Transform PackageMgr into queue-backed AppMgr
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,23 +6,48 @@ import os
import requests
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
import uuid
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_public_key
from threading import Lock
from . import tools
PUB_FILE = '/srv/vm/'
LXC_ROOT = '/var/lib/lxc'
class PackageManager:
def __init__(self, conf):
# Load JSON configuration
self.conf = conf
class ActionItem:
def __init__(self, action, app):
self.timestamp = int(time.time())
self.action = action
|||| = app
self.started = False
self.finished = False
|||| = None
class InstallItem:
def __init__(self, total):
# Stage 0 = download, 1 = deps install, 2 = app install
self.stage = 0
|||| = total
self.downloaded = 0
def __str__(self):
# Limit the disaplyed percentage between 1 - 99 for aestethical and psychological reasons
return str(max(1, min(99, round(self.downloaded / * 100))))
class AppMgr:
def __init__(self, vmmgr):
self.vmmgr = vmmgr
self.conf = vmmgr.conf
self.online_packages = {}
self.bytes_downloaded = 0
self.action_queue = {}
self.lock = Lock()
def get_repo_resource(self, url, stream=False):
return requests.get('{}/{}'.format(self.conf['repo']['url'], url), auth=(self.conf['repo']['user'], self.conf['repo']['pwd']), stream=stream)
@ -37,44 +62,78 @@ class PackageManager:
pub_key.verify(packages_sig, packages, ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA512()))
self.online_packages = json.loads(packages)
def register_pending_installation(self, name):
# Registers pending installation. Fetch online packages here instead of install_pacakges() to fail early if the repo isn't reachable
self.bytes_downloaded = 1
# Return total size for download
deps = [d for d in self.get_install_deps(name) if d not in self.conf['packages']]
return sum(self.online_packages[d]['size'] for d in deps)
def enqueue_action(self, action, app):
# Remove actions older than 1 day
for id,item in self.action_queue.items():
if item.timestamp < time.time() - 86400:
del self.item[id]
# Enqueue action
id = '{}:{}'.format(app, uuid.uuid4())
item = ActionItem(action, app)
self.action_queue[id] = item
return id,item
def install_package(self, name):
# Main installation function. Wrapper for download, registration and install script
deps = [d for d in self.get_install_deps(name) if d not in self.conf['packages']]
def get_actions(self, ids):
# Return list of requested actions
result = {}
for id in ids:
result[id] = self.action_queue[id] if id in self.action_queue else None
return result
def process_action(self, id):
# Main method for deferred queue processing called by WSGI close handler
item = self.action_queue[id]
with self.lock:
item.started = True
# Call the action method inside exclusive lock
getattr(self, item.action)(item)
except BaseException as e:
|||| = e
item.finished = True
def start_app(self, item):
if not tools.is_service_started(
def stop_app(self, app):
if tools.is_service_started(
def install_app(self, item):
# Main installation function. Wrapper for download, registration and install script
deps = [d for d in self.get_install_deps( if d not in self.conf['packages']]
|||| = InstallItem(sum(self.online_packages[d]['size'] for d in deps))
for dep in deps:
for dep in deps:
|||| = 2 if dep == deps[-1] else 1
# Run uninstall script before installation to purge previous failed installation
self.bytes_downloaded = 0
# Store exception state for retrieval via get_install_progress_action()
self.bytes_downloaded = -1
def uninstall_package(self, name):
def uninstall_app(self, item):
# Main uninstallation function. Wrapper for uninstall script, filesystem purge and unregistration
deps = self.get_install_deps(name, False)[::-1]
deps = self.get_install_deps(, False)[::-1]
for dep in deps:
if dep not in self.get_uninstall_deps():
def download_package(self, name):
# Downloads, verifies, unpacks and sets up a package
tmp_archive = tempfile.mkstemp('.tar.xz')[1]
def download_package(self, name, installitem):
tmp_archive = '/tmp/{}.tar.xz'.format(name)
r = self.get_repo_resource('{}.tar.xz'.format(name), True)
with open(tmp_archive, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=65536):
if chunk:
self.bytes_downloaded += f.write(chunk)
installitem.downloaded += f.write(chunk)
def unpack_package(self, name):
