = True # Uncomment this and specify a list of location levels to be ignored by presence records #settings.auth.ignore_levels_for_presence = ("L0", "L1", "L2", "L3") # Uncomment this to enable the creation of new locations if a user logs in from an unknown location. Warning: This may lead to many useless location entries #settings.auth.create_unknown_locations = True # L10n settings # Languages used in the deployment (used for Language Toolbar, GIS Locations, etc) # http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php languages = OrderedDict([ ("cs", "Czech"), ("en-US", "English"), ]) settings.L10n.languages = languages settings.cap.languages = languages # Default language for Language Toolbar (& GIS Locations in future) settings.L10n.default_language = "cs" # Uncomment to Hide the language toolbar #settings.L10n.display_toolbar = False # Default timezone for users settings.L10n.timezone = "Europe/Prague" # Uncomment these to use US-style dates in English #settings.L10n.date_format = "%m-%d-%Y" #settings.L10n.time_format = "%H:%M:%S" # Start week on Sunday #settings.L10n.firstDOW = 0 # Number formats (defaults to ISO 31-0) # Decimal separator for numbers (defaults to ,) #settings.L10n.decimal_separator = "." # Thousands separator for numbers (defaults to space) #settings.L10n.thousands_separator = "," # Default Country Code for telephone numbers settings.L10n.default_country_code = 420 # Make last name in person/user records mandatory settings.L10n.mandatory_lastname = True # Configure the list of Religions settings.L10n.religions = {"none": T("none"), "christian": T("Christian"), "muslim": T("Muslim"), "jewish": T("Jewish"), "buddhist": T("Buddhist"), "hindu": T("Hindu"), "bahai": T("Bahai"), "other": T("other") } # Uncomment this to Translate CMS Series Names #settings.L10n.translate_cms_series = True # Uncomment this to Translate Layer Names settings.L10n.translate_gis_layer = True # Uncomment this to Translate Location Names settings.L10n.translate_gis_location = True # Uncomment this for Alternate Location Names #settings.L10n.name_alt_gis_location = True # Uncomment this to Translate Organisation Names/Acronyms #settings.L10n.translate_org_organisation = True # Uncomment this to Translate Site Names #settings.L10n.translate_org_site = True # PDF font settings.L10n.pdf_export_font = ['Helvetica', 'Helvetica-Bold'] # Finance settings settings.fin.currencies = { "BTC" : "BitCoin", "CZK" : "Czech Koruna", "EUR" : "Euros", "GBP" : "Great British Pounds", "USD" : "United States Dollars", } settings.fin.currency_default = "CZK" #settings.fin.currency_writable = False # False currently breaks things # PDF settings # Default page size (defaults to A4) #settings.base.pdf_size = "Letter" # Default page orientation (defaults to "Auto" to auto-adapt for wide tables) #settings.base.pdf_orientation = "Landscape" # Location of Logo used in pdfs headers #settings.ui.pdf_logo = "static/img/mylogo.png" # Maximum number of records in PDF exports (None for unlimited) #settings.base.pdf_max_rows = 1000 #Uncomment to add a title row to XLS exports #settings.base.xls_title_row = True # GIS (Map) settings # Size of the Embedded Map # Change this if-required for your theme # NB API can override this in specific modules #settings.gis.map_height = 600 #settings.gis.map_width = 1000 # Restrict the Location Selector to just certain countries # NB This can also be over-ridden for specific contexts later # e.g. Activities filtered to those of parent Project #settings.gis.countries = ("US",) # Uncomment to pass Addresses imported from CSV to a Geocoder to try and automate Lat/Lon settings.gis.geocode_imported_addresses = "google" # Hide the Map-based selection tool in the Location Selector #settings.gis.map_selector = False # Show LatLon boxes in the Location Selector settings.gis.latlon_selector = True # Use Building Names as a separate field in Street Addresses? #settings.gis.building_name = False # Use a non-default fillColor for Clustered points #settings.gis.cluster_fill = "8087ff" # Disable the label for clustered points #settings.gis.cluster_label = False # Use a non-default strokeColor for Clustered points #settings.gis.cluster_stroke = "2b2f76" # Use a non-default fillColor for Selected points #settings.gis.select_fill = "ffdc33" # Use a non-default strokeColor for Selected points #settings.gis.select_stroke = "ff9933" # Display Resources recorded to Admin-Level Locations on the map # @ToDo: Move into gis_config? # Uncomment to fall back to country LatLon to show resources, if nothing better available #settings.gis.display_L0 = True # Currently unused #settings.gis.display_L1 = False # Uncomment this to do deduplicate lookups on Imports via PCode (as alternative to Name) #settings.gis.lookup_code = "PCode" # Set this if there will be multiple areas in which work is being done, # and a menu to select among them is wanted. #settings.gis.menu = "Maps" # Maximum Marker Size # (takes effect only on display) #settings.gis.marker_max_height = 35 #settings.gis.marker_max_width = 30 # Duplicate Features so that they show wrapped across the Date Line? # Points only for now # lon<0 have a duplicate at lon+360 # lon>0 have a duplicate at lon-360 #settings.gis.duplicate_features = True # Uncomment to use CMS to provide Metadata on Map Layers #settings.gis.layer_metadata = True # Uncomment to show Clear Layers tool settings.gis.clear_layers = True # Uncomment to hide the Geolocation control #settings.gis.geolocate_control = False # Uncomment to hide the WMS GetFeatureInfo control #settings.gis.getfeature_control = False # Uncomment to hide Layer Properties tool #settings.gis.layer_properties = False # Uncomment to hide the Base Layers folder in the LayerTree #settings.gis.layer_tree_base = False # Uncomment to hide the Overlays folder in the LayerTree #settings.gis.layer_tree_overlays = False # Uncomment to change the label of the Overlays folder in the LayerTree #settings.gis.label_overlays = "Overlays" # Uncomment to not expand the folders in the LayerTree by default #settings.gis.layer_tree_expanded = False # Uncomment to have custom folders in the LayerTree use Radio Buttons #settings.gis.layer_tree_radio = True # Uncomment to display the Map Legend as a floating DIV settings.gis.legend = "float" # Uncomment to use scalability-optimized options lookups in location filters #settings.gis.location_filter_bigtable_lookups = True # Uncomment to prevent showing LatLon in Location Represents #settings.gis.location_represent_address_only = True # Mouse Position: 'normal', 'mgrs' or None #settings.gis.mouse_position = "mgrs" # Uncomment to show the Navigation controls on the toolbar settings.gis.nav_controls = True # Uncomment to hide the Overview map #settings.gis.overview = False # Uncomment to hide the permalink control #settings.gis.permalink = False # Resources which can be directly added to the main map #settings.gis.poi_create_resources = None settings.gis.poi_create_resources = [{"c":"event", "f":"incident_report", "table": "gis_poi", "label": T("Add Incident Report") ,"tooltip": T("Add Incident Report"), "layer":"Incident Reports", "location": "popup"}] # PoIs to export in KML/OSM feeds from Admin locations #settings.gis.poi_export_resources = ["cr_shelter", "hms_hospital", "org_office"] # Uncomment to show the Print control: # http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/UserGuidelines/Admin/MapPrinting #settings.gis.print_button = True # Uncomment to save a screenshot whenever a saved map is saved #settings.gis.config_screenshot = (820, 410) # Uncomment to hide the Save control, or set to "float" #settings.gis.save = False # Uncomment to hide the ScaleLine control #settings.gis.scaleline = False # Uncomment to hide the GeoNames search box #settings.gis.search_geonames = False # Uncomment to modify the Simplify Tolerance settings.gis.simplify_tolerance = 0 # Uncomment this for highly-zoomed maps showing buildings #settings.gis.precision = 5 # Uncomment to Hide the Toolbar from the main Map #settings.gis.toolbar = False # Uncomment to show Catalogue Layers in Map Widgets (e.g. Profile & Summary pages) #settings.gis.widget_catalogue_layers = True # Uncomment to show WMS Browser in Map Widgets (e.g. Profile & Summary pages) # - NB This also requires the active gis_config to have one configured #settings.gis.widget_wms_browser = True # Uncomment to hide the Zoom control #settings.gis.zoomcontrol = False # Uncomment to open Location represent links in a Popup Window #settings.gis.popup_location_link = True # Uncomment to include WKT in XML exports #settings.gis.xml_wkt = True # GeoNames username settings.gis.geonames_username = "trendspotter" # Messaging Settings # If you wish to use a parser.py in another folder than "default" #settings.msg.parser = "mytemplatefolder" # Uncomment to turn off enforcement of E.123 international phone number notation #settings.msg.require_international_phone_numbers = False # Uncomment to make basestation codes unique #settings.msg.basestation_code_unique = True # Use 'soft' deletes #settings.security.archive_not_delete = False # AAA Settings # Security Policy # http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/S3AAA#System-widePolicy # 1: Simple (default): Global as Reader, Authenticated as Editor # 2: Editor role required for Update/Delete, unless record owned by session # 3: Apply Controller ACLs # 4: Apply both Controller & Function ACLs # 5: Apply Controller, Function & Table ACLs # 6: Apply Controller, Function, Table ACLs and Entity Realm # 7: Apply Controller, Function, Table ACLs and Entity Realm + Hierarchy # 8: Apply Controller, Function, Table ACLs, Entity Realm + Hierarchy and Delegations # settings.security.policy = 7 # Organisation-ACLs # Ownership-rule for records without owner: # True = not owned by any user (strict ownership, default) # False = owned by any authenticated user #settings.security.strict_ownership = False # Audit # - can be a callable for custom hooks (return True to also perform normal logging, or False otherwise) # NB Auditing (especially Reads) slows system down & consumes diskspace #settings.security.audit_read = True #settings.security.audit_write = True # Lock-down access to Map Editing #settings.security.map = True # Allow non-MapAdmins to edit hierarchy locations? Defaults to True if not set. # (Permissions can be set per-country within a gis_config) #settings.gis.edit_Lx = False # Allow non-MapAdmins to edit group locations? Defaults to False if not set. #settings.gis.edit_GR = True # Note that editing of locations used as regions for the Regions menu is always # restricted to MapAdmins. # Uncomment to disable that LatLons are within boundaries of their parent #settings.gis.check_within_parent_boundaries = False # Uncomment to Disable the Postcode selector in the LocationSelector #settings.gis.postcode_selector = False # Increase these if having scalability issues or slow connections #settings.ui.autocomplete_delay = 800 #settings.ui.autocomplete_min_chars = 2 #settings.ui.filter_auto_submit = 800 #settings.ui.report_auto_submit = 800 # Enable this for a UN-style deployment #settings.ui.cluster = True # Enable this to use the label 'Camp' instead of 'Shelter' #settings.ui.camp = True # Enable this to have Open links in IFrames open a full page in a new tab settings.ui.iframe_opens_full = True # Enable this to change the label for 'Attachments' tabs #settings.ui.label_attachments = "Attachments" # Uncomment to configure the LocationSelector labels for the Map button with Points #settings.label_locationselector_map_point_add = "Find on Map" #settings.label_locationselector_map_point_view = "Find on Map" # Enable this to change the label for 'Mobile Phone' #settings.ui.label_mobile_phone = "Cell Phone" # Enable this to change the label for 'Postcode' #settings.ui.label_postcode = "ZIP Code" # Enable Social Media share buttons #settings.ui.social_buttons = True # Enable this to show pivot table options form by default #settings.ui.hide_report_options = False # Uncomment to show created_by/modified_by using Names not Emails settings.ui.auth_user_represent = "name" # Uncomment to control the dataTables layout: https://datatables.net/reference/option/dom # Default: #settings.ui.datatables_dom = "fril<'dataTable_table't>pi" # dataTables.Foundation.js would set to this: #settings.ui.datatables_dom = "<'row'<'large-6 columns'l><'large-6 columns'f>r>t<'row'<'large-6 columns'i><'large-6 columns'p>>" # Move the export_formats after the pagination control #settings.ui.datatables_initComplete = '''$('.dataTables_paginate').after($('.dt-export-options'))''' # Uncomment for dataTables to use a different paging style: #settings.ui.datatables_pagingType = "bootstrap" # Uncomment to restrict the export formats available #settings.ui.export_formats = ("kml", "pdf", "rss", "xls", "xml") # Uncomment to change the label/class of FilterForm clear buttons #settings.ui.filter_clear = "Clear" # Uncomment to include an Interim Save button on CRUD forms settings.ui.interim_save = True # Uncomment to enable icons on action buttons (requires corresponding CSS) settings.ui.use_button_icons = True # Uncomment to use S3MultiSelectWidget on all dropdowns (currently the Auth Registration page & LocationSelectorWidget2 listen to this) #settings.ui.multiselect_widget = True # Theme for the S3HierarchyWidget #settings.ui.hierarchy_theme = dict(css = "../themes/MYTHEME", # icons = True, # stripes = False, # ) # Uncomment to show a default cancel button in standalone create/update forms settings.ui.default_cancel_button = True # Uncomment to disable responsive behavior of datatables #settings.ui.datatables_responsive = False # Uncomment to enable double scroll bars on non-responsive datatables #settings.ui.datatables_double_scroll = True # Uncomment to modify the label of the Permalink #settings.ui.label_permalink = "Permalink" # Uncomment to modify the main menu logo #settings.ui.menu_logo = URL(c="static", f="img", args=["S3menulogo.png"]) # Configure business hours to indicate in organizer (can be a list) #settings.ui.organizer_business_hours = {"dow": [1,2,3,4,5], "start": "08:00", "end": "18:00"} # Configure a time format for organizer events to override locale default #settings.ui.organizer_time_format = "H:mm" # Configure the snap raster width in organizer (hh:mm:ss) #settings.ui.organizer_snap_duration = "00:15:00" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sync # Uncomment if this deployment exposes public data sets settings.sync.data_repository = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Asset # Uncomment to have a specific asset type for Telephones settings.asset.telephones = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Beneficiary Registry # --- Terminology --- # Terminology to use when referring to cases (Beneficiary|Client|Case) #settings.br.case_terminology = "Beneficiary" # Terminology to use when referring to measures of assistance (Counseling|Assistance) #settings.br.assistance_terminology = "Counseling" # --- Need Categories --- # Use hierarchical need categories #settings.br.needs_hierarchical = True # Let all orgs use a common set of need categories #settings.br.needs_org_specific = False # --- Basic Case Options --- # Show the case organisation even if only one option #settings.br.case_hide_default_org = False # Disable assignment of cases to staff #settings.br.case_manager = False # Expose fields to track home address in case file #settings.br.case_address = True # Disable documentation of language details in case file #settings.br.case_language_details = False # Control household size tracking in case files: False, True or "auto" (=default) #settings.br.household_size = "auto" # Layout class for beneficiary ID cards #settings.br.id_card_layout = IDCardLayout # User roles with permission to export beneficiary ID cards #settings.br.id_card_export_roles = ["ORG_ADMIN", "CASE_MANAGEMENT"] # --- Case File Tabs --- # Hide the contact info tab in case files #settings.br.case_contacts_tab = False # Show the ID-tab in case files #settings.br.case_id_tab = True # Hide the family members tab in case files #settings.br.case_family_tab = False # Enable case file tab to track service contacts #settings.br.service_contacts = True # Show tab with notes journal #settings.br.case_notes_tab = True # Show the photos-tab in case files #settings.br.case_photos_tab = True # Hide the documents-tab in case files #settings.br.case_documents_tab = False # --- Attachments --- # Hide activity attachments from case documents-tab #settings.br.case_include_activity_docs = False # Hide case group attachments from case documents-tab #settings.br.case_include_group_docs = False # --- Case Activities --- # Disable tracking of case activities #settings.br.case_activities = False # Disable assignment of case activities to staff #settings.br.case_activity_manager = False # Expose "urgent" priority for case activities (=emergencies) #settings.br.case_activity_urgent_option = True # Disable need categories in case activities #settings.br.case_activity_need = False # Use a free-text subject line in case activities #settings.br.case_activity_subject = True # Use a free-text field to document need details in case activities #settings.br.case_activity_need_details = True # Disable status and end-date for case activities #settings.br.case_activity_status = False # Show end-date of case activites (True=show, "writable"=allow manual edit) #settings.br.case_activity_end_date = True # Enable inline-updates of case activities #settings.br.case_activity_updates = True # Disable fields for outcome documentation #settings.br.case_activity_outcome = False # Allow documents to be attached to case activities #settings.br.case_activity_documents = True # --- Assistance Measures --- # Disable tracking of individual assistance measures #settings.br.manage_assistance = False # Use separate tab to track assistance measures #settings.br.assistance_tab = True # Hide inline assistance measures on case activity tab #settings.br.assistance_inline = False # Document date+time (rather than only date) for assistance measures #settings.br.assistance_measures_use_time = True # Set default status of assistance measures to closed #settings.br.assistance_measure_default_closed = True # Disable assignment of assistance measures to staff #settings.br.assistance_manager = False # Disable types of assistance (e.g. if there is only one type) #settings.br.assistance_types = False # --- Assistance Themes --- # Enable assistance themes #settings.br.assistance_themes = True # Use a common set of assistance themes rather than org-specific #settings.br.assistance_themes_org_specific = False # Organize assistance themes by org sector #settings.br.assistance_themes_sectors = True # Organize assistance themes by need type #settings.br.assistance_themes_needs = True # Document assistance details per theme #settings.br.assistance_details_per_theme = True # Enable auto-linking of assistance measure details to case activities #settings.br.assistance_activity_autolink = True # Disable tracking of effort (=hours spent) for assistance measures #settings.br.assistance_track_effort = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CMS # Uncomment this to hide CMS from module index pages #settings.cms.hide_index = True # Uncomment to use Bookmarks in Newsfeed #settings.cms.bookmarks = True # Uncomment to use have Filter form in Newsfeed be open by default #settings.cms.filter_open = True # Uncomment to adjust filters in Newsfeed when clicking on locations instead of opening the profile page #settings.cms.location_click_filters = True # Uncomment to use Rich Text editor in Newsfeed settings.cms.richtext = True # Uncomment to show Events in Newsfeed settings.cms.show_events = True # Uncomment to hide Attachments in Newsfeed #settings.cms.show_attachments = False # Uncomment to show Links in Newsfeed settings.cms.show_links = True # Uncomment to show Tags in Newsfeed settings.cms.show_tags = True # Uncomment to show post Titles in Newsfeed #settings.cms.show_titles = True # Uncomment to use organisation_id instead of created_by in Newsfeed #settings.cms.organisation = "post_organisation.organisation_id" # Uncomment to use org_group_id in Newsfeed #settings.cms.organisation_group = "created_by$org_group_id" #settings.cms.organisation_group = "post_organisation_group.group_id" # Uncomment to use person_id instead of created_by in Newsfeed #settings.cms.person = "person_id" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shelters # Uncomment to use a dynamic population estimation by calculations based on registrations #settings.cr.shelter_population_dynamic = True # Uncomment to disable people registration in shelters #settings.cr.people_registration = False # Uncomment to use Tags for Shelters settings.cr.tags = True # Uncomment to generate tasks from shelter inspections (requires project