# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from collections import OrderedDict from gluon import current, URL from gluon.storage import Storage from s3 import S3ReportRepresent def config(settings): """ Settings for the SHARE Template Migration Issues: req_need.name is now length=64 (SHARE can use req_need.description instead if the notnull=True removed) """ T = current.T settings.base.system_name = T("Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) Relief and Rehabilitation System") settings.base.system_name_short = T("SHARE") # UI Settings settings.ui.menu_logo = URL(c = "static", f = "themes", args = ["SHARE", "img", "sharemenulogo.png"], ) # PrePopulate data settings.base.prepopulate.append("SHARE") settings.base.prepopulate_demo.append("SHARE/Demo") # Theme (folder to use for views/layout.html) settings.base.theme = "SHARE" # Authentication settings # Should users be allowed to register themselves? #settings.security.self_registration = False # Do new users need to verify their email address? #settings.auth.registration_requires_verification = True # Do new users need to be approved by an administrator prior to being able to login? #settings.auth.registration_requires_approval = True settings.auth.registration_requests_organisation = True #settings.auth.registration_organisation_required = True #settings.auth.registration_requests_site = True settings.auth.registration_link_user_to = {"staff": T("Staff"), "volunteer": T("Volunteer"), #"member": T("Member") } def registration_organisation_default(default): auth = current.auth has_role = auth.s3_has_role if has_role("ORG_ADMIN") and not has_role("ADMIN"): return auth.user.organisation_id else: return default settings.auth.registration_organisation_default = registration_organisation_default # Approval emails get sent to all admins settings.mail.approver = "ADMIN" # Restrict the Location Selector to just certain countries # NB This can also be over-ridden for specific contexts later # e.g. Activities filtered to those of parent Project #settings.gis.countries = ("US",) # Uncomment to display the Map Legend as a floating DIV settings.gis.legend = "float" # Uncomment to Disable the Postcode selector in the LocationSelector #settings.gis.postcode_selector = False # @ToDo: Vary by country (include in the gis_config!) # Uncomment to show the Print control: # http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/UserGuidelines/Admin/MapPrinting #settings.gis.print_button = True # GeoNames username settings.gis.geonames_username = "trendspotter" settings.gis.simplify_tolerance = 0 # L10n settings # Number formats (defaults to ISO 31-0) # Decimal separator for numbers (defaults to ,) settings.L10n.decimal_separator = "." # Thousands separator for numbers (defaults to space) settings.L10n.thousands_separator = "," # Security Policy # http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/S3AAA#System-widePolicy # 1: Simple (default): Global as Reader, Authenticated as Editor # 2: Editor role required for Update/Delete, unless record owned by session # 3: Apply Controller ACLs # 4: Apply both Controller & Function ACLs # 5: Apply Controller, Function & Table ACLs # 6: Apply Controller, Function, Table ACLs and Entity Realm # 7: Apply Controller, Function, Table ACLs and Entity Realm + Hierarchy # 8: Apply Controller, Function, Table ACLs, Entity Realm + Hierarchy and Delegations settings.security.policy = 6 # Controller, Function, Table ACLs and Entity Realm # Don't show version info on About page settings.security.version_info = False # UI Settings settings.ui.datatables_responsive = False settings.ui.datatables_double_scroll = True # Disable permalink settings.ui.label_permalink = None # Default summary pages: settings.ui.summary = ({"common": True, "name": "add", "widgets": [{"method": "create"}], }, {"name": "table", "label": "Table", "widgets": [{"method": "datatable"}], }, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CMS Content Management # settings.cms.bookmarks = True settings.cms.richtext = True settings.cms.show_tags = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Events settings.event.label = "Disaster" # Uncomment to not use Incidents under Events settings.event.incident = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Messaging settings.msg.parser = "SAMBRO" # for parse_tweet # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Organisations settings.org.sector = True # Show Organisation Types in the rheader settings.org.organisation_type_rheader = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Projects # Don't use Beneficiaries settings.project.activity_beneficiaries = False # Don't use Item Catalog for Distributions settings.project.activity_items = False settings.project.activity_sectors = True # Links to Filtered Components for Donors & Partners settings.project.organisation_roles = { 1: T("Organization"), 2: T("Implementing Partner"), 3: T("Donor"), } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Supply # Disable the use of Multiple Item Catalogs settings.supply.catalog_multi = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Comment/uncomment modules here to disable/enable them # Modules menu is defined in modules/eden/menu.py settings.modules = OrderedDict([ # Core modules which shouldn't be disabled ("default", Storage( name_nice = "Home", restricted = False, # Use ACLs to control access to this module access = None, # All Users (inc Anonymous) can see this module in the default menu & access the controller module_type = None # This item is not shown in the menu )), ("admin", Storage( name_nice = "Administration", #description = "Site Administration", restricted = True, access = "|1|", # Only Administrators can see this module in the default menu & access the controller module_type = None # This item is handled separately for the menu )), ("appadmin", Storage( name_nice = "Administration", #description = "Site Administration", restricted = True, module_type = None # No Menu )), ("errors", Storage( name_nice = "Ticket Viewer", #description = "Needed for Breadcrumbs", restricted = False, module_type = None # No Menu )), ("setup", Storage( name_nice = T("Setup"), #description = "WebSetup", restricted = True, access = "|1|", # Only Administrators can see this module in the default menu & access the controller module_type = None # No Menu )), ("sync", Storage( name_nice = "Synchronization", #description = "Synchronization", restricted = True, access = "|1|", # Only Administrators can see this module in the default menu & access the controller module_type = None # This item is handled separately for the menu )), #("tour", Storage( # name_nice = T("Guided Tour Functionality"), # module_type = None, #)), ("translate", Storage( name_nice = T("Translation Functionality"), #description = "Selective translation of strings based on module.", module_type = None, )), ("gis", Storage( name_nice = "Map", #description = "Situation Awareness & Geospatial Analysis", restricted = True, module_type = 6, # 6th item in the menu )), ("pr", Storage( name_nice = "Person Registry", #description = "Central point to record details on People", restricted = True, access = "|1|", # Only Administrators can see this module in the default menu (access to controller is possible to all still) module_type = 10 )), ("org", Storage( name_nice = "Organizations", #description = 'Lists "who is doing what & where". Allows relief agencies to coordinate their activities', restricted = True, module_type = 1 )), ("hrm", Storage( name_nice = "Staff", #description = "Human Resources Management", restricted = True, module_type = 2, )), ("vol", Storage( name_nice = T("Volunteers"), #description = "Human Resources Management", restricted = True, module_type = 2, )), ("cms", Storage( name_nice = "Content Management", #description = "Content Management System", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), ("doc", Storage( name_nice = "Documents", #description = "A library of digital resources, such as photos, documents and reports", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), ("msg", Storage( name_nice = "Messaging", #description = "Sends & Receives Alerts via Email & SMS", restricted = True, # The user-visible functionality of this module isn't normally required. Rather it's main purpose is to be accessed from other modules. module_type = None, )), ("supply", Storage( name_nice = "Supply Chain Management", #description = "Used within Inventory Management, Request