tmp_archive = '/tmp/{}.tar.xz'.format(name)
# Verify hash
if self.online_packages[name]['sha512'] != hash_file(tmp_archive):
raise InvalidSignature(name)
@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import fcntl
import json
from threading import Lock
CONF_FILE = '/srv/vm/config.json'
# Locking is needed in order to prevent race conditions in WSGI threads
LOCK_FILE = '/srv/vm/config.lock'
class Config:
def __init__(self):
self.lock = Lock()
def load(self):
with open(LOCK_FILE, 'w') as l:
fcntl.flock(l, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
with self.lock:
with open(CONF_FILE, 'r') as f:
|||| = json.load(f)
def save(self):
with open(LOCK_FILE, 'w') as l:
fcntl.flock(l, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
with self.lock:
with open(CONF_FILE, 'w') as f:
json.dump(, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from . import VMMgr, CERT_PUB_FILE
from . import tools
from .pkgmgr import PackageManager
from .appmgr import AppMgr
from .validator import InvalidValueException
from .wsgilang import WSGILang
from .wsgisession import WSGISession
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ SESSION_KEY = os.urandom(26)
class WSGIApp(object):
def __init__(self):
self.vmmgr = VMMgr()
self.appmgr = AppMgr(self.vmmgr)
self.conf = self.vmmgr.conf
self.pkgmgr = PackageManager(self.conf)
self.jinja_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('/srv/vm/templates'), autoescape=True, lstrip_blocks=True, trim_blocks=True)
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class WSGIApp(object):
Rule('/start-app', endpoint='start_app_action'),
Rule('/stop-app', endpoint='stop_app_action'),
Rule('/install-app', endpoint='install_app_action'),
Rule('/get-install-progress', endpoint='get_install_progress_action'),
Rule('/get-progress', endpoint='get_progress_action'),
Rule('/uninstall-app', endpoint='uninstall_app_action'),
Rule('/update-password', endpoint='update_password_action'),
Rule('/shutdown-vm', endpoint='shutdown_vm_action'),
@ -148,15 +148,62 @@ class WSGIApp(object):
def setup_apps_view(self, request):
# Application manager view.
all_apps = sorted(set([k for k,v in self.pkgmgr.online_packages.items() if 'host' in v] + list(self.conf['apps'].keys())))
return self.render_template('setup-apps.html', request, all_apps=all_apps, online_packages=self.pkgmgr.online_packages)
all_apps = sorted(set([k for k,v in self.appmgr.online_packages.items() if 'host' in v] + list(self.conf['apps'].keys())))
return self.render_template('setup-apps.html', request, all_apps=all_apps, online_packages=self.appmgr.online_packages)
def render_setup_apps_row(self, request, app, app_title, total_size=None, install_error=False):
def render_setup_apps_row(self, request, app, app_title, item):
lang = request.session.lang
actions = '<div class="loader"></div>'
if item.action == 'start_app':
if not item.started:
status = 'Spouští se (ve frontě)'
elif not item.finished:
status = 'Spouští se'
elif isinstance(, BaseException):
status = '<span class="error">{}</span>'.format(lang.stop_start_error())
status = '<span class="info">Spuštěna</span>'
actions = '<a href="#" class="app-stop">Zastavit</a>'
elif item.action == 'stop_app':
if not item.started:
status = 'Zastavuje se (ve frontě)'
elif not item.finished:
status = 'Zastavuje se'
elif isinstance(, BaseException):
status = '<span class="error">{}</span>'.format(lang.stop_start_error())
status = '<span class="error">Zastavena</span>'
actions = '<a href="#" class="app-start">Spustit</a>, <a href="#" class="app-uninstall">Odinstalovat</a>'
elif item.action == 'install_app':
if not item.started:
status = 'Stahuje se (ve frontě)'
elif not item.finished:
if == 0:
status = 'Stahuje se ({} %)'.format(
elif == 1:
status = 'Instalují se závislosti'
status = 'Instaluje se'
elif isinstance(, BaseException):
status = '<span class="error">{}</span>'.format(lang.package_manager_error())
status = '<span class="error">Zastavena</span>'
actions = '<a href="#" class="app-start">Spustit</a>, <a href="#" class="app-uninstall">Odinstalovat</a>'
elif item.action == 'uninstall_app':
if not item.started:
status = 'Odinstalovává se (ve frontě)'
elif not item.finished:
status = 'Odinstalovává se'
elif isinstance(, BaseException):
status = '<span class="error">{}</span>'.format(lang.package_manager_error())