module) #settings.cr.shelter_inspection_tasks = True # Configure active statuses for shelter inspection tasks (subset of project.task_status_opts) #settings.cr.shelter_inspection_task_active_statuses = (2, 3, 6) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disaster Victim Registry / Case Management # Uncomment to use the term Beneficiary instead of Case #settings.dvr.label = "Beneficiary" # Uncomment this to enable tracking of transfer origin/destination sites #settings.dvr.track_transfer_sites = True # Uncomment this to enable features to manage transferability of cases #settings.dvr.manage_transferability = True # Uncomment this to enable household size in cases, set to "auto" for automatic counting #settings.dvr.household_size = True # Uncomment this to expose flags to mark appointment types as mandatory #settings.dvr.mandatory_appointments = True # Uncomment this to have appointments with personal presence update last_seen_on #settings.dvr.appointments_update_last_seen_on = True # Uncomment this to automatically update the case status when appointments are completed #settings.dvr.appointments_update_case_status = True # Uncomment this to automatically close appointments when registering certain case events #settings.dvr.case_events_close_appointments = True # Uncomment this to have allowance payments update last_seen_on #settings.dvr.payments_update_last_seen_on = True # Uncomment this to use service types for group/case activites #settings.dvr.activity_use_service_type = True # Uncomment this to use sectors in group/case activities #settings.dvr.activity_sectors = True # Uncomment this to use case activity types #settings.dvr.activity_types = True # Uncomment this to use hierarchical case activity types #settings.dvr.activity_types_hierarchical = True # Uncomment this to use status field in case activities #settings.dvr.case_activity_use_status = True # Uncomment this to disable follow-up fields in case activities #settings.dvr.case_activity_follow_up = False # Uncomment this to include case activity docs on beneficiary documents-tab #settings.dvr.case_include_activity_docs = True # Uncomment this to include case group docs on beneficiary documents-tab #settings.dvr.case_include_group_docs = True # Uncomment this if Case activities use multiple Needs #settings.dvr.case_activity_needs_multiple = True # Uncomment this to use service types for needs #settings.dvr_needs_use_service_type = True # Uncomment this to use hierarchical need types #settings.dvr.needs_hierarchical = True # Uncomment this to use hierarchical vulnerability types #settings.dvr.vulnerability_types_hierarchical = True # Uncomment this to manage individual response actions in case activities #settings.dvr.manage_response_actions = True # Uncomment this to not use response action types #settings.dvr.response_types = False # Uncomment this to use response themes #settings.dvr.response_themes = True # Uncomment this to not use org-specific response themes #settings.dvr.response_themes_org_specific = False # Uncomment this to link response themes to org sectors #settings.dvr.response_themes_sectors = True # Uncomment this to link response themes to needs #settings.dvr.response_themes_needs = True # Uncomment this to automatically link responses to case activities #settings.dvr.response_activity_autolink = True # Uncomment this to activate features for response planning #settings.dvr.response_planning = True # Uncomment this to use a separate due-date for responses #settings.dvr.response_due_date = True # Uncomment this to use date+time for responses (instead of just date) #settings.dvr.response_use_time = True # Configure a regular expression pattern for ID Codes (QR Codes) #settings.dvr.id_code_pattern = "(?P<label>[^,]*),(?P<first_name>[^,]*),(?P<last_name>[^,]*),(?P<date_of_birth>[^,]*)" # Uncomment this to show a warning during event registration if the person is not currently checked-in #settings.dvr.event_registration_checkin_warning = True # Uncomment this to show profile pictures in event registration UI only on demand #settings.dvr.event_registration_show_picture = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Events # Uncomment to use the term Disaster instead of Event #settings.event.label = "Disaster" # Uncomment to not use Incidents under Events #settings.event.incident = False # Uncomment to preserve linked Incidents when an Event is deleted # NB Changing this setting requires a DB migration #settings.event.cascade_delete_incidents = False # Make Event Types Hierarchical settings.event.types_hierarchical = True # Make Incident Types Hierarchical settings.event.incident_types_hierarchical = True # Uncomment to allow the use of Exercise Events settings.event.exercise = True # Show tab for Event Dispatch #settings.event.dispatch_tab = False # Hide tab for Event Impacts #settings.event.impact_tab = False # Hide tab for Event Collection Targets #settings.event.target_tab = False # Hide tab for Event Collections #settings.event.collection_tab = False # Hide tab for Incident Dispatch #settings.event.incident_dispatch_tab = False # Show tab for Incident Impacts settings.event.incident_impact_tab = True # Show tab for Incident Teams settings.event.incident_teams_tab = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Members # Hide Membership Types #settings.member.membership_types = False # Show a CV tab for Members settings.member.cv_tab = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Persons # Uncomment to allow person imports to match even without email addresses settings.pr.import_update_requires_email = False # Uncomment this to enable support for third gender #settings.pr.hide_third_gender = False # Uncomment to a fuzzy search for duplicates in the new AddPersonWidget2 settings.pr.lookup_duplicates = True # Uncomment to hide fields in S3AddPersonWidget[2] #settings.pr.request_dob = False #settings.pr.request_email = False #settings.pr.request_gender = False # Uncomment to show field in S3AddPersonWidget #settings.pr.request_home_phone = True # Uncomment to modify the order of Names settings.pr.name_format = "%(first_name)s %(middle_name)s %(last_name)s" # Uncomment to prevent selecting existing users in the old S3AddPersonWidget settings.pr.select_existing = False # Uncomment to prevent showing HR details in S3PersonAutocompleteWidget results #settings.pr.search_shows_hr_details = False # Uncomment to hide Emergency Contacts in Person Contacts page #settings.pr.show_emergency_contacts = False # Uncomment to hide the Address tab in person details #settings.pr.use_address = False # Show separate Public and Private Contacts Tabs settings.pr.contacts_tabs = ("public", "private") # Uncomment this to allow persons to belong to multiple case groups ("households") #settings.pr.multiple_case_groups = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Organisations # Uncomment to use an Autocomplete for Organisation lookup fields #settings.org.autocomplete = True # Enable the