SE - Staff - Volunteers - Stejný odkaz v menu, různé URL a jeden padá, druhý ne. #313

opened 2018-11-13 20:42:19 +01:00 by Podhorecky · 2 comments
Podhorecky commented 2018-11-13 20:42:19 +01:00 (Migrated from
  1. instance Spotter

na stránce Zaměstnanec je odkaz na ZAMĚSTNANCI A DOBROVOLNÍCI (DOHROMADY)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/web2py/gluon/", line 219, in restricted
    exec(ccode, environment)
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/controllers/", line 860, in <module>
  File "/srv/web2py/gluon/", line 429, in <lambda>
    self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/controllers/", line 40, in human_resource
    return s3db.hrm_human_resource_controller()
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3db/", line 8406, in hrm_human_resource_controller
    return current.rest_controller("hrm", "human_resource")
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/models/", line 245, in s3_rest_controller
    output = r(**attr)
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 688, in __call__
    output = handler(self, **attr)
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 1775, in __call__
    output = self.apply_method(r, **attr)
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 57, in apply_method
    return self.summary(r, **attr)
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 262, in summary
    output["filter_form"] = filter_form.html(fresource,
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 3056, in html
    rows = self._render_widgets(resource,
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 3283, in _render_widgets
    widget = f(resource, get_vars, alias=alias)
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 204, in __call__
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 261, in _attr
    rfield = S3ResourceField(resource, f)
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 635, in __init__
    lf = S3FieldPath.resolve(resource, selector)
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 321, in resolve
    parser = cls(resource, None, tokens)
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 385, in __init__
    ktable, join, m, d = self._resolve_alias(resource, head)
  File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 615, in _resolve_alias
    raise SyntaxError("Invalid tablename: %s" % alias)
  File "<string>", line None
SyntaxError: Invalid tablename: details

Na stránce Dobrovolníci je také odkaz na ZAMĚSTNANCI A DOBROVOLNÍCI (DOHROMADY)

ovšem jiný.

tento odkaz nepadá.

v instanci Demo to nepadá.

1. instance Spotter na stránce **Zaměstnanec** je odkaz na **ZAMĚSTNANCI A DOBROVOLNÍCI (DOHROMADY)** ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/srv/web2py/gluon/", line 219, in restricted exec(ccode, environment) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/controllers/", line 860, in <module> File "/srv/web2py/gluon/", line 429, in <lambda> self._caller = lambda f: f() File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/controllers/", line 40, in human_resource return s3db.hrm_human_resource_controller() File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3db/", line 8406, in hrm_human_resource_controller return current.rest_controller("hrm", "human_resource") File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/models/", line 245, in s3_rest_controller output = r(**attr) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 688, in __call__ output = handler(self, **attr) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 1775, in __call__ output = self.apply_method(r, **attr) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 57, in apply_method return self.summary(r, **attr) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 262, in summary output["filter_form"] = filter_form.html(fresource, File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 3056, in html rows = self._render_widgets(resource, File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 3283, in _render_widgets widget = f(resource, get_vars, alias=alias) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 204, in __call__ self._attr(resource) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 261, in _attr rfield = S3ResourceField(resource, f) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 635, in __init__ lf = S3FieldPath.resolve(resource, selector) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 321, in resolve parser = cls(resource, None, tokens) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 385, in __init__ ktable, join, m, d = self._resolve_alias(resource, head) File "/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/s3/", line 615, in _resolve_alias raise SyntaxError("Invalid tablename: %s" % alias) File "<string>", line None SyntaxError: Invalid tablename: details ``` Na stránce **Dobrovolníci** je také odkaz na **ZAMĚSTNANCI A DOBROVOLNÍCI (DOHROMADY)** ovšem jiný. tento odkaz **nepadá**. v instanci Demo to nepadá.
Podhorecky commented 2020-04-28 17:11:26 +02:00 (Migrated from

changed title from SE - Stejný odkaz v menu, různé URL a jeden padá, druhý ne. to SE - St{+aff - Volunteers - St+}ejný odkaz v menu, různé URL a jeden padá, druhý ne.

changed title from **SE - Stejný odkaz v menu, různé URL a jeden padá, druhý ne.** to **SE - St{+aff - Volunteers - St+}ejný odkaz v menu, různé URL a jeden padá, druhý ne.**
Podhorecky commented 2020-04-28 17:11:26 +02:00 (Migrated from

changed the description

changed the description
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Reference: Spotter-Cluster/Spotter-VM#313
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