status = 'Není nainstalována'
actions = '<a href="#" class="app-install">Instalovat</a>'
t = self.jinja_env.get_template('setup-apps-row.html')
return t.render({'conf': self.conf, 'session': request.session, 'app': app, 'app_title': app_title, 'total_size': total_size, 'install_error': install_error})
return t.render({'conf': self.conf, 'session': request.session, 'app': app, 'app_title': app_title, 'status': status, 'actions': actions})
def update_host_action(self, request):
# Update domain and port, then restart nginx
@ -277,70 +324,47 @@ class WSGIApp(object):
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.malformed_request()})
return self.render_json({'ok': 'ok'})
def start_app_action(self, request):
# Starts application along with its dependencies
def enqueue_action(self, request, action):
app = request.form['app']
except (BadRequest, InvalidValueException):
except BadRequest:
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.malformed_request()})
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.stop_start_error()})
app_title = self.conf['apps'][app]['title']
return self.render_json({'ok': self.render_setup_apps_row(request, app, app_title)})
def stop_app_action(self, request):
# Stops application along with its dependencies
app = request.form['app']
if tools.is_service_started(app):
except (BadRequest, InvalidValueException):
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.malformed_request()})
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.stop_start_error()})
app_title = self.conf['apps'][app]['title']
return self.render_json({'ok': self.render_setup_apps_row(request, app, app_title)})
def install_app_action(self, request):
# Registers the application installation as pending
if self.pkgmgr.bytes_downloaded > 0:
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.installation_in_progress()})
app = request.form['app']
total_size = self.pkgmgr.register_pending_installation(app)
except (BadRequest, InvalidValueException):
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.malformed_request()})
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.package_manager_error()})
app_title = self.pkgmgr.online_packages[app]['title']
response = self.render_json({'ok': self.render_setup_apps_row(request, app, app_title, total_size)})
response.call_on_close(lambda: self.pkgmgr.install_package(app))
app_title = self.conf['apps'][app]['title'] if app in self.conf['apps'] else self.appmgr.online_packages[app]['title']
id,item = self.appmgr.enqueue_action(action, app)
response = self.render_json({'html': self.render_setup_apps_row(request, app, app_title, item), 'id': id})
response.call_on_close(lambda: self.appmgr.process_action(id))
return response
def get_install_progress_action(self, request):
# Gets pending installation status
if self.pkgmgr.bytes_downloaded > 0:
return self.render_json({'progress': self.pkgmgr.bytes_downloaded})
app = request.form['app']
# In case of installation error, we need to get the name from online_packages as the app is not yet registered
app_title = self.conf['apps'][app]['title'] if app in self.conf['apps'] else self.pkgmgr.online_packages[app]['title']
install_error = True if self.pkgmgr.bytes_downloaded == -1 else False
return self.render_json({'ok': self.render_setup_apps_row(request, app, app_title, None, install_error)})
def start_app_action(self, request):
# Queues application start along with its dependencies
return self.enqueue_action(request, 'start_app')
def stop_app_action(self, request):
# Queues application stop along with its dependencies
return self.enqueue_action(request, 'stop_app')
def install_app_action(self, request):
# Queues application installation
return self.enqueue_action(request, 'install_app')
def uninstall_app_action(self, request):
# Uninstalls application
if self.pkgmgr.bytes_downloaded > 0:
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.installation_in_progress()})
# Queues application uninstallation
return self.enqueue_action(request, 'uninstall_app')
def get_progress_action(self, request):
# Gets appmgr queue status for given ids
json = {}
app = request.form['app']
app_title = self.conf['apps'][app]['title']
except (BadRequest, InvalidValueException):
ids = request.form.getlist('ids[]')