Management and Asset Management", restricted = True, module_type = None, # Not displayed )), ("inv", Storage( name_nice = T("Warehouses"), #description = "Receiving and Sending Items", restricted = True, module_type = 4 )), ("asset", Storage( name_nice = "Assets", #description = "Recording and Assigning Assets", restricted = True, module_type = 5, )), # Vehicle depends on Assets #("vehicle", Storage( # name_nice = "Vehicles", # #description = "Manage Vehicles", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10, #)), ("req", Storage( name_nice = "Requests", #description = "Manage requests for supplies, assets, staff or other resources. Matches against Inventories where supplies are requested.", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), # Used just for Statuses ("project", Storage( name_nice = "Tasks", #description = "Tracking of Projects, Activities and Tasks", restricted = True, module_type = 2 )), #("cr", Storage( # name_nice = T("Shelters"), # #description = "Tracks the location, capacity and breakdown of victims in Shelters", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10 #)), #("hms", Storage( # name_nice = T("Hospitals"), # #description = "Helps to monitor status of hospitals", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10 #)), #("dvr", Storage( # name_nice = T("Disaster Victim Registry"), # #description = "Allow affected individuals & households to register to receive compensation and distributions", # restricted = True, # module_type = 10, #)), ("event", Storage( name_nice = "Events", #description = "Activate Events (e.g. from Scenario templates) for allocation of appropriate Resources (Human, Assets & Facilities).", restricted = True, module_type = 10, )), #("transport", Storage( # name_nice = T("Transport"), # restricted = True, # module_type = 10, #)), ("stats", Storage( name_nice = T("Statistics"), #description = "Manages statistics", restricted = True, module_type = None, )), ]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_cms_post_resource(r, tablename): import json from s3 import S3SQLCustomForm, S3SQLInlineComponent, \ S3DateFilter, S3OptionsFilter, S3TextFilter, \ s3_fieldmethod s3db = current.s3db # Virtual Field for Comments # - otherwise need to do per-record DB calls inside cms_post_list_layout # as direct list_fields come in unsorted, so can't match up to records ctable = s3db.cms_comment def comment_as_json(row): body = row["cms_comment.body"] if not body: return None return json.dumps({"body": body, "created_by": row["cms_comment.created_by"], "created_on": row["cms_comment.created_on"].isoformat(), }) ctable.json_dump = s3_fieldmethod("json_dump", comment_as_json, # over-ride the default represent of s3_unicode to prevent HTML being rendered too early #represent = lambda v: v, ) s3db.configure("cms_comment", extra_fields = ["body", "created_by", "created_on", ], # Doesn't seem to have any impact #orderby = "cms_comment.created_on asc", ) table = s3db.cms_post table.priority.readable = table.priority.writable = True #table.series_id.readable = table.series_id.writable = True #table.status_id.readable = table.status_id.writable = True crud_form = S3SQLCustomForm(#(T("Type"), "series_id"), (T("Priority"), "priority"), #(T("Status"), "status_id"), (T("Title"), "title"), (T("Text"), "body"), #(T("Location"), "location_id"), # Tags are added client-side S3SQLInlineComponent("document", name = "file", label = T("Files"), fields = [("", "file"), #"comments", ], ), ) date_filter = S3DateFilter("date", # If we introduce an end_date on Posts: #["date", "end_date"], label = "", #hide_time = True, #slider = True, clear_text = "X", ) date_filter.input_labels = {"ge": "Start Time/Date", "le": "End Time/Date"} filter_widgets = [S3TextFilter(["body", ], #formstyle = text_filter_formstyle, label = T("Search"), _placeholder = T("Enter search term…"), ), #S3OptionsFilter("series_id", # label = "", # noneSelectedText = "Type", # T() added in widget # no_opts = "", # ), S3OptionsFilter("priority", label = "", noneSelectedText = "Priority", # T() added in widget no_opts = "", ), #S3OptionsFilter("status_id", # label = "", # noneSelectedText = "Status", # T() added in widget # no_opts = "", # ), S3OptionsFilter("created_by$organisation_id", label = "", noneSelectedText = "Source", # T() added in widget no_opts = "", ), S3OptionsFilter("tag_post.tag_id", label = "", noneSelectedText = "Tag", # T() added in widget no_opts = "", ), date_filter, ] from templates.SHARE.controllers import cms_post_list_layout s3db.configure("cms_post", create_next = URL(args = [1, "post", "datalist"]), crud_form = crud_form, filter_widgets = filter_widgets, list_fields = [#"series_id", "priority", #"status_id", "date", "title", "body", "created_by", "tag.name", "document.file", "comment.json_dump", ], list_layout = cms_post_list_layout, ) settings.customise_cms_post_resource = customise_cms_post_resource # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_event_sitrep_resource(r, tablename): from s3 import s3_comments_widget table = current.s3db.event_sitrep table.name.widget = lambda f, v: \ s3_comments_widget(f, v, _placeholder = "Please provide a brief summary of the Situational Update you are submitting.") table.comments.comment = None table.comments.widget = lambda f, v: \ s3_comments_widget(f, v, _placeholder = "e.g. Any additional relevant information.") current.response.s3.crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = T("Add Situational Update"), title_display = T("HCT Activity and Response Report"), title_list = T("Situational Updates"), title_update = T("Edit Situational Update"), title_upload = T("Import Situational Updates"), label_list_button = T("List Situational Updates"), label_delete_button = T("Delete Situational Update"), msg_record_created = T("Situational Update added"), msg_record_modified = T("Situational Update updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Situational Update deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Situational Updates currently registered")) settings.customise_event_sitrep_resource = customise_event_sitrep_resource # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_event_sitrep_controller(**attr): s3 = current.response.s3 # Custom postp standard_postp = s3.postp def postp(r, output): # Call standard postp if callable(standard_postp): output = standard_postp(r, output) if r.interactive: # Mark this page to have differential CSS s3.jquery_ready.append('''$('main').attr('id', 'sitrep')''') return output s3.postp = postp # Extend the width of the Summary column dt_col_widths = {0: 110, 1: 95, 2: 100, 3: 100, 4: 100, 5: 100, 6: 110, 7: 80, 8: 90, 9: 300, 10: 110, } if "dtargs" in attr: attr["dtargs"]["dt_col_widths"] = dt_col_widths else: attr["dtargs"] = {"dt_col_widths": dt_col_widths, } return attr settings.customise_event_sitrep_controller = customise_event_sitrep_controller # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_gis_location_controller(**attr): s3 = current.response.s3 # Custom prep standard_prep = s3.prep def custom_prep(r): # Call standard prep if callable(standard_prep): result = standard_prep(r) else: result = True if r.representation == "json": # Special filter vars to find child locations while # including the parent location in the JSON result: # adm => the parent location ID # l => the target Lx level for child locations get_vars = r.get_vars adm = get_vars.get("adm") if adm: from s3 import FS resource = r.resource # Filter for children of adm query = FS("parent") == adm # Restrict children to a certain Lx level level = get_vars.get("l") if level: q = FS("level") == level query = (query & q) if query else q # Always include adm query = (FS("id") == adm) | query resource.add_filter(query) # Push the parent to top of the list + alpha-sort table = resource.table resource.configure(orderby = (table.level, table.name)) return result s3.prep = custom_prep return attr settings.customise_gis_location_controller = customise_gis_location_controller # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_msg_twitter_channel_resource(r, tablename): s3db = current.s3db def onaccept(form): # Normal onaccept s3db.msg_channel_onaccept(form) _id = form.vars.id db = current.db table = db.msg_twitter_channel channel_id = db(table.id == _id).select(table.channel_id, limitby=(0, 1)).first().channel_id # Link to Parser table = s3db.msg_parser _id = table.insert(channel_id=channel_id, function_name="parse_tweet", enabled=True) s3db.msg_parser_enable(_id) run_async = current.s3task.run_async # Poll run_async("msg_poll", args=["msg_twitter_channel", channel_id]) # Parse run_async("msg_parse", args=[channel_id, "parse_tweet"]) s3db.configure(tablename, create_onaccept = onaccept, ) settings.customise_msg_twitter_channel_resource = customise_msg_twitter_channel_resource # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_org_organisation_resource(r, tablename): s3db = current.s3db # Custom Components s3db.add_components(tablename, org_organisation_tag = (# Request Number {"name": "req_number", "joinby": "organisation_id", "filterby": {"tag": "req_number", }, "multiple": False, }, # Vision {"name": "vision", "joinby": "organisation_id", "filterby": {"tag": "vision", }, "multiple": False, }, ), ) from s3 import S3SQLCustomForm, S3SQLInlineComponent, S3SQLInlineLink, s3_comments_widget # Individual settings for specific tag components components_get = s3db.resource(tablename).components.get vision = components_get("vision") vision.table.value.widget = s3_comments_widget crud_form = S3SQLCustomForm("name", "acronym", S3SQLInlineLink("organisation_type", field = "organisation_type_id", # Default 10 options just triggers which adds unnecessary complexity to a commonly-used form & commonly an early one (create Org when registering) search = False, label = T("Type"), multiple = False, widget = "multiselect", ), S3SQLInlineLink("sector", columns = 4, field = "sector_id", label = T("Sectors"), ), #S3SQLInlineLink("service", # columns = 4, # field = "service_id", # label = T("Services"), # ), "country", "phone", "website", "logo", (T("About"), "comments"), S3SQLInlineComponent("vision", label = T("Vision"), fields = [("", "value")], multiple = False, ), S3SQLInlineComponent("req_number", label = T("Request Number"), fields = [("", "value")], multiple = False, ), ) s3db.configure(tablename, crud_form = crud_form, ) settings.customise_org_organisation_resource = customise_org_organisation_resource # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_org_sector_controller(**attr): s3db = current.s3db tablename = "org_sector" # Just 1 set of sectors / sector leads nationally # @ToDo: Deployment Setting #f = s3db.org_sector.location_id #f.readable = f.writable = False # Custom Component for Sector Leads s3db.add_components(tablename, org_sector_organisation = {"name": "sector_lead", "joinby": "sector_id", "filterby": {"lead": True, }, }, ) from s3 import S3SQLCustomForm, S3SQLInlineComponent crud_form = S3SQLCustomForm("name", "abrv", "comments", S3SQLInlineComponent("sector_lead", label = T("Lead Organization(s)"), fields = [("", "organisation_id"),], ), ) s3db.configure(tablename, crud_form = crud_form, list_fields = ["name", "abrv", (T("Lead Organization(s)"), "sector_lead.organisation_id"), ], ) return attr settings.customise_org_sector_controller = customise_org_sector_controller # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_pr_forum_controller(**attr): s3db = current.s3db s3 = current.response.s3 s3db.pr_forum s3.crud_strings["pr_forum"].title_display = T("HCT Coordination Folders") s3.dl_no_header = True # Comments appname = current.request.application s3.scripts.append("/%s/static/themes/WACOP/js/update_comments.js" % appname) script = '''S3.wacop_comments() S3.redraw_fns.push('wacop_comments')''' s3.jquery_ready.append(script) # Tags for Updates if s3.debug: s3.scripts.append("/%s/static/scripts/tag-it.js" % appname) else: s3.scripts.append("/%s/static/scripts/tag-it.min.js" % appname) if current.auth.s3_has_permission("update", s3db.cms_tag_post): # @ToDo: Move the ajaxUpdateOptions into callback of getS3? readonly = '''afterTagAdded:function(event,ui){ if(ui.duringInitialization){return} var post_id=$(this).attr('data-post_id') var url=S3.Ap.concat('/cms/post/',post_id,'/add_tag/',ui.tagLabel) $.getS3(url) S3.search.ajaxUpdateOptions('#datalist-filter-form') },afterTagRemoved:function(event,ui){ var post_id=$(this).attr('data-post_id') var url=S3.Ap.concat('/cms/post/',post_id,'/remove_tag/',ui.tagLabel) $.getS3(url) S3.search.ajaxUpdateOptions('#datalist-filter-form') },''' else: readonly = '''readOnly:true''' script = \ '''S3.tagit=function(){$('.s3-tags').tagit({placeholderText:'%s',autocomplete:{source:'%s'},%s})} S3.tagit() S3.redraw_fns.push('tagit')''' % (T("Add tags here…"), URL(c="cms", f="tag", args="tag_list.json"), readonly) s3.jquery_ready.append(script) attr["rheader"] = None attr["hide_filter"] = False return attr settings.customise_pr_forum_controller = customise_pr_forum_controller # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def req_need_commit(r, **attr): """ Custom method to Commit to a Need by creating an Activity Group """ # Create Activity Group (Response) with values from Need need_id = r.id db = current.db s3db = current.s3db ntable = s3db.req_need ntable_id = ntable.id netable = s3db.event_event_need left = [netable.on(netable.need_id == ntable_id), ] need = db(ntable_id == need_id).select(ntable.name, ntable.location_id, netable.event_id, left = left, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() nttable = s3db.req_need_tag query = (nttable.need_id == need_id) & \ (nttable.tag.belongs(("address", "contact"))) & \ (nttable.deleted == False) tags = db(query).select(nttable.tag, nttable.value, ) contact = address = None for tag in tags: if tag.tag == "address": address = tag.value elif tag.tag == "contact": contact = tag.value nrtable = s3db.req_need_response need_response_id = nrtable.insert(need_id = need_id, name = need["req_need.name"], location_id = need["req_need.location_id"], contact = contact, address = address, ) organisation_id = current.auth.user.organisation_id if organisation_id: s3db.req_need_response_organisation.insert(need_response_id = need_response_id, organisation_id = organisation_id, role = 1, ) event_id = need["event_event_need.event_id"] if event_id: aetable = s3db.event_event_need_response aetable.insert(need_response_id = need_response_id, event_id = event_id, ) nltable = s3db.req_need_line query = (nltable.need_id == need_id) & \ (nltable.deleted == False) lines = db(query).select(nltable.id, nltable.coarse_location_id, nltable.location_id, nltable.sector_id, nltable.parameter_id, nltable.value, nltable.value_uncommitted, nltable.item_category_id, nltable.item_id, nltable.item_pack_id, nltable.quantity, nltable.quantity_uncommitted, nltable.status, ) if lines: linsert = s3db.req_need_response_line.insert for line in lines: value_uncommitted = line.value_uncommitted if value_uncommitted is None: # No commitments yet so commit to all value = line.value else: # Only commit to the remainder value = value_uncommitted quantity_uncommitted = line.quantity_uncommitted if quantity_uncommitted is None: # No commitments yet so commit to all quantity = line.quantity else: # Only commit to the remainder quantity = quantity_uncommitted need_line_id = line.id linsert(need_response_id = need_response_id, need_line_id = need_line_id, coarse_location_id = line.coarse_location_id, location_id = line.location_id, sector_id = line.sector_id, parameter_id = line.parameter_id, value = value, item_category_id = line.item_category_id, item_id = line.item_id, item_pack_id = line.item_pack_id, quantity = quantity, ) # Update Need Line status req_need_line_status_update(need_line_id) # Redirect to Update from gluon import redirect redirect(URL(c= "req", f="need_response", args = [need_response_id, "update"], )) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def req_need_line_commit(r, **attr): """ Custom method to Commit to a Need Line by creating an Activity """ # Create Activity with values from Need Line need_line_id = r.id db = current.db s3db = current.s3db nltable = s3db.req_need_line query = (nltable.id == need_line_id) line = db(query).select(nltable.id, nltable.need_id, nltable.coarse_location_id, nltable.location_id, nltable.sector_id, nltable.parameter_id, nltable.value, nltable.value_uncommitted, nltable.item_category_id, nltable.item_id, nltable.item_pack_id, nltable.quantity, nltable.quantity_uncommitted, nltable.status, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() need_id = line.need_id ntable = s3db.req_need ntable_id = ntable.id netable = s3db.event_event_need left = [netable.on(netable.need_id == ntable_id), ] need = db(ntable_id == need_id).select(ntable.name, ntable.location_id, netable.event_id, left = left, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() nttable = s3db.req_need_tag query = (nttable.need_id == need_id) & \ (nttable.tag.belongs(("address", "contact"))) & \ (nttable.deleted == False) tags = db(query).select(nttable.tag, nttable.value, ) contact = address = None for tag in tags: if tag.tag == "address": address = tag.value elif tag.tag == "contact": contact = tag.value nrtable = s3db.req_need_response need_response_id = nrtable.insert(need_id = need_id, name = need["req_need.name"], location_id = need["req_need.location_id"], contact = contact, address = address, ) organisation_id = current.auth.user.organisation_id if organisation_id: s3db.req_need_response_organisation.insert(need_response_id = need_response_id, organisation_id = organisation_id, role = 1, ) event_id = need["event_event_need.event_id"] if event_id: aetable = s3db.event_event_need_response aetable.insert(need_response_id = need_response_id, event_id = event_id, ) value_uncommitted = line.value_uncommitted if value_uncommitted is None: # No commitments yet so commit to all value = line.value else: # Only commit to the remainder value = value_uncommitted quantity_uncommitted = line.quantity_uncommitted if quantity_uncommitted is None: # No commitments yet so commit to all quantity = line.quantity else: # Only commit to the remainder quantity = quantity_uncommitted s3db.req_need_response_line.insert(need_response_id = need_response_id, need_line_id = need_line_id, coarse_location_id = line.coarse_location_id, location_id = line.location_id, sector_id = line.sector_id, parameter_id = line.parameter_id, value = value, item_category_id = line.item_category_id, item_id = line.item_id, item_pack_id = line.item_pack_id, quantity = quantity, ) # Update Need Line status req_need_line_status_update(need_line_id) # Redirect to Update from gluon import redirect redirect(URL(c= "req", f="need_response", args = [need_response_id, "update"], )) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def req_need_line_status_update(need_line_id): """ Update the Need Line's fulfilment Status """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db # Read the Line details nltable = s3db.req_need_line iptable = s3db.supply_item_pack query = (nltable.id == need_line_id) left = iptable.on(nltable.item_pack_id == iptable.id) need_line = db(query).select(nltable.parameter_id, nltable.value, nltable.item_id, nltable.quantity, iptable.quantity, left = left, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() need_pack_qty = need_line["supply_item_pack.quantity"] need_line = need_line["req_need_line"] need_parameter_id = need_line.parameter_id need_value = need_line.value or 0 need_value_committed = 0 need_value_reached = 0 need_quantity = need_line.quantity if need_quantity: need_quantity = need_quantity * need_pack_qty else: need_quantity = 0 need_item_id = need_line.item_id need_quantity_committed = 0 need_quantity_delivered = 0 # Lookup which Status means 'Cancelled' stable = s3db.project_status status = db(stable.name == "Cancelled").select(stable.id, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() try: CANCELLED = status.id except AttributeError: # Prepop not done? Name changed? current.log.debug("'Cancelled' Status not found") CANCELLED = 999999 # Read the details of all Response Lines linked to this Need Line rltable = s3db.req_need_response_line iptable = s3db.supply_item_pack query = (rltable.need_line_id == need_line_id) & \ (rltable.deleted == False) left = iptable.on(rltable.item_pack_id == iptable.id) response_lines = db(query).select(rltable.id, rltable.parameter_id, rltable.value, rltable.value_reached, rltable.item_id, iptable.quantity, rltable.quantity, rltable.quantity_delivered, rltable.status_id, left = left, ) for line in response_lines: pack_qty = line["supply_item_pack.quantity"] line = line["req_need_response_line"] if line.status_id == CANCELLED: continue if line.parameter_id == need_parameter_id: value = line.value if value: need_value_committed += value value_reached = line.value_reached if value_reached: need_value_reached += value_reached if line.item_id == need_item_id: quantity = line.quantity if quantity: need_quantity_committed += quantity * pack_qty quantity_delivered = line.quantity_delivered if quantity_delivered: need_quantity_delivered += quantity_delivered * pack_qty # Calculate Need values & Update value_uncommitted = max(need_value - need_value_committed, 0) quantity_uncommitted = max(need_quantity - need_quantity_committed, 0) if (need_quantity_delivered >= need_quantity) and (need_value_reached >= need_value): status = 3 elif (quantity_uncommitted <= 0) and (value_uncommitted <= 0): status = 2 elif (need_quantity_committed > 0) or (need_value_committed > 0): status = 1 else: status = 0 db(nltable.id == need_line_id).update(value_committed = need_value_committed, value_uncommitted = value_uncommitted, value_reached = need_value_reached, quantity_committed = need_quantity_committed, quantity_uncommitted = quantity_uncommitted, quantity_delivered = need_quantity_delivered, status = status, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def req_need_postprocess(form): """ Set the Realm Set the Request Number """ need_id = form.vars.id db = current.db s3db = current.s3db # Lookup Organisation notable = s3db.req_need_organisation org_link = db(notable.need_id == need_id).select(notable.organisation_id, limitby = (0, 1), ).first() if org_link: organisation_id = org_link.organisation_id else: # Create the link (form isn't doing so when readonly!) user = current.auth.user if user and user.organisation_id: organisation_id = user.organisation_id if organisation_id: notable.insert(need_id = need_id, organisation_id = organisation_id) else: # Nothing we can do! return else: # Nothing we can do! return # Lookup Realm otable = s3db.org_organisation org = db(otable.id == organisation_id).select(otable.pe_id, limitby = (0, 1), ).first() realm_entity = org.pe_id # Set Realm ntable = s3db.req_need db(ntable.id == need_id).update(realm_entity = realm_entity) nltable = s3db.req_need_line db(nltable.need_id == need_id).update(realm_entity = realm_entity) if form.record: # Update form return # Lookup Request Number format ottable = s3db.org_organisation_tag query = (ottable.organisation_id == organisation_id) & \ (ottable.tag == "req_number") tag = db(query).select(ottable.value, limitby = (0, 1), ).first() if not tag: return # Lookup most recently-used value nttable = s3db.req_need_tag query = (nttable.tag == "req_number") & \ (nttable.need_id != need_id) & \ (nttable.need_id == notable.need_id) & \ (notable.organisation_id == organisation_id) need = db(query).select(nttable.value, limitby = (0, 1), orderby = ~nttable.created_on, ).first() # Set Request Number if need: new_number = int(need.value.split("-", 1)[1]) + 1 req_number = "%s-%s" % (tag.value, str(new_number).zfill(6)) else: req_number = "%s-000001" % tag.value nttable.insert(need_id = need_id, tag = "req_number", value = req_number, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_req_need_resource(r, tablename): from gluon import IS_EMPTY_OR, IS_IN_SET from s3 import s3_comments_widget, \ S3LocationSelector, S3LocationDropdownWidget, \ S3Represent, \ S3SQLCustomForm, S3SQLInlineComponent, S3SQLInlineLink db = current.db s3db = current.s3db table = s3db.req_need table.name.widget = lambda f, v: \ s3_comments_widget(f, v, _placeholder = "e.g. 400 families require drinking water in Kegalle DS Division in 1-2 days.") table.comments.comment = None table.comments.widget = lambda f, v: \ s3_comments_widget(f, v, _placeholder = "e.g. Accessibility issues, additional contacts on the ground (if any), any other relevant information.") # These levels/labels are for SHARE/LK table.location_id.widget = S3LocationSelector(hide_lx = False, levels = ("L1", "L2"), required_levels = ("L1", "L2"), show_map = False) ltable = s3db.req_need_line f = ltable.coarse_location_id f.label = T("Division") # @ToDo: Option for gis_LocationRepresent which doesn't show level/parent, but supports translation # NB cannot have the JS in link to avoid being blocked by Chrome XSS_AUDITOR location_represent = S3Represent(lookup = "gis_location") f.represent = location_represent f.widget = S3LocationDropdownWidget(level="L3", blank=True) f = ltable.location_id f.label = T("GN") f.represent = location_represent f.widget = S3LocationDropdownWidget(level="L4", blank=True) # Custom Filtered Components s3db.add_components(tablename, req_need_tag = (# Address {"name": "address", "joinby": "need_id", "filterby": {"tag": "address", }, "multiple": False, }, # Contact {"name": "contact", "joinby": "need_id", "filterby": {"tag": "contact", }, "multiple": False, }, # Issue {"name": "issue", "joinby": "need_id", "filterby": {"tag": "issue", }, "multiple": False, }, # Req Number {"name": "req_number", "joinby": "need_id", "filterby": {"tag": "req_number", }, "multiple": False, }, # Original Request From {"name": "request_from", "joinby": "need_id", "filterby": {"tag": "request_from", }, "multiple": False, }, # Verified {"name": "verified", "joinby": "need_id", "filterby": {"tag": "verified", }, "multiple": False, }, ) ) # Individual settings for specific tag components components_get = s3db.resource(tablename).components.get address = components_get("address") f = address.table.value f.widget = s3_comments_widget contact = components_get("contact") f = contact.table.value f.widget = lambda f, v: \ s3_comments_widget(f, v, _placeholder = "of person on the ground e.g. GA, DS") issue = components_get("issue") f = issue.table.value f.widget = lambda f, v: \ s3_comments_widget(f, v, _placeholder = "e.g. Lack of accessibility and contaminated wells due to heavy rainfall.") request_from = components_get("request_from") f = request_from.table.value f.widget = lambda f, v: \ s3_comments_widget(f, v, _placeholder = "Please indicate the requesting organisation/ministry.") verified = components_get("verified") f = verified.table.value f.requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_SET(("Y", "N"))) f.represent = lambda v: T("yes") if v == "Y" else T("no") from s3 import S3TagCheckboxWidget f.widget = S3TagCheckboxWidget(on="Y", off="N") f.default = "N" auth = current.auth user = auth.user if user and user.organisation_id: organisation_id = user.organisation_id else: organisation_id = None if auth.s3_has_role("ADMIN") or organisation_id: f.default = "Y" else: f.writable = False if r.id and r.resource.tablename == tablename: # Read or Update create = False else: # Create create = True if not create: # Read or Update if organisation_id: org_readonly = True else: rotable = s3db.req_need_organisation org_link = db(rotable.need_id == r.id).select(rotable.organisation_id, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() if org_link: org_readonly = True else: org_readonly = False #table = s3db.req_need_item #table.quantity.label = T("Quantity Requested") #table.quantity_committed.readable = True #table.quantity_uncommitted.readable = True #table.quantity_delivered.readable = True #need_item = S3SQLInlineComponent("need_item", # label = T("Items Needed"), # fields = ["item_category_id", # "item_id", # (T("Unit"), "item_pack_id"), # (T("Needed within Timeframe"), "timeframe"), # "quantity", # "quantity_committed", # "quantity_uncommitted", # "quantity_delivered", # #(T("Urgency"), "priority"), # "comments", # ], # ) #table = s3db.req_need_demographic #table.value.label = T("Number in Need") #table.value_committed.readable = True #table.value_uncommitted.readable = True #table.value_reached.readable = True #demographic = S3SQLInlineComponent("need_demographic", # label = T("People Affected"), # fields = [(T("Type"), "parameter_id"), # #(T("Needed within Timeframe"), "timeframe"), # "value", # "value_committed", # "value_uncommitted", # "value_reached", # "comments", # ], # ) #ltable.value.label = T("Number in Need") ltable.value_committed.readable = True ltable.value_uncommitted.readable = True ltable.value_reached.readable = True #ltable.quantity.label = T("Quantity Requested") ltable.quantity_committed.readable = True ltable.quantity_uncommitted.readable = True ltable.quantity_delivered.readable = True line = S3SQLInlineComponent("need_line", label = "", fields = ["coarse_location_id", "location_id", "sector_id", (T("People affected"), "parameter_id"), "value", "value_committed", (T("Number Outstanding"), "value_uncommitted"), "value_reached", (T("Item Category"), "item_category_id"), "item_id", (T("Unit"), "item_pack_id"), (T("Item Quantity"), "quantity"), (T("Needed within Timeframe"), "timeframe"), "quantity_committed", (T("Quantity Outstanding"), "quantity_uncommitted"), "quantity_delivered", #"comments", ], ) else: # Create org_readonly = organisation_id is not None #need_item = S3SQLInlineComponent("need_item", # label = T("Items Needed"), # fields = ["item_category_id", # "item_id", # (T("Unit"), "item_pack_id"), # (T("Needed within Timeframe"), "timeframe"), # "quantity", # #(T("Urgency"), "priority"), # "comments", # ], # ) #demographic = S3SQLInlineComponent("need_demographic", # label = T("People Affected"), # fields = [(T("Type"), "parameter_id"), # #(T("Needed within Timeframe"), "timeframe"), # "value", # "comments", # ], # ) line = S3SQLInlineComponent("need_line", label = "", fields = ["coarse_location_id", "location_id", "sector_id", (T("People affected"), "parameter_id"), "value", (T("Item Category"), "item_category_id"), "item_id", (T("Unit"), "item_pack_id"), "quantity", (T("Needed within Timeframe"), "timeframe"), #"comments", ], ) crud_fields = [S3SQLInlineLink("event", field = "event_id", label = T("Disaster"), multiple = False, required = True, ), S3SQLInlineLink("organisation", field = "organisation_id", search = False, label = T("Organization"), multiple = False, readonly = org_readonly, required = not org_readonly, ), "location_id", (T("Date entered"), "date"), #(T("Urgency"), "priority"), # Moved into Lines #S3SQLInlineLink("sector", # field = "sector_id", # search = False, # label = T("Sector"), # multiple = False, # ), "name", (T("Original Request From"), "request_from.value"), (T("Issue/cause"), "issue.value"), #demographic, #need_item, line, S3SQLInlineComponent("document", label = T("Attachment"), fields = [("", "file")], # multiple = True has reliability issues in at least Chrome multiple = False, ), (T("Verified by government official"), "verified.value"), (T("Contact details"), "contact.value"), (T("Address for delivery/affected people"), "address.value"), "comments", ] from .controllers import project_ActivityRepresent natable = s3db.req_need_activity #f = natable.activity_id #f.represent = project_ActivityRepresent() natable.activity_id.represent = project_ActivityRepresent() if not create: # Read or Update req_number = components_get("req_number") req_number.table.value.writable = False crud_fields.insert(2, (T("Request Number"), "req_number.value")) crud_fields.insert(-2, "status") need_links = db(natable.need_id == r.id).select(natable.activity_id) if need_links: # This hides the widget from Update forms instead of just rendering read-only! #f.writable = False crud_fields.append(S3SQLInlineLink("activity", field = "activity_id", label = T("Commits"), readonly = True, )) crud_form = S3SQLCustomForm(*crud_fields, postprocess = req_need_postprocess) need_line_summary = URL(c="req", f="need_line", args="summary") s3db.configure(tablename, create_next = need_line_summary, delete_next = need_line_summary, update_next = need_line_summary, crud_form = crud_form, ) settings.customise_req_need_resource = customise_req_need_resource # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def req_need_rheader(r): """ Resource Header for Needs """ if r.representation != "html": # RHeaders only used in interactive views return None record = r.record if not record: # RHeaders only used in single-record views return None if r.name == "need": # No Tabs (all done Inline) tabs = [(T("Basic Details"), None), #(T("Demographics"), "demographic"), #(T("Items"), "need_item"), #(T("Skills"), "need_skill"), #(T("Tags"), "tag"), ] from s3 import s3_rheader_tabs rheader_tabs = s3_rheader_tabs(r, tabs) location_id = r.table.location_id from gluon import DIV, TABLE, TR, TH rheader = DIV(TABLE(TR(TH("%s: " % location_id.label), location_id.represent(record.location_id), )), rheader_tabs) else: # Not defined, probably using wrong rheader rheader = None return rheader # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_req_need_controller(**attr): line_id = current.request.get_vars.get("line") if line_id: from gluon import redirect nltable = current.s3db.req_need_line line = current.db(nltable.id == line_id).select(nltable.need_id, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() if line: redirect(URL(args = [line.need_id], vars = {})) # Custom commit method to create an Activity Group from a Need current.s3db.set_method("req", "need", method = "commit", action = req_need_commit) s3 = current.response.s3 # Custom postp standard_postp = s3.postp def postp(r, output): # Call