Organisation Sector field settings.org.sector = True # But hide it from the rheader #settings.org.sector_rheader = False # Enable the use of Organisation Branches settings.org.branches = True # Show branches as tree rather than as table #settings.org.branches_tree_view = True # Make Facility Types Hierarchical settings.org.facility_types_hierarchical = True # Enable the use of Organisation Groups & what their name is #settings.org.groups = "Coalition" #settings.org.groups = "Network" # Organisation Location context settings.org.organisation_location_context = "organisation_location.location_id" # Make Organisation Types Hierarchical settings.org.organisation_types_hierarchical = True # Make Organisation Types Multiple settings.org.organisation_types_multiple = True # Show Organisation Types in the rheader settings.org.organisation_type_rheader = True # Enable the use of Organisation Regions settings.org.regions = True # Make Organisation Regions Hierarchical settings.org.regions_hierarchical = True # Enable the use of Organisation Region Countries settings.org.region_countries = True # Uncomment to show a Tab for Organisation Resources settings.org.resources_tab = True # Make Services Hierarchical settings.org.services_hierarchical = True # Set the length of the auto-generated org/site code the default is 10 #settings.org.site_code_len = 10 # Set the label for Sites settings.org.site_label = "Facility" # Uncomment to show the date when a Site (Facilities-only for now) was last contacted settings.org.site_last_contacted = True # Uncomment to use an Autocomplete for Site lookup fields #settings.org.site_autocomplete = True # Extra fields to search in Autocompletes & display in Representations #settings.org.site_autocomplete_fields = ("instance_type", "location_id$L1", "location_id$addr_street", "organisation_id$name") # Uncomment to hide inv & req tabs from Sites #settings.org.site_inv_req_tabs = False # Uncomment to allow Sites to be staffed by Volunteers settings.org.site_volunteers = True # Enable certain fields just for specific Organisations # Requires a call to settings.set_org_dependent_field(field) # empty list => disabled for all (including Admin) #settings.org.dependent_fields = \ # {#"<table name>.<field name>" : ["<Organisation Name>"], # "pr_person_details.mother_name" : [], # "pr_person_details.father_name" : [], # "pr_person_details.company" : [], # "pr_person_details.affiliations" : [], # "vol_volunteer.active" : [], # "vol_volunteer_cluster.vol_cluster_type_id" : [], # "vol_volunteer_cluster.vol_cluster_id" : [], # "vol_volunteer_cluster.vol_cluster_position_id" : [], # } # Uncomment to make Office codes unique #settings.org.office_code_unique = True # Uncomment to make Facility codes unique #settings.org.facility_code_unique = True # Uncomment to use Tags for Organisations, Offices & Facilities settings.org.tags = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Human Resource Management # Uncomment to change the label for 'Staff' #settings.hrm.staff_label = "Contacts" # Uncomment to allow Staff & Volunteers to be registered without an email address #settings.hrm.email_required = False # Uncomment to allow Staff & Volunteers to be registered without an Organisation settings.hrm.org_required = False # Uncomment if their are only Staff & Volunteers from a single Organisation with no Branches #settings.hrm.multiple_orgs = False # Uncomment to disable the 'Send Message' action button #settings.hrm.compose_button = False # Uncomment to allow HR records to be deletable rather than just marking them as obsolete settings.hrm.deletable = True # Uncomment to hide Job Titles #settings.hrm.use_job_titles = False # Uncomment to allow HRs to have multiple Job Titles settings.hrm.multiple_job_titles = True # Uncomment to have each root Org use a different Job Title Catalog settings.hrm.org_dependent_job_titles = True # Uncomment to display & search by National ID #settings.hrm.use_national_id = True # Uncomment to hide the Staff resource #settings.hrm.show_staff = False # Uncomment to have Staff use their Home Address as fallback if they have no Site defined settings.hrm.location_staff = ("site_id", "person_id") # Uncomment to have Volunteers use their Site Address as fallback if they have no Home Address defined settings.hrm.location_vol = ("person_id", "site_id") # Uncomment this to allow multiple site contacts per site (e.g. if needing a separate contact per sector) settings.hrm.site_contact_unique = False # Uncomment to allow hierarchical categories of Skills, which each need their own set of competency levels. settings.hrm.skill_types = True # Uncomment to disable Staff experience #settings.hrm.staff_experience = False # Uncomment to enable Volunteer 'active' field # - can also be made a function which is called to calculate the status based on recorded hours # Custom label for Organisations in HR module settings.hrm.organisation_label = "Organization / Branch" # Custom label for Top-level Organisations in HR module settings.hrm.root_organisation_label = "Organization" settings.hrm.vol_active = True # Uncomment to define a Tooltip to show when viewing the Volunteer 'active' field settings.hrm.vol_active_tooltip = "A volunteer is defined as active if they've participated in an average of 8 or more hours of Program work or Trainings per month in the last year" # Uncomment to disable Volunteer experience #settings.hrm.vol_experience = False # Uncomment to show the Organisation name in HR represents settings.hrm.show_organisation = True # Uncomment to consolidate tabs into a single CV #settings.hrm.cv_tab = True # Uncomment to consolidate tabs into Staff Record (set to False to hide the tab) #settings.hrm.record_tab = "record" # Uncomment to disable the use of Volunteer Awards #settings.hrm.use_awards = False # Uncomment to disable the use of HR Certificates #settings.hrm.use_certificates = False # Uncomment to filter certificates by (root) Organisation & hence not allow Certificates from other orgs to be added to a profile (except by Admin) #settings.hrm.filter_certificates = True # Uncomment to auto-create certificates for courses #settings.hrm.create_certificates_from_courses = True # Uncomment to enable the use of Staff/Volunteer IDs settings.hrm.use_code = True # Uncomment to disable the use of HR Credentials #settings.hrm.use_credentials = False # Uncomment to disable the use of HR Description #settings.hrm.use_description = None # Uncomment to enable the use of HR Education #settings.hrm.use_education = True # Uncomment to disable the use of HR ID Tab #settings.hrm.use_id = False # Uncomment to disable the use of HR Address Tab #settings.hrm.use_address = False # Uncomment to disable the use of HR Skills #settings.hrm.use_skills = False # Uncomment to enable tracking of staff salaries #settings.hrm.salary = True # Uncomment to disable the use of HR Teams #settings.hrm.teams = False # Uncomment to disable the use of HR Trainings #settings.hrm.use_trainings = False # Uncomment this to configure tracking of internal/external training instructors #settings.hrm.training_instructors = "external" # Uncomment this to modify the training filter to be AND not OR #settings.hrm.training_filter_and = True # Uncomment this to have Pass marks defined by Course settings.hrm.course_pass_marks = True # Uncomment to use activity types in experience record, specify as {"code":"label", ...