diff --git a/50-pandora.sh b/50-pandora.sh
index 8da3e73..1927401 100755
--- a/50-pandora.sh
+++ b/50-pandora.sh
@@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ git clone --depth 1 https://git.0x2620.org/oxjs.git /srv/pandora/static/oxjs
git clone --depth 1 https://git.0x2620.org/oxtimelines.git /srv/pandora/src/oxtimelines
git clone --depth 1 https://git.0x2620.org/python-ox.git /srv/pandora/src/python-ox
+# Copy Czech translataion
+cp ${SOURCE_DIR}/pandora/srv/pandora/static/json/locale.0xdb.cs.json /srv/pandora/static/json/locale.0xdb.cs.json
+cp ${SOURCE_DIR}/pandora/srv/pandora/static/json/locale.pandora.cs.json /srv/pandora/static/json/locale.pandora.cs.json
+cp ${SOURCE_DIR}/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/Ox/js/Constants.js /srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/Ox/js/Constants.js
+cp ${SOURCE_DIR}/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/Ox/json/locale.cs.json /srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/Ox/json/locale.cs.json
+cp ${SOURCE_DIR}/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/UI/json/locale.cs.json /srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/UI/json/locale.cs.json
# Create python virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p /usr/bin/python3 /srv/pandora
cd /srv/pandora/src/oxtimelines && /srv/pandora/bin/python setup.py develop
@@ -38,7 +45,7 @@ export PANDORA_BROKER_URL="amqp://pandora:${PANDORA_RABBIT_PWD}@localhost:5672//
# Configure Pandora
mkdir /srv/pandora/data
-cp /srv/pandora/pandora/config.pandora.jsonc /srv/pandora/pandora/config.jsonc
+cp ${SOURCE_DIR}/pandora/srv/pandora/pandora/config.jsonc /srv/pandora/pandora/config.jsonc
cp /srv/pandora/pandora/gunicorn_config.py.in /srv/pandora/pandora/gunicorn_config.py
envsubst <${SOURCE_DIR}/pandora/srv/pandora/pandora/local_settings.py >/srv/pandora/pandora/local_settings.py
diff --git a/pandora/srv/pandora/pandora/config.jsonc b/pandora/srv/pandora/pandora/config.jsonc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..247bf0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora/srv/pandora/pandora/config.jsonc
@@ -0,0 +1,1260 @@
+pan.do/ra Configuration
+You can edit this file. Most changes are effective immediately; everything that
+affects the database layout (adding a new item key, annotation layer etc.) will
+require a server restart. You may also want to take a look at the configuration
+examples (config.SITENAME.jsonc) that are part of this pan.do/ra distribution.
+ /*
+ "annotations" configures the annotation panel.
+ "showUsers": If true, include list of users in menu, so that
+ annotations by specific users can be turned on and off
+ */
+ "annotations": {
+ "showUsers": false
+ },
+ /*
+ "cantPlay" specifies the UI for clips or videos that a user is not allowed
+ to play.
+ "icon": Symbol name (see https://oxjs.org/#examples/symbols/live)
+ "link": URL loaded on click (for example "/rights", if "rights" is
+ defined in "sitePages")
+ "text": Text shown on mouseover
+ */
+ "cantPlay": {
+ "icon": "noCopyright",
+ "link": "",
+ "text": ""
+ },
+ /*
+ "capabilities" are permissions per user level.