standard postp if callable(standard_postp): output = standard_postp(r, output) if r.interactive: # Inject the javascript to handle dropdown filtering # - normally injected through AddResourceLink, but this isn't there in Inline widget # - we also need to turn the trigger & target into dicts s3.scripts.append("/%s/static/themes/SHARE/js/need.js" % r.application) if r.id and isinstance(output, dict) and \ current.auth.s3_has_permission("create", "project_activity"): # Custom Button from gluon import A output["commit"] = A(T("Commit"), _href = URL(args=[r.id, "commit"]), _class = "action-btn", #_id = "commit-btn", ) #s3.jquery_ready.append( #'''S3.confirmClick('#commit-btn','%s')''' % T("Do you want to commit to this need?")) return output s3.postp = postp attr["rheader"] = req_need_rheader return attr settings.customise_req_need_controller = customise_req_need_controller # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def homepage_stats_update(): """ Scheduler task to update the data files for the charts on the homepage """ from .controllers import HomepageStatistics HomepageStatistics.update_data() settings.tasks.homepage_stats_update = homepage_stats_update # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def req_need_line_update_stats(r, **attr): """ Method to manually update the data files for the charts on the homepage; can be run by POSTing an empty request to req/need_line/update_stats, e.g. via: <form action='{{=URL(c="req", f="need_line", args=["update_stats"])}}' method='post'> <button type='submit'>{{=T("Update Stats")}}</button> </form> (this could e.g. be added to the page footer for ADMINs) """ if r.http == "POST": if not current.auth.s3_has_role("ADMIN"): # No, this is not open for everybody r.unauthorised() else: current.s3task.run_async("settings_task", args = ["homepage_stats_update"]) current.session.confirmation = T("Statistics data update started") from gluon import redirect redirect(URL(c="default", f="index")) else: r.error("405", current.ERROR.BAD_METHOD) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_req_need_line_resource(r, tablename): from gluon import IS_EMPTY_OR, IS_IN_SET, SPAN from s3 import S3Represent s3db = current.s3db current.response.s3.crud_strings["req_need_line"]["title_map"] = T("Map of Needs") req_status_opts = {0: SPAN(T("Uncommitted"), _class = "req_status_none", ), 1: SPAN(T("Partially Committed"), _class = "req_status_partial", ), 2: SPAN(T("Fully Committed"), _class = "req_status_committed", ), 3: SPAN(T("Complete"), _class = "req_status_complete", ), } table = s3db.req_need_line f = table.status f.requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_SET(req_status_opts, zero = None)) f.represent = S3Represent(options = req_status_opts) f = table.coarse_location_id f.label = T("Division") # @ToDo: Option for gis_LocationRepresent which doesn't show level/parent, but supports translation # NB cannot have the JS in link to avoid being blocked by Chrome XSS_AUDITOR location_represent = S3Represent(lookup = "gis_location") f.represent = location_represent f = table.location_id # @ToDo: Option for gis_LocationRepresent which doesn't show level/parent, but supports translation f.represent = location_represent if r.representation == "plain": # Settings for Map Popups f.label = T("GN") # Custom method to (manually) update homepage statistics s3db.set_method("req", "need_line", method = "update_stats", action = req_need_line_update_stats, ) settings.customise_req_need_line_resource = customise_req_need_line_resource # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_req_need_line_controller(**attr): from s3 import S3OptionsFilter, S3TextFilter #, S3DateFilter, S3LocationFilter s3db = current.s3db settings.base.pdf_orientation = "Landscape" settings.ui.summary = (# Gets replaced in postp # @ToDo: better performance by not including here & placing directly into the view instead {"common": True, "name": "add", "widgets": [{"method": "create"}], }, #{"common": True, # "name": "cms", # "widgets": [{"method": "cms"}], # }, {"name": "table", "label": "Table", "widgets": [{"method": "datatable"}], }, {"name": "charts", "label": "Report", "widgets": [{"method": "report", "ajax_init": True}], }, #{"name": "map", # "label": "Map", # "widgets": [{"method": "map", # "ajax_init": True}], # }, ) # Custom Filtered Components s3db.add_components("req_need", req_need_tag = (# Req Number {"name": "req_number", "joinby": "need_id", "filterby": {"tag": "req_number", }, "multiple": False, }, # Original Request From {"name": "request_from", "joinby": "need_id", "filterby": {"tag": "request_from", }, "multiple": False, }, # Verified {"name": "verified", "joinby": "need_id", "filterby": {"tag": "verified", }, "multiple": False, }, ), ) s3db.add_components("req_need_response", req_need_response_organisation = (# Agency {"name": "agency", "joinby": "need_response_id", "filterby": {"role": 1, }, #"multiple": False, }, ), ) filter_widgets = [S3TextFilter(["need_id$req_number.value", "item_id$name", # These levels are for SHARE/LK #"location_id$L1", "location_id$L2", #"location_id$L3", #"location_id$L4", "need_id$name", "need_id$comments", ], label = T("Search"), comment = T("Search for a Need by Request Number, Item, Location, Summary or Comments"), ), #S3OptionsFilter("need_id$event.event_type_id", # #hidden = True, # ), # @ToDo: Filter this list dynamically based on Event Type (if-used): S3OptionsFilter("need_id$event__link.event_id"), #S3LocationFilter("location_id", # # These levels are for SHARE/LK # levels = ("L2", "L3", "L4"), # ), S3OptionsFilter("need_id$location_id", label = T("District"), ), S3OptionsFilter("need_id$organisation__link.organisation_id", #hidden = True, ), S3OptionsFilter("sector_id", #hidden = True, ), S3OptionsFilter("parameter_id"), S3OptionsFilter("timeframe"), S3OptionsFilter("item_id"), S3OptionsFilter("status", cols = 3, table = False, label = T("Status"), ), #S3DateFilter("date", # ), #S3OptionsFilter("need_id$verified.value", # cols = 2, # label = T("Verified"), # #hidden = True, # ), ] s3db.configure("req_need_line", filter_widgets = filter_widgets, # We create a custom Create Button to create a Need not a Need Line listadd = False, list_fields = [(T("Status"), "status"), (T("Orgs responding"), "need_response_line.need_response_id$agency.organisation_id"), "need_id$date", (T("Need entered by"), "need_id$organisation__link.organisation_id"), (T("Original Request From"), "need_id$request_from.value"), # These levels/Labels are for SHARE/LK #(T("Province"), "need_id$location_id$L1"), (T("District"), "need_id$location_id$L2"), #(T("DS"), "location_id$L3"), #(T("GN"), "location_id$L4"), "sector_id", "parameter_id", "item_id", "quantity", (T("Quantity Outstanding"),"quantity_uncommitted"), "timeframe", (T("Request Number"), "need_id$req_number.value"), ], popup_url = URL(c="req", f="need", vars = {"line": "[id]"} ), ) # Custom commit method to create an Activity from a Need Line s3db.set_method("req", "need_line", method = "commit", action = req_need_line_commit) s3 = current.response.s3 s3.crud_strings["req_need_line"] = Storage( #label_create = T("Add Needs"), title_list = T("Needs"), #title_display=T("Needs"), #title_update=T("Edit Needs"), #title_upload = T("Import Needs"), #label_list_button = T("List Needs"), #label_delete_button=T("Delete Needs"), msg_record_created=T("Needs added"), msg_record_modified=T("Needs updated"), msg_record_deleted=T("Needs deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Needs currently registered"), ) # Custom postp standard_postp = s3.postp def postp(r, output): # Call standard postp if callable(standard_postp): output = standard_postp(r, output) if r.interactive and r.method == "summary": from gluon import A, DIV from s3 import s3_str#, S3CRUD auth = current.auth # Normal Action Buttons #S3CRUD.action_buttons(r) # Custom Action Buttons deletable = current.db(auth.s3_accessible_query("delete", "req_need_line")).select(s3db.req_need_line.id) restrict_d = [str(row.id) for row in deletable] s3.actions = [{"label": s3_str(T("Open")), "_class": "action-btn", "url": URL(f="need", vars={"line": "[id]"}), }, {"label": s3_str(T("Delete")), "_class": "delete-btn", "url": URL(args=["[id]", "delete"]), "restrict": restrict_d, }, ] if auth.s3_has_permission("create", "req_need_response"): s3.actions.append({"label": s3_str(T("Commit")), "_class": "action-btn", "url": URL(args=["[id]", "commit"]), }) # Custom Create Button add_btn = DIV(DIV(DIV(A(T("Add