} #settings.hrm.activity_types = {"rdrt": "RDRT Mission"} # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Inventory Management #settings.inv.collapse_tabs = False # Uncomment to customise the label for Facilities in Inventory Management #settings.inv.facility_label = "Facility" # Uncomment if you need a simpler (but less accountable) process for managing stock levels #settings.inv.direct_stock_edits = True # Uncomment to have Warehouse Types be Organisation-dependent settings.inv.org_dependent_warehouse_types = True # Uncomment to call Stock Adjustments, 'Stock Counts' settings.inv.stock_count = True # Use the term 'Order' instead of 'Shipment' settings.inv.shipment_name = "order" # Uncomment to validate for Unique Warehouse Codes #settings.inv.warehouse_code_unique = True # Uncomment to not track pack values #settings.inv.track_pack_values = False settings.inv.show_mode_of_transport = True settings.inv.send_show_org = False settings.inv.send_show_time_in = True settings.inv.send_form_name = "Tally Out Sheet" settings.inv.send_short_name = "TO" settings.inv.send_ref_field_name = "Tally Out Number" settings.inv.recv_form_name = "Acknowledgement Receipt for Donations Received Form" settings.inv.recv_shortname = "ARDR" # Types common to both Send and Receive settings.inv.shipment_types = { 0: T(""), 1: T("Other Warehouse"), 2: T("Donation"), 3: T("Foreign Donation"), 4: T("Local Purchases"), 5: T("Confiscated Goods from Bureau Of Customs") } #settings.inv.send_types = { # 21: T("Distribution") # } #settings.inv.send_type_default = 1 #settings.inv.recv_types = { # 32: T("Donation"), # 34: T("Purchase"), # } #settings.inv.item_status = { # 0: current.messages["NONE"], # 1: T("Dump"), # 2: T("Sale"), # 3: T("Reject"), # 4: T("Surplus") # } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Requests Management # Uncomment to disable Inline Forms in Requests module #settings.req.inline_forms = False # Label for Inventory Requests #settings.req.type_inv_label = "Donations" # Label for People Requests #settings.req.type_hrm_label = "Volunteers" # Label for Requester #settings.req.requester_label = "Site Contact" # Uncomment to disable Recurring Request #settings.req.recurring = False #settings.req.requester_optional = True # Uncomment if the User Account logging the Request is NOT normally the Requester #settings.req.requester_is_author = False # Filter Requester as being from the Site #settings.req.requester_from_site = True # Set the Requester as being an HR for the Site if no HR record yet & as Site contact if none yet exists #settings.req.requester_to_site = True #settings.req.date_writable = False # Allow the status for requests to be set manually, # rather than just automatically from commitments and shipments #settings.req.status_writable = False #settings.req.item_quantities_writable = True #settings.req.skill_quantities_writable = True #settings.req.show_quantity_transit = False #settings.req.multiple_req_items = False #settings.req.prompt_match = False #settings.req.items_ask_purpose = False # Uncomment to disable the Commit step in the workflow & simply move direct to Ship #settings.req.use_commit = False # Uncomment to have Donations include a 'Value' field settings.req.commit_value = True # Uncomment to allow Donations to be made without a matching Request #settings.req.commit_without_request = True # Uncomment to Commit Named People rather than simply Anonymous Skills #settings.req.commit_people = True # Uncomment if the User Account logging the Commitment is NOT normally the Committer #settings.req.comittter_is_author = False # Should Requests ask whether Security is required? #settings.req.ask_security = True # Should Requests ask whether Transportation is required? settings.req.ask_transport = True #settings.req.use_req_number = False #settings.req.generate_req_number = False #settings.req.req_form_name = "Request Issue Form" #settings.req.req_shortname = "RIS" # Restrict the type of requests that can be made, valid values in the # list are ("Stock", "People", "Other"). If this is commented out then # all types will be valid. #settings.req.req_type = ("Stock",) # Uncomment to enable Summary 'Site Needs' tab for Offices/Facilities settings.req.summary = True # Uncomment to restrict adding new commits to Completed commits #settings.req.req_restrict_on_complete = True # Custom Crud Strings for specific req_req types #settings.req.req_crud_strings = dict() #ADD_ITEM_REQUEST = T("Make a Request for Donations") # req_req Crud Strings for Item Request (type=1) #settings.req.req_crud_strings[1] = Storage( # label_create = ADD_ITEM_REQUEST, # title_display = T("Request for Donations Details"), # title_list = T("Requests for Donations"), # title_update = T("Edit Request for Donations"), # label_list_button = T("List Requests for Donations"), # label_delete_button = T("Delete Request for Donations"), # msg_record_created = T("Request for Donations Added"), # msg_record_modified = T("Request for Donations Updated"), # msg_record_deleted = T("Request for Donations Canceled"), # msg_list_empty = T("No Requests for Donations")) #ADD_PEOPLE_REQUEST = T("Make a Request for Volunteers") # req_req Crud Strings for People Request (type=3) #settings.req.req_crud_strings[3] = Storage( # label_create = ADD_PEOPLE_REQUEST, # title_display = T("Request for Volunteers Details"), # title_list = T("Requests for Volunteers"), # title_update = T("Edit Request for Volunteers"), # label_list_button = T("List Requests for Volunteers"), # label_delete_button = T("Delete Request for Volunteers"), # msg_record_created = T("Request for Volunteers Added"), # msg_record_modified = T("Request for Volunteers Updated"), # msg_record_deleted = T("Request for Volunteers Canceled"), # msg_list_empty = T("No Requests for Volunteers")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Supply # Name of the Default Item Catalog. Do not edit after deployment #settings.supply.catalog_default = "Default" # Disable the use of Multiple Item Catalogs #settings.supply.catalog_multi = False # Disable the use of Alternative Items #settings.supply.use_alt_name = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Projects # Uncomment this to use settings suitable for a global/regional organisation (e.g. DRR) settings.project.mode_3w = True # Uncomment this to use DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) extensions settings.project.mode_drr = True # Uncomment this to use settings suitable for detailed Task management settings.project.mode_task = True # Uncomment this to use link