except BadRequest:
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.malformed_request()})
return self.render_json({'error': request.session.lang.package_manager_error()})
return self.render_json({'ok': self.render_setup_apps_row(request, app, app_title)})
actions = self.appmgr.get_actions(ids)
for id,item in actions.items():
app =
# In case of installation error, we need to get the name from online_packages as the app is not yet registered
app_title = self.conf['apps'][app]['title'] if app in self.conf['apps'] else self.appmgr.online_packages[app]['title']
json[id] = {'html': self.render_setup_apps_row(request, app, app_title, item), 'last': item.finished}
return self.render_json(json)
def update_password_action(self, request):
# Updates password for both HDD encryption (LUKS-on-LVM) and web interface admin account
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
var action_queue = [];
$(function() {
$('#update-host').on('submit', update_host);
$('#verify-dns').on('click', verify_dns);
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ $(function() {
$('#update-password').on('submit', update_password);
$('#reboot-vm').on('click', reboot_vm);
$('#shutdown-vm').on('click', shutdown_vm);
window.setInterval(check_progress, 2000);
window.setInterval(check_progress, 1000);
function update_host() {
@ -147,7 +149,8 @@ function _do_app(action, ev) {
if (data.error) {
} else if (action) {
return false;
@ -174,20 +177,16 @@ function uninstall_app(ev) {
function check_progress() {
var progress = $('#install-progress');
if (progress.length) {
var td = progress.closest('td');
var tr = progress.closest('tr');
$.post('/get-install-progress', {'app':'app')}, function(data) {
if (data.progress) {
var value = parseInt(Math.max(1, data.progress /'total') * 100));
if (value < 100) {
} else {
td.html('<span id="install-progress">Instaluje se</span>')
if (action_queue.length) {
$.post('/get-progress', {'ids': action_queue}, function(data) {
for (id in data) {
var app = id.split(':')[0];
$('#app-manager tr[data-app="'+app+'"]').html(data[id].html);
if (data[id].last) {
action_queue = action_queue.filter(function(item) {
return item !== id
} else {
@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
<tr data-app="{{ app }}">
<td>{{ app_title }}</td>
{% set not_installed = app not in conf['apps'] %}
{% if not status %}
{% if not_installed: %}
{% set status = 'Není nainstalována' %}
{% set actions = '<a href="#" class="app-install">Instalovat</a>' %}
{% elif is_service_started(app): %}
{% set status = '<span class="info">Spuštěna</span>' %}
{% set actions = '<a href="#" class="app-stop">Zastavit</a>' %}
{% else: %}
{% set status = '<span class="error">Zastavena</span>' %}
{% set actions = '<a href="#" class="app-start">Spustit</a>, <a href="#" class="app-uninstall">Odinstalovat</a>' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<td>{{ app_title }}</td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" class="app-visible"{% if not_installed %} disabled{% elif conf['apps'][app]['visible'] %} checked{% endif %}></td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" class="app-autostart"{% if not_installed %} disabled{% elif is_service_autostarted(app) %} checked{% endif %}></td>
{% if install_error %}
<td>Není nainstalována</td>
<td><span class="error">{{ session.lang.package_manager_error() }}</span></td>
{% elif total_size %}
<td>Stahuje se (<span id="install-progress" data-total="{{ total_size }}">1</span> %)</td>
<td><div class="loader"></div></td>
{% elif not_installed %}
<td>Není nainstalována</td>
<td><a href="#" class="app-install">Instalovat</a></td>
{% elif is_service_started(app) %}
<td><span class="info">Spuštěna</span></td>
<td><a href="#" class="app-stop">Zastavit</a></td>
{% else %}
<td><span class="error">Zastavena</span></td>
<td><a href="#" class="app-start">Spustit</a>, <a href="#" class="app-uninstall">Odinstalovat</a></td>
{% endif %}
<td>{{ status|safe }}</td>
<td>{{ actions|safe }}</td>
@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
{% for app in all_apps %}
{% set app_title = conf['apps'][app]['title'] if app in conf['apps'] else online_packages[app]['title'] %}
<tr data-app="{{ app }}">
{% include 'setup-apps-row.html' %}
{% endfor %}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user