Needs"), _class = "action-btn", _href = URL(f="need", args="create"), ), _id = "list-btn-add", ), _class = "widget-container with-tabs", ), _class = "section-container", ) output["common"][0] = add_btn return output s3.postp = postp return attr settings.customise_req_need_line_controller = customise_req_need_line_controller # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def req_need_response_postprocess(form): """ Set the Realm Ensure that the Need Lines (if-any) have the correct Status """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db need_response_id = form.vars.id # Lookup Organisation nrotable = s3db.req_need_response_organisation query = (nrotable.need_response_id == need_response_id) & \ (nrotable.role == 1) org_link = db(query).select(nrotable.organisation_id, limitby = (0, 1), ).first() if not org_link: return organisation_id = org_link.organisation_id # Lookup Realm otable = s3db.org_organisation org = db(otable.id == organisation_id).select(otable.pe_id, limitby = (0, 1), ).first() realm_entity = org.pe_id # Set Realm nrtable = s3db.req_need_response db(nrtable.id == need_response_id).update(realm_entity = realm_entity) rltable = s3db.req_need_response_line db(rltable.need_response_id == need_response_id).update(realm_entity = realm_entity) # Lookup the Need Lines query = (rltable.need_response_id == need_response_id) & \ (rltable.deleted == False) response_lines = db(query).select(rltable.need_line_id) for line in response_lines: need_line_id = line.need_line_id if need_line_id: req_need_line_status_update(need_line_id) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_req_need_response_resource(r, tablename): from s3 import s3_comments_widget, \ S3LocationDropdownWidget, S3LocationSelector, \ S3Represent, \ S3SQLCustomForm, S3SQLInlineComponent, S3SQLInlineLink #db = current.db s3db = current.s3db table = s3db.req_need_response current.response.s3.crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = T("Add Activities"), title_list = T("Activities"), title_display = T("Activities"), title_update = T("Edit Activities"), title_upload = T("Import Activities"), label_list_button = T("List Activities"), label_delete_button = T("Delete Activities"), msg_record_created = T("Activities added"), msg_record_modified = T("Activities updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Activities deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Activities currently registered"), ) # These levels/labels are for SHARE/LK table.location_id.widget = S3LocationSelector(hide_lx = False, levels = ("L1", "L2"), required_levels = ("L1", "L2"), show_map = False) ltable = s3db.req_need_response_line f = ltable.coarse_location_id f.label = T("Division") # @ToDo: Option for gis_LocationRepresent which doesn't show level/parent, but supports translation f.represent = S3Represent(lookup = "gis_location") f.widget = S3LocationDropdownWidget(level="L3", blank=True) f = ltable.location_id f.label = T("GN") # @ToDo: Option for gis_LocationRepresent which doesn't show level/parent, but supports translation f.represent = S3Represent(lookup = "gis_location") f.widget = S3LocationDropdownWidget(level="L4", blank=True) table.comments.comment = None table.comments.widget = lambda f, v: \ s3_comments_widget(f, v, _placeholder = "e.g. Items changed/replaced within kits, details on partial committments to a need, any other relevant information.") # Custom Filtered Components s3db.add_components(tablename, req_need_response_organisation = (# Agency {"name": "agency", "joinby": "need_response_id", "filterby": {"role": 1, }, "multiple": False, }, # Partners {"name": "partner", "joinby": "need_response_id", "filterby": {"role": 2, }, #"multiple": False, }, # Donors {"name": "donor", "joinby": "need_response_id", "filterby": {"role": 3, }, #"multiple": False, }, ), ) # Individual settings for specific tag components components_get = s3db.resource(tablename).components.get donor = components_get("donor") donor.table.organisation_id.default = None partner = components_get("partner") partner.table.organisation_id.default = None crud_fields = [S3SQLInlineLink("event", field = "event_id", label = T("Disaster"), multiple = False, #required = True, ), S3SQLInlineComponent("agency", name = "agency", label = T("Organization"), fields = [("", "organisation_id"),], multiple = False, required = True, ), # @ToDo: MultiSelectWidget is nicer UI but S3SQLInlineLink # requires the link*ed* table as component (not the # link table as applied here) and linked components # cannot currently be filtered by link table fields # (=> should solve the latter rather than the former) # @ToDo: Fix Create Popups S3SQLInlineComponent("partner", name = "partner", label = T("Implementing Partner"), fields = [("", "organisation_id"),], ), S3SQLInlineComponent("donor", name = "donor", label = T("Donor"), fields = [("", "organisation_id"),], ), "location_id", (T("Date entered"), "date"), (T("Summary of Needs/Activities"), "name"), S3SQLInlineComponent("need_response_line", label = "", fields = ["coarse_location_id", "location_id", "sector_id", "modality", (T("Activity Date Planned"), "date"), (T("Activity Date Completed"), "end_date"), (T("Beneficiaries (Type)"), "parameter_id"), (T("Beneficiaries Planned"), "value"), (T("Beneficiaries Reached"), "value_reached"), (T("Item Category"), "item_category_id"), "item_id", (T("Unit"), "item_pack_id"), (T("Quantity Planned"), "quantity"), (T("Quantity Delivered"), "quantity_delivered"), (T("Activity Status"), "status_id"), #"comments", ], #multiple = False, ), S3SQLInlineComponent("document", label = T("Attachment"), fields = [("", "file")], # multiple = True has reliability issues in at least Chrome multiple = False, ), "contact", "address", "comments", ] if r.id and r.resource.tablename == tablename and r.record.need_id: from .controllers import req_NeedRepresent f = table.need_id f.represent = req_NeedRepresent() f.writable = False crud_fields.insert(7, "need_id") # Post-process to update need status for response line changes crud_form = S3SQLCustomForm(*crud_fields, postprocess = req_need_response_postprocess) # Make sure need status gets also updated when response lines are deleted s3db.configure("req_need_response_line", ondelete = req_need_response_line_ondelete, ) need_response_line_summary = URL(c="req", f="need_response_line", args="summary") s3db.configure(tablename, crud_form = crud_form, create_next = need_response_line_summary, delete_next = need_response_line_summary, update_next = need_response_line_summary, ) settings.customise_req_need_response_resource = customise_req_need_response_resource # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_req_need_response_controller(**attr): line_id = current.request.get_vars.get("line") if line_id: from gluon import redirect nltable = current.s3db.req_need_response_line line = current.db(nltable.id == line_id).select(nltable.need_response_id, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() if line: redirect(URL(args = [line.need_response_id], vars = {})) s3 = current.response.s3 # Custom postp standard_postp = s3.postp def postp(r, output): # Call standard postp if callable(standard_postp): output = standard_postp(r, output) if r.interactive: # Inject the javascript to handle dropdown filtering # - normally injected through AddResourceLink, but this isn't there in Inline widget # - we also need to turn the trigger & target into dicts s3.scripts.append("/%s/static/themes/SHARE/js/need_response.js" % r.application) return output s3.postp = postp return attr settings.customise_req_need_response_controller = customise_req_need_response_controller # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def req_need_response_line_ondelete(row): """ Ensure that the Need Line (if-any) has the correct Status """ import json db = current.db s3db = current.s3db response_line_id = row.get("id") # Lookup the Need Line rltable = s3db.req_need_response_line record = db(rltable.id == response_line_id).select(rltable.deleted_fk, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() if not record: return deleted_fk = json.loads(record.deleted_fk) need_line_id = deleted_fk.get("need_line_id") if not need_line_id: return # Check that the Need Line hasn't been deleted nltable = s3db.req_need_line need_line = db(nltable.id == need_line_id).select(nltable.deleted, limitby = (0, 1) ).first() if need_line and not need_line.deleted: req_need_line_status_update(need_line_id) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_req_need_response_line_resource(r, tablename): from s3 import S3Represent s3db = current.s3db table = s3db.req_need_response_line #current.response.s3.crud_strings["req_need_response_line"] = Storage(title_map = T("Map of Activities"),) # Settings for Map Popups f = table.coarse_location_id f.label = T("Division") # @ToDo: Option for gis_LocationRepresent which doesn't show level/parent, but supports translation f.represent = S3Represent(lookup = "gis_location") f = table.location_id f.label = T("GN") # @ToDo: Option for gis_LocationRepresent which doesn't show level/parent, but supports translation f.represent = S3Represent(lookup = "gis_location") s3db.configure(tablename, ondelete = req_need_response_line_ondelete, popup_url = URL(c="req", f="need_response", vars = {"line": "[id]"} ), report_represent = NeedResponseLineReportRepresent, ) settings.customise_req_need_response_line_resource = customise_req_need_response_line_resource # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def customise_req_need_response_line_controller(**attr): from s3 import S3OptionsFilter #, S3DateFilter, S3LocationFilter, S3TextFilter s3db = current.s3db table = s3db.req_need_response_line settings.base.pdf_orientation = "Landscape" settings.ui.summary = (# Gets replaced in postp # @ToDo: better performance by not including here & placing directly into the view instead {"common": True, "name": "add", "widgets": [{"method": "create"}], }, #{"common": True, # "name": "cms", # "widgets": [{"method": "cms"}], # }, {"name": "table", "label": "Table", "widgets": [{"method": "datatable"}], }, {"name": "charts", "label": "Report", "widgets": [{"method": "report", "ajax_init": True}], }, #{"name": "map", # "label": "Map", # "widgets": [{"method": "map", # "ajax_init": True}], # }, ) # Custom Filtered Components s3db.add_components("req_need_response", req_need_response_organisation = (# Agency {"name": "agency", "joinby": "need_response_id", "filterby": {"role": 1, }, #"multiple": False, }, # Partners {"name": "partner", "joinby": "need_response_id", "filterby": {"role": 2, }, #"multiple": False, }, # Donors {"name": "donor", "joinby": "need_response_id", "filterby": {"role": 3, }, #"multiple": False, }, ), ) s3 = current.response.s3 # Custom prep standard_prep = s3.prep def prep(r): # Call standard prep if callable(standard_prep): result = standard_postp(r) else: result = True filter_widgets = [S3OptionsFilter("need_response_id$agency.organisation_id", label = T("Organization"), ), #S3OptionsFilter("need_response_id$event.event_type_id", # #hidden = True, # ), # @ToDo: Filter this list dynamically based on Event Type (if-used): S3OptionsFilter("need_response_id$event__link.event_id", #hidden = True, ), S3OptionsFilter("sector_id"), #S3LocationFilter("location_id", # label = T("Location"), # # These levels are for SHARE/LK # levels = ("L2", "L3", "L4"), # ), S3OptionsFilter("need_response_id$location_id", label = T("District"), ), S3OptionsFilter("need_response_id$donor.organisation_id", label = T("Donor"), ), S3OptionsFilter("need_response_id$partner.organisation_id", label = T("Partner"), ), S3OptionsFilter("parameter_id"), S3OptionsFilter("item_id"), #S3OptionsFilter("modality"), #S3DateFilter("date"), S3OptionsFilter("status_id", cols = 4, label = T("Status"), #hidden = True, ), ] list_fields = [(T("Organization"), "need_response_id$agency.organisation_id"), (T("Implementing Partner"), "need_response_id$partner.organisation_id"), (T("Donor"), "need_response_id$donor.organisation_id"), # These levels/labels are for SHARE/LK #(T("Province"), "need_response_id$location_id$L1"), (T("District"), "need_response_id$location_id$L2"), "coarse_location_id", "location_id", (T("Sector"), "sector_id"), (T("Item"), "item_id"), (T("Items Planned"), "quantity"), #(T("Items Delivered"), "quantity_delivered"), (T("Modality"), "modality"), (T("Beneficiaries Planned"), "value"), (T("Beneficiaries Reached"), "value_reached"), (T("Activity Date (Planned"), "date"), (T("Activity Status"), "status_id"), ] if r.interactive: s3.crud_strings["req_need_response_line"] = Storage( #label_create = T("Add Activity"), title_list = T("Activities"), #title_display = T("Activity"), #title_update = T("Edit Activity"), #title_upload = T("Import Activities"), #label_list_button = T("List Activities"), #label_delete_button = T("Delete Activity"), #msg_record_created = T("Activity added"), #msg_record_modified = T("Activity updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Activity deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Activities currently registered"), ) #if r.method == "report": # # In report drilldown, include the (Location) after quantity_delivered # # => Needs to be a VF as we can't read the record from within represents # #table.quantity_delivered.represent = # # from s3 import S3Represent, s3_fieldmethod # # # @ToDo: Option for gis_LocationRepresent which doesn't show level/parent, but supports translation # gis_represent = S3Represent(lookup = "gis_location") # # def quantity_delivered_w_location(row): # quantity_delivered = row["req_need_response_line.quantity_delivered"] # location_id = row["req_need_response_line.location_id"] # if not location_id: # location_id = row["req_need_response_line.coarse_location_id"] # if not location_id: # location_id = row["req_need_response.location_id"] # location = gis_represent(location_id) # return "%s (%s)" % (quantity_delivered, location) # # table.quantity_delivered_w_location = s3_fieldmethod("quantity_delivered_w_location", # quantity_delivered_w_location, # # over-ride the default represent of s3_unicode to prevent HTML being rendered too early # #represent = lambda v: v, # ) # list_fields.insert(9, (T("Items Delivered"), "quantity_delivered_w_location")) #else: list_fields.insert(9, (T("Items Delivered"), "quantity_delivered")) # Exclude the Disaster column from PDF exports if r.representation != "pdf": list_fields.insert(0, (T("Disaster"), "need_response_id$event__link.event_id")) s3db.configure("req_need_response_line", filter_widgets = filter_widgets, # We create a custom Create Button to create a Need Response not a Need Response Line listadd = False, list_fields = list_fields, ) return result s3.prep = prep # Custom postp standard_postp = s3.postp def postp(r, output): # Call standard postp if callable(standard_postp): output = standard_postp(r, output) if r.interactive and r.method == "summary": from gluon import A, DIV from s3 import s3_str #from s3 import S3CRUD, s3_str # Normal Action Buttons #S3CRUD.action_buttons(r) # Custom Action Buttons auth = current.auth deletable = current.db(auth.s3_accessible_query("delete", "req_need_response_line")).select(table.id) restrict_d = [str(row.id) for row in deletable] s3.actions = [{"label": s3_str(T("Open")), "_class": "action-btn", "url": URL(f="need_response", vars={"line": "[id]"}), }, {"label": s3_str(T("Delete")), "_class": "delete-btn", "url": URL(args=["[id]", "delete"]), "restrict": restrict_d, }, ] # Custom Create Button add_btn = DIV(DIV(DIV(A(T("Add Activity"), _class = "action-btn", _href = URL(f="need_response", args="create"), ), _id = "list-btn-add", ), _class = "widget-container with-tabs", ), _class = "section-container", ) output["common"][0] = add_btn return output s3.postp = postp return attr settings.customise_req_need_response_line_controller = customise_req_need_response_line_controller # ============================================================================= class NeedResponseLineReportRepresent(S3ReportRepresent): """ Custom representation of need response line records in pivot table reports: - show as location name """ def __call__(self, record_ids): """ Represent record_ids (custom) @param record_ids: req_need_response_line record IDs @returns: a JSON-serializable dict {recordID: representation} """ # Represent the location IDs resource = current.s3db.resource("req_need_response_line", id = record_ids, ) rows = resource.select(["id", "coarse_location_id", "location_id"], represent = True, raw_data = True, limit = None, ).rows output = {} for row in rows: raw = row["_row"] if raw["req_need_response_line.location_id"]: repr_str = row["req_need_response_line.location_id"] else: # Fall back to coarse_location_id if no GN available repr_str = row["req_need_response_line.coarse_location_id"] output[raw["req_need_response_line.id"]] = repr_str return output # END =========================================================================