Create vanilla Sahana Demo installation script

This commit is contained in:
Disassembler 2018-02-09 19:20:32 +01:00
parent 9c0b1ac8ce
commit a924a2dd26
Signed by: Disassembler
GPG Key ID: 524BD33A0EE29499
7 changed files with 356 additions and 0 deletions

41 Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
SOURCE_DIR=$(realpath $(dirname "${0}"))/sahana-demo
# Check prerequisites
docker image ls | grep -q postfix || $(realpath $(dirname "${0}"))/
docker image ls | grep -q postgres || $(realpath $(dirname "${0}"))/
docker image ls | grep -q sahana || docker build -t sahana $(realpath $(dirname "${0}"))/sahana
# Create PostgreSQL user and database
export SAHANADEMO_PWD=$(head -c 18 /dev/urandom | base64)
envsubst <${SOURCE_DIR}/createdb.sql | docker exec -i postgres psql
# Prepare persistent directory structure
mkdir -p /srv/sahana-demo/conf /srv/sahana-demo/data/databases /srv/sahana-demo/data/uploads
chown -R 8001:8001 /srv/sahana-demo/conf /srv/sahana-demo/data
docker run --rm -v /srv/sahana-demo/conf:/mnt/conf sahana cp -rp /srv/web2py/applications/eden/models/. /mnt/conf
# Configure Sahana
export SAHANADEMO_HMAC=$(head -c 18 /dev/urandom | base64)
envsubst <${SOURCE_DIR}/srv/sahana-demo/conf/ >/srv/sahana-demo/conf/
cp ${SOURCE_DIR}/srv/sahana-demo/ /srv/sahana-demo/
export SAHANADEMO_ADMIN_PWD=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | base64)
envsubst <${SOURCE_DIR}/masterUsers.csv >/tmp/masterUsers.csv
# Populate database
docker run --rm -h sahana-demo --link postgres -v /srv/sahana-demo/conf:/srv/web2py/applications/eden/models -v /srv/sahana-demo/data/Spotter:/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/templates/Spotter -v /srv/sahana-demo/data/databases:/srv/web2py/applications/eden/databases -v /tmp/masterUsers.csv:/srv/web2py/applications/eden/modules/templates/default/users/masterUsers.csv sahana ./ -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/
rm /tmp/masterUsers.csv
# Create Sahana service
cp ${SOURCE_DIR}/etc/init.d/sahana-demo /etc/init.d/sahana-demo
rc-update add sahana-demo
service sahana-demo start
# Create nginx app definition
cp ${SOURCE_DIR}/etc/nginx/conf.d/sahana-demo.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/sahana-demo.conf
service nginx reload
# Add portal application definition
portal-app-manager sahana-eden-demo "https://{host}:8498/eden/" "${SAHANADEMO_ADMIN_USER}" "${SAHANADEMO_ADMIN_PWD}"

sahana-demo/createdb.sql Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE sahanademo FROM public;
ALTER DATABASE sahanademo OWNER TO sahanademo;
\c sahanademo;
GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO sahanademo;
GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO sahanademo;

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
description="Sahana Eden Development docker container"
depend() {
need docker net postgres
use dns logger netmount postfix
start_pre() {
start() {
/usr/bin/docker run -d --rm \
--name sahana-demo \
-h sahana-demo \
--link postfix \
--link postgres \
-p \
-v /srv/sahana-demo/conf:/srv/web2py/applications/eden/models \
-v /srv/sahana-demo/data/databases:/srv/web2py/applications/eden/databases \
-v /srv/sahana-demo/data/uploads:/srv/web2py/applications/eden/uploads \
stop() {
/usr/bin/docker stop sahana-demo

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
server {
listen [::]:8898 ipv6only=off;
listen [::]:8498 ssl http2 ipv6only=off;
access_log /var/log/nginx/sahana-demo.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/sahana-demo.error.log;
location / {

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
First Name,Last Name,Email,Password,Role,Organisation
1 First Name Last Name Email Password Role Organisation