+ Depending on the capability, this is either global:
+ {level: true} means a user of that level has the capability
+ or related to the rights levels of items or texts:
+ {level: x} means a user of that level has the capability for items or
+ texts of a rights level up to and including x
+ */
+ "capabilities": {
+ "canAddItems": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canAddDocuments": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canDownloadVideo": {"guest": 1, "member": 1, "staff": 4, "admin": 4},
+ "canEditAnnotations": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditDocuments": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditEntities": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditEvents": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditFeaturedCollections": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditFeaturedEdits": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditFeaturedLists": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditFeaturedTexts": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditMedia": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditMetadata": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditPlaces": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditRightsLevel": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditSitePages": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canEditUsers": {"admin": true},
+ "canExportAnnotations": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canImportAnnotations": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canImportItems": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canManageDocuments": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canManageEntities": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canManageHome": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canManagePlacesAndEvents": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canManageTitlesAndNames": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canManageUsers": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canPlayClips": {"guest": 1, "member": 1, "staff": 4, "admin": 4},
+ "canPlayVideo": {"guest": 1, "member": 1, "staff": 4, "admin": 4},
+ "canReadText": {"guest": 0, "member": 0, "staff": 1, "admin": 1},
+ "canRemoveItems": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canRemoveDocuments": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canSeeAccessed": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canSeeAllTasks": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canSeeDebugMenu": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canSeeExtraItemViews": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canSeeMedia": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canSeeDocument": {"guest": 1, "member": 1, "staff": 4, "admin": 4},
+ "canSeeItem": {"guest": 1, "member": 1, "staff": 4, "admin": 4},
+ "canSeeSize": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canSeeSoftwareVersion": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canSendMail": {"staff": true, "admin": true}
+ },
+ /*
+ "clipKeys" are the properties that clips can be sorted by (the values are
+ populated automatically). If "sortOperator" is not specified, it will be
+ "+" (ascending) for strings and "-" (descending) for numbers.
+ */
+ "clipKeys": [
+ {"id": "text", "title": "Text", "type": "string"},
+ {"id": "position", "title": "Position", "type": "float", "sortOperator": "+"},
+ {"id": "duration", "title": "Duration", "type": "float"},
+ {"id": "hue", "title": "Hue", "type": "float", "sortOperator": "+"},
+ {"id": "saturation", "title": "Saturation", "type": "float"},
+ {"id": "lightness", "title": "Lightness", "type": "float"},
+ {"id": "volume", "title": "Volume", "type": "float"}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "clipLayers" is the ordered list of public layers that will appear as the
+ text of clips (in grid view, below the icon). Excluding a layer from this
+ list means it will not be included in find annotations.
+ */
+ "clipLayers": ["publicnotes", "keywords", "subtitles"],
+ /*
+ "documentKeys" defines the metadata associated with each document. Required keys
+ are "*", "id" and "title".
+ A documentKey must have the following properties:
+ "id": The unique id of the key (as used by the server)
+ "title": The title of the key (as displayed by the client)
+ "type": Can be "boolean", "date", "enum", "float", "hue", "integer",
+ "layer", "string", "text", "time" or ["..."] (list of values of
+ this type). If type is "layer", this is a reference to the
+ annotations layer with the same id.
+ and can have any of the following properties:
+ "additionalSort": Ordered list of {key, operator} objects, where key is
+ another itemKey and operator is "+" or "-". This can be used to
+ override user.ui.listSort when results are sorted by this key.
+ "autocomplete": If true, the find element will provide autocomplete
+ "autocompleteSort": Sort order of autocomplete suggestions
+ "capability": A capability required to see data for this key
+ "columnRequired": If true, the column can't be removed from list view
+ "columnWidth": Default column width in px. If absent, no column for
+ this key can be added in list view.
+ "filter": If true, one can filter results by this key
+ "find": If true, this key will appear as an option in the find element
+ "flag": Can be "country" or "language". If set (and filter is true), a
+ flag icon corresponding to the field's value will be displayed.
+ "format": {type: string, args: [value, value, ...]}, used for special
+ formatting. This will invoke Ox.formatType(args). For details, see
+ https://oxjs.org/#doc/Ox.formatArea etc.
+ "secondaryId": If true, loading the URL "/value" will redirect to the
+ corresponding item, in case there is an exact match for this key
+ "sort": If true, one can sort results by this key
+ "sortOperator": Sort order ("+" or "-"), in case it differs from the
+ default for the key's type ("+" for strings, "-" for numbers)
+ "sortType": Special sort type ("person" or "title") which can be
+ further configured in "Manage Names" or "Manage Titles"
+ "value": {key: string, type: string} or {layer: string, type: string},
+ for keys whose value is derived from other keys or layers (like
+ "number of actors" or "words per minute"). Possible values for type
+ are "length", "lengthperminute", "words", and "wordsperminute".
+ Alternatively, "value" can be set to the string "capability", which
+ results in an itemKey whose boolean value indicates the presence or
+ absence of a userLevel-dependent capability. This can be used to
+ create queries and lists like "all items this user can play" etc.
