From 5d0928f2aa355c3cdd4ad767cf8b9a7c7b1437ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Disassembler Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2018 18:12:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Reflect Postfix 3.3 and json-c (PostGIS) propagation to main repo --- postfix/Dockerfile | 6 ++---- postgres/Dockerfile | 7 +++---- 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/postfix/Dockerfile b/postfix/Dockerfile index 53f4e5f..f788985 100644 --- a/postfix/Dockerfile +++ b/postfix/Dockerfile @@ -5,10 +5,8 @@ RUN \ # Create OS user (which will be picked up later by apk add) addgroup -S -g 587 postfix \ && adduser -S -u 587 -h /var/spool/postfix -s /bin/false -g postfix -G postfix postfix \ - # Add edge/main repository - && echo '@edge' >>/etc/apk/repositories \ - # Install Postfix 3.3 - && apk --no-cache add ca-certificates postfix@edge \ + # Install Postfix + && apk --no-cache add ca-certificates postfix \ # Build aliases database && newaliases \ # Cleanup diff --git a/postgres/Dockerfile b/postgres/Dockerfile index c58c97e..ddcca4c 100644 --- a/postgres/Dockerfile +++ b/postgres/Dockerfile @@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ RUN \ sed -i 's/postgres:x:70:70/postgres:x:5432:5432/' /etc/passwd \ && sed -i 's/postgres:x:70/postgres:x:5432/' /etc/group \ # Add edge/testing repository for postgis support - && echo '@edgetest' >>/etc/apk/repositories \ - && echo '@edgemain' >>/etc/apk/repositories \ - # Install PostgreSQL + PostGIS (JSON-C is a dependency for PostGIS) - && apk --no-cache add json-c@edgemain postgresql postgresql-contrib postgis@edgetest \ + && echo '@edge' >>/etc/apk/repositories \ + # Install PostgreSQL + PostGIS + && apk --no-cache add postgresql postgresql-contrib postgis@edge \ # Create socket directory && mkdir /run/postgresql \ && chown postgres:postgres /run/postgresql