Projects to Events settings.project.event_projects = True # Uncomment this to use Activities for Projects & Tasks settings.project.activities = True # Uncomment this to use link Activities to Events settings.project.event_activities = True # Uncomment this to use Activity Types for Activities & Projects settings.project.activity_types = True # Uncomment this to filter dates in Activities #settings.project.activity_filter_year = True # Uncomment this to not use Beneficiaries for Activities #settings.project.get_project_activity_beneficiaries = False # Uncomment this to not use Item Catalog for Distributions #settings.project.activity_items = False # Uncomment this to use Codes for projects #settings.project.codes = True # Uncomment this to call project locations 'Communities' #settings.project.community = True # Uncomment this to enable Demographics in 3W projects settings.project.demographics = True # Uncomment this to enable Hazards in 3W projects settings.project.hazards = True # Uncomment this to enable Indicators in projects settings.project.indicators = True # Uncomment this to enable Goals in projects settings.project.goals = True settings.project.outcomes = True settings.project.outputs = True # Uncomment this to enable Milestones in projects settings.project.milestones = True # Uncomment this to use Projects for Activities & Tasks settings.project.projects = True # Uncomment this to disable Sectors in projects #settings.project.sectors = False # Uncomment this to enable Programmes in projects settings.project.programmes = True # Uncomment this to enable Budgets in Programmes settings.project.programme_budget = True # Uncomment this to enable Themes in 3W projects settings.project.themes = True # Uncomment this to use Theme Percentages for projects settings.project.theme_percentages = True # Uncomment this to use multiple Budgets per project settings.project.multiple_budgets = True # Uncomment this to use multiple Organisations per project settings.project.multiple_organisations = True # Uncomment this to customise # Links to Filtered Components for Donors & Partners #settings.project.organisation_roles = { # 1: T("Lead Implementer"), # T("Host National Society") # 2: T("Partner"), # T("Partner National Society") # 3: T("Donor"), # 4: T("Customer"), # T("Beneficiary")? # 5: T("Super"), # T("Beneficiary")? #} #settings.project.organisation_lead_role = 1 # Uncomment to customise the list of options for the Priority of a Task. # NB Be very cautious about doing this (see docstring in modules/s3cfg.py) #settings.project.task_priority_opts = # Uncomment to customise the list of options for the Status of a Task. # NB Be very cautious about doing this (see docstring in modules/s3cfg.py) #settings.project.task_status_opts = # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Incidents # Uncomment this to use vehicles when responding to Incident Reports #settings.irs.vehicle = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Transport # Uncomment to make Airport codes unique #settings.transport.airport_code_unique = True # Uncomment to make Seaport codes unique #settings.transport.seaport_code_unique = True # Uncomment to make Heliport codes unique #settings.transport.heliport_code_unique = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filter Manager #settings.search.filter_manager = False # if you want to have videos appearing in /default/video #settings.base.youtube_id = [dict(id = "introduction", # title = T("Introduction"), # video_id = "HR-FtR2XkBU"),] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mobile Forms # Configure mobile forms (example), see modules/s3cfg.py for details #settings.mobile.forms = [ # ("Beneficiaries", "pr_person", {"c": "dvr", "f": "person"}), #] # Disable mobile forms for dynamic tables: #settings.mobile.dynamic_tables = False # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # XForms # Configure xform resources (example) #settings.xforms.resources = [("Request", "req_req")] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Comment/uncomment modules here to disable/enable them # @ToDo: Have the system automatically enable migrate if a module is enabled # Modules menu is defined in modules/eden/menu.py settings.modules = OrderedDict([ # Core modules which shouldn't be disabled ("default", Storage( name_nice = T("Home"), restricted = False, # Use ACLs to control access to this module access = None, # All Users (inc Anonymous) can see this module in the default menu & access the controller module_type = None # This item is not shown in the menu )), ("admin", Storage( name_nice = T("Administration"), #description = "Site Administration", restricted = True, access = "|1|", # Only Administrators can see this module in the default menu & access the controller module_type = None # This item is handled separately for the menu )), ("appadmin", Storage( name_nice = T("Administration"), #description = "Site Administration", restricted = True, module_type = None # No Menu )), ("errors", Storage( name_nice = T("Ticket Viewer"), #description = "Needed for Breadcrumbs", restricted = False, module_type = None # No Menu )), ("setup", Storage( name_nice = T("Setup"), #description = "WebSetup", restricted = True, access = "|1|", # Only Administrators can see this module in the default menu & access the controller module_type = None # No Menu )), ("sync", Storage( name_nice = T("Synchronization"), #description = "Synchronization", restricted = True, access = "|1|", # Only Administrators can see this module in the default menu & access the controller module_type = None # This item is handled separately for the menu )), ("tour", Storage( name_nice = T("Guided Tour Functionality"), module_type = None, )), ("translate", Storage( name_nice = T("Translation Functionality"), #description = "Selective translation of strings based on module.", module_type = None, )), ("gis", Storage( name_nice = T("Map"), #description = "Situation Awareness & Geospatial Analysis", restricted = True, module_type = 6, # 6th item in the menu )), ("pr", Storage( name_nice = T("Person Registry"), #description = "Central point to record details on People", restricted = True, access = "|1|", # Only Administrators can see this module in the default menu (access to controller is possible to all still) module_type = 9 )), ("org", Storage( name_nice = T("Organizations"), #description = 'Lists "who is doing what & where". Allows relief agencies to coordinate their activities', restricted = True, module_type = 1 )), # All modules below here should be possible to disable safely ("hrm", Storage( name_nice = T("Staff"), #description = "Human Resources Management", restricted = True, module_type = 2, )), ("vol", Storage( name_nice = T("Volunteers"), #description = "Human Resources Management", restricted = True, module_type = 2, )), ("cms", Storage( name_nice = T("Content Management"), #description = "Content Management System", restricted = True, module_type = 9, )), ("doc", Storage( name_nice = T("Documents"), #description = "A library of digital resources, such as photos, documents and reports", restricted = True, module_type = 9, )), ("msg", Storage( name_nice = T("Messaging"), #description = "Sends & Receives Alerts via Email & SMS", restricted = True, # The user-visible functionality of this module isn't normally required. Rather it's main purpose is to be accessed from other modules. module_type = None, )), ("supply", Storage( name_nice = T("Supply Chain Management"), #description = "Used within Inventory Management, Request Management and Asset Management", restricted = True, module_type = None, # Not displayed )), ("inv", Storage( name_nice = T("Warehouses"), #description = "Receiving and Sending Items", restricted = True, module_type = 4 )), #("proc", Storage( # name_nice = T("Procurement"), # #description = "Ordering & Purchasing of Goods & Services", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10 # )), ("asset", Storage( name_nice = T("Assets"), #description = "Recording and Assigning Assets", restricted = True, module_type = 5, )), # Vehicle depends on Assets ("vehicle", Storage( name_nice = T("Vehicles"), #description = "Manage Vehicles", restricted = True, module_type = 9, )), ("req", Storage( name_nice = T("Requests"), #description = "Manage requests for supplies, assets, staff or other resources. Matches against Inventories where supplies are requested.", restricted = True, module_type = 9, )), ("project", Storage( name_nice = T("Projects"), #description = "Tracking of Projects, Activities and Tasks", restricted = True, module_type = 2 )), #("survey", Storage( # name_nice = T("Surveys"), # #description = "Create, enter, and manage surveys.", # restricted = True, # module_type = 5, #)), ("dc", Storage( name_nice = T("Assessments"), #description = "Data collection tool", restricted = True, module_type = 5 )), ("cr", Storage( name_nice = T("Shelters"), #description = "Tracks the location, capacity and breakdown of victims in Shelters", restricted = True, module_type = 9 )), ("hms", Storage( name_nice = T("Hospitals"), #description = "Helps to monitor status of hospitals", restricted = True, module_type = 9 )), #("disease", Storage( # name_nice = T("Disease Tracking"), # #description = "Helps to track cases and trace contacts in disease outbreaks", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10 #)), #("br", Storage( # name_nice = T("Beneficiary Registry"), # #description = "Beneficiary Registry and Case Management", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10, #)), ("dvr", Storage( name_nice = T("Disaster Victim Registry"), #description = "Allow affected individuals & households to register to receive compensation and distributions", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), ("event", Storage( name_nice = T("Events"), #description = "Activate Events (e.g. from Scenario templates) for allocation of appropriate Resources (Human, Assets & Facilities).", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), ("transport", Storage( name_nice = T("Transport"), restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), ("stats", Storage( name_nice = T("Statistics"), #description = "Manages statistics", restricted = True, module_type = None, )), ("member", Storage( name_nice = T("Members"), #description = "Membership Management System", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), ("budget", Storage( name_nice = T("Budgeting Module"), #description = "Allows a Budget to be drawn up", restricted = True, module_type = 10 )), ("deploy", Storage( name_nice = T("Deployments"), #description = "Manage Deployments", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), # Deprecated: Replaced by event #("irs", Storage( # name_nice = T("Incidents"), # #description = "Incident Reporting System", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10 #)), ("dvi", Storage( name_nice = T("Disaster Victim Identification"), #description = "Disaster Victim Identification", restricted = True, module_type = 10, #access = "|DVI|", # Only users with the DVI role can see this module in the default menu & access the controller )), ("edu", Storage( name_nice = T("Schools"), #description = "Helps to monitor status of schools", restricted = True, module_type = 10 )), ("mpr", Storage( name_nice = T("Missing Person Registry"), #description = "Helps to report and search for missing persons", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), ("vulnerability", Storage( name_nice = T("Vulnerability"), #description = "Manages vulnerability indicators", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), ("fire", Storage( name_nice = T("Fire Stations"), #description = "Fire Station Management", restricted = True, module_type = 1, )), ("water", Storage( name_nice = T("Water"), #description = "Flood Gauges show water levels in various parts of the country", restricted = True, module_type = 10 )), ("patient", Storage( name_nice = T("Patient Tracking"), #description = "Tracking of Patients", restricted = True, module_type = 10 )), ("po", Storage( name_nice = T("Population Outreach"), #description = "Population Outreach", restricted = True, module_type = 10 )), ("security", Storage( name_nice = T("Security"), #description = "Security Management System", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), # These are specialist modules ("cap", Storage( name_nice = T("CAP"), #description = "Create & broadcast CAP alerts", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), # Requires RPy2 & PostgreSQL #("climate", Storage( # name_nice = T("Climate"), # #description = "Climate data portal", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10, #)), ("delphi", Storage( name_nice = T("Delphi Decision Maker"), #description = "Supports the decision making of large groups of Crisis Management Experts by helping the groups create ranked list.", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), # @ToDo: Port these Assessments to the Survey module #("building", Storage( # name_nice = T("Building Assessments"), # #description = "Building Safety Assessments", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10, #)), # Deprecated by Surveys module # - depends on CR, IRS & Impact #("assess", Storage( # name_nice = T("Assessments"), # #description = "Rapid Assessments & Flexible Impact Assessments", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10, #)), #("impact", Storage( # name_nice = T("Impacts"), # #description = "Used by Assess", # restricted = True, # module_type = None, #)), #("ocr", Storage( # name_nice = T("Optical Character Recognition"), # #description = "Optical Character Recognition for reading the scanned handwritten paper forms.", # restricted = False, # module_type = None, #)), ("work", Storage( name_nice = T("Jobs"), #description = "Simple Volunteer Jobs Management", restricted = False, module_type = None, )), ]) # END =========================================================================