+ "values": [value, value, ...] Ordered list of values, in case "type" is
+ "enum"
+ */
+ "documentKeys": [
+ {
+ "id": "*",
+ "title": "All",
+ "type": "text",
+ "find": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "title",
+ "operator": "+",
+ "title": "Title",
+ "type": "string",
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true,
+ "sortType": "title",
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnWidth": 256
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "type",
+ "operator": "+",
+ "title": "Type",
+ "type": "string",
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true,
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnWidth": 128
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "author",
+ "operator": "+",
+ "title": "Author",
+ "type": ["string"],
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true,
+ "sortType": "person",
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnWidth": 256
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "publisher",
+ "operator": "+",
+ "title": "Publisher",
+ "type": "string",
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true,
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnWidth": 256
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "place",
+ "title": "Place",
+ "type": ["string"],
+ "columnWidth": 128,
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "date",
+ "title": "Date",
+ "type": "string",
+ "columnWidth": 120,
+ //"format": {"type": "date", "args": ["%a, %b %e, %Y"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "series",
+ "title": "Series",
+ "type": "string",
+ "columnWidth": 128,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "edition",
+ "title": "Edition",
+ "type": "string",
+ "columnWidth": 128,
+ "find": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "language",
+ "title": "Language",
+ "type": ["string"],
+ "columnWidth": 128,
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "id",
+ "operator": "+",
+ "title": "ID",
+ "type": "string",
+ "sort": true,
+ "columnWidth": 64
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "extension",
+ "operator": "+",
+ "title": "Extension",
+ "type": "string",
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true,
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnWidth": 64
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "dimensions",
+ "operator": "-",
+ "title": "Dimensions",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "sort": true,
+ "columnWidth": 128
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "size",
+ "operator": "-",
+ "title": "Size",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "sort": true,
+ "format": {"type": "value", "args": ["B"]},
+ "columnWidth": 64
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "description",
+ "operator": "+",
+ "title": "Description",
+ "type": "text",
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true,
+ "columnWidth": 256
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "matches",
+ "operator": "-",
+ "title": "Matches",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "sort": true,
+ "columnWidth": 64
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "user",
+ "operator": "+",
+ "title": "User",
+ "type": "string",
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true,
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnWidth": 128
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "created",
+ "operator": "-",
+ "title": "Created",
+ "format": {"type": "date", "args": ["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]},
+ "type": "date",
+ "sort": true,
+ "columnWidth": 144
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "modified",
+ "operator": "-",
+ "title": "Modified",
+ "format": {"type": "date", "args": ["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]},
+ "type": "date",
+ "sort": true,
+ "columnWidth": 144
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "accessed",
+ "title": "Last Accessed",
+ "type": "date",
+ "capability": "canSeeAccessed",
+ "columnWidth": 150,
+ "format": {"type": "date", "args": ["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "timesaccessed",
+ "title": "Times Accessed",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "capability": "canSeeAccessed",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "format": {"type": "number", "args": []},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "rightslevel",
+ "title": "Rights Level",
+ "type": "enum",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "ColorLevel", "args": [
+ ["Public", "Out of Copyright", "Under Copyright", "Private"]
+ ]},
+ "sort": true,
+ "sortOperator": "+",
+ "values": ["Public", "Out of Copyright", "Under Copyright", "Private", "Unknown"]
+ }
+ ],
+ /*
+ "documentRightsLevel" defines which initial rights level will be assigned to documents
+ created by users of these user levels.
+ */
+ "documentRightsLevel": {"member": 0, "staff": 0, "admin": 0},
+ /*
+ "documentRightsLevels" is an ordered list of rights levels, one of which will be
+ assigned to each document.
+ */
+ "documentRightsLevels": [
+ {"name": "Public", "color": [128, 255, 128]},
+ {"name": "Restricted", "color": [255, 212, 128]},
+ {"name": "Private", "color": [255, 128, 128]}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "entities" can be used to store arbitrary data. They can be referenced in
+ annotations, info view, or elsewhere. Each entry defines a specific class
+ of entity object, its properties and their types (for example an "actor"
+ with "name", "biography", "portrait" etc). The HTML representation for
+ entities can be customized by adding "/static/js/entity.SITENAME.js".