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Machine-specific settings
All settings which are typically edited for a specific machine should be done here
Deployers should ideally not need to edit any other files outside of their template folder
Note for Developers:
/models/ is NOT in the Git repository, to avoid leaking of
sensitive or irrelevant information into the repository.
For changes to be committed, please also edit:
# Remove this line when you have edited this file sufficiently to proceed to the web interface
# Select the Template
# - which Modules are enabled
# - PrePopulate data
# - Security Policy
# - Workflows
# - Theme
# - note that you should restart your web2py after changing this setting
settings.base.template = "default"
# Database settings
# Uncomment to use a different database, other than sqlite
settings.database.db_type = "postgres"
#settings.database.db_type = "mysql"
# Uncomment to use a different host = "postgres"
# Uncomment to use a different port
#settings.database.port = 3306
#settings.database.port = 5432
# Uncomment to select a different name for your database
settings.database.database = "sahanademo"
# Uncomment to select a different username for your database
settings.database.username = "sahanademo"
# Uncomment to set the password
# NB Web2Py doesn't like passwords with an @ in them
settings.database.password = "${SAHANADEMO_PWD}"
# Uncomment to use a different pool size
#settings.database.pool_size = 30
# Do we have a spatial DB available? (currently supports PostGIS. Spatialite to come.)
settings.gis.spatialdb = True
# Base settings
#settings.base.system_name = T("Sahana Eden Humanitarian Management Platform")
#settings.base.system_name_short = T("Sahana Eden")
# Set this to the Public URL of the instance
settings.base.public_url = ""
# Switch to "False" in Production for a Performance gain
# (need to set to "True" again when Table definitions are changed)
settings.base.migrate = True
# To just create the .table files (also requires migrate=True):
#settings.base.fake_migrate = True
# Set this to True to switch to Debug mode
# Debug mode means that uncompressed CSS/JS files are loaded
# JS Debug messages are also available in the Console
# can also load an individual page in debug mode by appending URL with
# ?debug=1
settings.base.debug = True
# Uncomment this to prevent automated test runs from remote
# settings.base.allow_testing = False
# Configure the log level ("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR" or "CRITICAL"), None = turn off logging
#settings.log.level = "WARNING"
# Uncomment to prevent writing log messages to the console (sys.stderr)
#settings.log.console = False
# Configure a log file (file name)
#settings.log.logfile = None
# Uncomment to get detailed caller information
#settings.log.caller_info = True
# Uncomment to use Content Delivery Networks to speed up Internet-facing sites
#settings.base.cdn = True
# Allow language files to be updated automatically
#settings.L10n.languages_readonly = False
# This setting should be changed _before_ registering the 1st user
# - should happen automatically if installing using supported scripts
settings.auth.hmac_key = "${SAHANADEMO_HMAC}"
# Minimum Password Length
#settings.auth.password_min_length = 8
# Email settings
# Outbound server
settings.mail.server = "postfix:25"
#settings.mail.tls = True
# Useful for Windows Laptops:
#settings.mail.server = ""
#settings.mail.tls = True
#settings.mail.login = "username:password"
# From Address - until this is set, no mails can be sent
settings.mail.sender = "'Sahana' <>"
# Default email address to which requests to approve new user accounts gets sent
# This can be overridden for specific domains/organisations via the auth_domain table
#settings.mail.approver = ""
# Daily Limit on Sending of emails
#settings.mail.limit = 1000
# Frontpage settings
# RSS feeds
settings.frontpage.rss = [
{"title": "Eden",
# Trac timeline
"url": ""
{"title": "Twitter",
# @SahanaFOSS
#"url": "" # API v1 deprecated, so doesn't work, need to use 3rd-party service, like:
"url": ""
# Hashtag
#url: "" # API v1 deprecated, so doesn't work, need to use 3rd-party service, like:
#url: ""
# Uncomment to restrict to specific country/countries
#settings.gis.countries= ("LK",)
