set -ev

cd $(realpath $(dirname "${0}"))

# Install Alpine SDK and useful tools
apk update
apk add alpine-sdk git file htop less openssh-client openssh-server openssh-sftp-server tar xz

# Copy root profile files and settings
mkdir -p /root/.config/htop /root/.ssh
cp root/.profile /root/.profile
cp root/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
cp root/.config/htop/htoprc /root/.config/htop/htoprc

# Start SSH
rc-update add sshd boot
service sshd start

# Prepare build toolchain
adduser root abuild
cp etc/abuild.conf /etc/abuild.conf
cp usr/bin/abuild /usr/bin/abuild
cp usr/bin/fix-apk /usr/bin/fix-apk
cp usr/bin/lxc-build /usr/bin/lxc-build
cp usr/bin/lxc-pack /usr/bin/lxc-pack
mkdir -p /srv/build/lxc

# Supply /srv/build/repokey.rsa
# echo '/srv/build/repokey.rsa' | abuild-keygen

# Supply /srv/build/packages.key
# openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out /srv/build/packages.key
# openssl ec -in /srv/build/packages.key -pubout -out /srv/build/packages.pub