+ Each entity has the following properties:
+ "id": Unique internal ID (can be referenced in "layers")
+ "title": Human-readable title
+ "keys": List of properties
+ "sortType": Optional. If set to "person" or "title", then the sort
+ order can be configured in "Manage Names" or "Manage Titles"
+ Each key has the properties "id", "title" and "type". "type" can be
+ "boolean", "number", "string", "text", "document" (reference to the id of a
+ document added via "Manage Documents") or ["string"] (list of strings).
+ "id" and "name" keys are required. If "alternativeNames" is present, these
+ will act as synonyms when autocompleting values entered as annotations.
+ */
+ "entities": [
+ {
+ "id": "people",
+ "title": "People",
+ "keys": [
+ {"id": "id", "title": "ID", "type": "string"},
+ {"id": "name", "title": "Name", "type": "string"},
+ {"id": "additionalNames", "title": "Additional Names", "type": ["string"]},
+ {"id": "biography", "title": "Biography", "type": "text"},
+ {"id": "portrait", "title": "Portrait", "type": "document"}
+ ],
+ "sortType": "person"
+ }
+ ],
+ /*
+ "flags", if set to true, will cause flag icons to appear in filters.
+ */
+ "flags": true,
+ /*
+ "help" specifies the sections of the help dialog.
+ */
+ "help": [
+ {"id": "help", "title": "Help"},
+ {"id": "accounts", "title": "Accounts"},
+ {"id": "navigation", "title": "Navigation"},
+ {"id": "views", "title": "Views"},
+ {"id": "timelines", "title": "Timelines"},
+ {"id": "clips", "title": "Clips"},
+ {"id": "maps", "title": "Maps"},
+ {"id": "calendars", "title": "Calendars"},
+ {"id": "find", "title": "Find"},
+ {"id": "filters", "title": "Filters"},
+ {"id": "lists", "title": "Lists"},
+ {"id": "player", "title": "Player"},
+ {"id": "editor", "title": "Editor"},
+ {"id": "documents", "title": "Documents"},
+ {"id": "entities", "title": "Entities"},
+ {"id": "edits", "title": "Edits"},
+ {"id": "texts", "title": "Texts"},
+ {"id": "embeds", "title": "Embeds"}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "importMetadata" defines what fields (as defined in "itemKeys") will get
+ populated with imported metadata. There is metadata for "title",
+ "description", "uploader", "date", "tags", "id", "url", and the value must
+ be a format string (like "{title} ({id})"). The type of the itemKeys must
+ be "string", ["string"], "text", "date" or "year". The last two only work
+ with "{date}".
+ */
+ "importMetadata": {
+ "title": "{title}"
+ },
+ /*
+ "itemKeys" defines the metadata associated with each item. Required keys
+ are "*", "id" and "title". Annotation layers can be referenced too, which
+ makes them available in the find element. Adding a key with "annotations"
+ as id adds a "find in any annotation layer" option. Further, adding a key
+ with "random" as id can be used for a random sort order.
+ An itemKey must have the following properties:
+ "id": The unique id of the key (as used by the server)
+ "title": The title of the key (as displayed by the client)
+ "type": Can be "boolean", "date", "enum", "float", "hue", "integer",
+ "layer", "string", "text", "time" or ["..."] (list of values of
+ this type). If type is "layer", this is a reference to the
+ annotations layer with the same id.
+ and can have any of the following properties:
+ "additionalSort": Ordered list of {key, operator} objects, where key is
+ another itemKey and operator is "+" or "-". This can be used to
+ override user.ui.listSort when results are sorted by this key.
+ "autocomplete": If true, the find element will provide autocomplete
+ "autocompleteSort": Sort order of autocomplete suggestions
+ "capability": A capability required to see data for this key
+ "columnRequired": If true, the column can't be removed from list view
+ "columnWidth": Default column width in px. If absent, no column for
+ this key can be added in list view.
+ "filter": If true, one can filter results by this key
+ "find": If true, this key will appear as an option in the find element
+ "flag": Can be "country" or "language". If set (and filter is true), a
+ flag icon corresponding to the field's value will be displayed.
+ "format": {type: string, args: [value, value, ...]}, used for special
+ formatting. This will invoke Ox.formatType(args). For details, see
+ https://oxjs.org/#doc/Ox.formatArea etc.