# Uncomment to enable a guided tour
#settings.base.guided_tour = True
# Instance Name - for management scripts
#settings.base.instance_name = "test"
# Bing API Key (for Map layers)
#settings.gis.api_bing = ""
# Google API Key (for Google Maps Layers)
#settings.gis.api_google = ""
# Yahoo API Key (for Geocoder)
#settings.gis.api_yahoo = ""
# GeoNames username
#settings.gis.geonames_username = ""
# Fill this in to get Google Analytics for your site
#settings.base.google_analytics_tracking_id = ""
# Chat server, see:
#settings.base.chat_server = {
# "ip": "",
# "port": 7070,
# "name": "servername",
# # Default group everyone is added to
# "groupname" : "everyone",
# "server_db" : "openfire",
# # These settings fallback to main DB settings if not specified
# # Only mysql/postgres supported
# #"server_db_type" : "mysql",
# #"server_db_username" : "",
# #"server_db_password": "",
# #"server_db_port" : 3306,
# #"server_db_ip" : "",
# }
# GeoServer (Currently used by GeoExplorer. Will allow REST control of GeoServer.)
# NB Needs to be publically-accessible URL for querying via client JS
#settings.gis.geoserver_url = "http://localhost/geoserver"
#settings.gis.geoserver_username = "admin"
#settings.gis.geoserver_password = ""
# Print Service URL:
#settings.gis.print_service = "/geoserver/pdf/"
# Google OAuth (to allow users to login using Google)
#settings.auth.google_id = ""
#settings.auth.google_secret = ""
# Pootle server
# settings.L10n.pootle_url = ""
# settings.L10n.pootle_username = "username"
# settings.L10n.pootle_password = "*****"
# SOLR server for Full-Text Search
#settings.base.solr_url = ""
# Memcache server to allow sharing of sessions across instances
#settings.base.session_memcache = ''
settings.base.session_db = True
# UI options
# Should user be prompted to save before navigating away?
#settings.ui.navigate_away_confirm = False
# Should user be prompted to confirm actions?
#settings.ui.confirm = False
# Should potentially large dropdowns be turned into autocompletes?
# (unused currently)
#settings.ui.autocomplete = True
#settings.ui.read_label = "Details"
#settings.ui.update_label = "Edit"
# Audit settings
# - can be a callable for custom hooks (return True to also perform normal logging, or False otherwise)
# NB Auditing (especially Reads) slows system down & consumes diskspace = False = False
# Performance Options
# Maximum number of search results for an Autocomplete Widget = 200
# Maximum number of features for a Map Layer
#settings.gis.max_features = 1000
# CAP Settings
# Change for different authority and organisations
# See for oid
# Country root oid. The oid for the organisation includes this base
#settings.cap.identifier_oid = ""
# Change this for the offset period in days that the alert will be effective for
# Expire Date = Effective Date + expire_offset
# Default is 2 days
#settings.cap.expire_offset = 2
# =============================================================================
# Import the settings from the Template
# - note: invalid settings are ignored
# =============================================================================
# Over-rides to the Template may be done here
# e.g.
#settings.base.system_name = T("Sahana TEST")
#settings.base.prepopulate = ("MY_TEMPLATE_ONLY")
settings.base.prepopulate += ("default", "default/users")
#settings.base.theme = "default"
#settings.L10n.default_language = "en" = 7 # Organisation-ACLs
# Enable Additional Module(s)
#settings.modules["delphi"] = Storage(
# name_nice = T("Delphi Decision Maker"),
# restricted = False,
# module_type = 10,
# )
# Disable a module which is normally used by the template
# - NB Only templates with adaptive menus will work nicely with this!
#del settings.modules["irs"]
# After 1st_run, set this for Production to save 1x DAL hit/request
#settings.base.prepopulate = 0
# =============================================================================
# A version number to tell update_check if there is a need to refresh the
# running copy of this file
# END =========================================================================

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
URL=$(ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}')
sed -i "s|^settings\.base\.public_url.*|settings.base.public_url = \"https://${URL}:8498\"|" /srv/sahana-demo/conf/