+ "secondaryId": If true, loading the URL "/value" will redirect to the
+ corresponding item, in case there is an exact match for this key
+ "sort": If true, one can sort results by this key
+ "sortOperator": Sort order ("+" or "-"), in case it differs from the
+ default for the key's type ("+" for strings, "-" for numbers)
+ "sortType": Special sort type ("person" or "title") which can be
+ further configured in "Manage Names" or "Manage Titles"
+ "value": {key: string, type: string} or {layer: string, type: string},
+ for keys whose value is derived from other keys or layers (like
+ "number of actors" or "words per minute"). Possible values for type
+ are "length", "lengthperminute", "words", and "wordsperminute".
+ Alternatively, "value" can be set to the string "capability", which
+ results in an itemKey whose boolean value indicates the presence or
+ absence of a userLevel-dependent capability. This can be used to
+ create queries and lists like "all items this user can play" etc.
+ "values": [value, value, ...] Ordered list of values, in case "type" is
+ "enum"
+ */
+ "itemKeys": [
+ {
+ "id": "*",
+ "title": "All",
+ "type": "text",
+ "find": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "title",
+ "title": "Title",
+ "type": "string",
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "autocompleteSort": [{"key": "timesaccessed", "operator": "-"}],
+ "columnRequired": true,
+ "columnWidth": 180,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true,
+ "sortType": "title"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "name",
+ "title": "Name",
+ "type": ["string"],
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "find": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "director",
+ "title": "Director",
+ "type": ["string"],
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnRequired": true,
+ "columnWidth": 180,
+ "filter": true,
+ "sort": true,
+ "sortType": "person"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "featuring",
+ "title": "Featuring",
+ "type": ["string"],
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnRequired": true,
+ "columnWidth": 180,
+ "filter": true,
+ "sort": true,
+ "sortType": "person"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "language",
+ "title": "Language",
+ "type": ["string"],
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnWidth": 120,
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "country",
+ "title": "Country",
+ "type": "string",
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnWidth": 180,
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true,
+ "flag": "country",
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "year",
+ "title": "Year",
+ "type": "year",
+ "additionalSort": [
+ {"key": "director", "operator": "+"},
+ {"key": "title", "operator": "+"}
+ ],
+ "autocomplete": true,
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true,
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "summary",
+ "title": "Summary",
+ "type": "text",
+ "find": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "notes",
+ "title": "Notes",
+ "type": "text",
+ "capability": "canEditMetadata"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "id",
+ "title": "ID",
+ "type": "string",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "keywords",
+ "title": "Keywords",
+ "type": "layer",
+ "filter": true,
+ "find": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "subtitles",
+ "title": "Subtitles",
+ "type": "layer",
+ "find": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "publicnotes",
+ "title": "Notes",
+ "type": "layer",
+ "find": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "numberofannotations",
+ "title": "Annotations",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "duration",
+ "title": "Duration",
+ "type": "time",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "duration", "args": [0, "short"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "resolution",
+ "title": "Resolution",
+ "type": ["integer"],
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "resolution", "args": ["px"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "aspectratio",
+ "title": "Aspect Ratio",
+ "type": "float",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "unit", "args": [":1", 3]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "pixels",
+ "title": "Pixels",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "value", "args": ["px"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "hue",
+ "title": "Hue",
+ "type": "hue",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "color", "args": ["hue"]},
+ "sort": true,
+ "sortOperator": "+"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "saturation",
+ "title": "Saturation",
+ "type": "float",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "color", "args": ["saturation"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "lightness",
+ "title": "Lightness",
+ "type": "float",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "color", "args": ["lightness"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "volume",
+ "title": "Volume",
+ "type": "float",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "format": {"type": "color", "args": ["lightness"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "numberofcuts",
+ "title": "Number of Cuts",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "format": {"type": "number", "args": []},
+ "sort": true,
+ "value": {"key": "cuts", "type": "length"}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "cutsperminute",
+ "title": "Cuts per Minute",
+ "type": "float",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "format": {"type": "number", "args": [3]},
+ "sort": true,
+ "value": {"key": "cuts", "type": "lengthperminute"}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "words",
+ "title": "Number of Words",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "format": {"type": "number", "args": []},
+ "sort": true,
+ "value": {"layer": "subtitles", "type": "words"}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "wordsperminute",
+ "title": "Words per Minute",
+ "type": "float",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "format": {"type": "number", "args": [3]},
+ "sort": true,
+ "value": {"layer": "subtitles", "type": "wordsperminute"}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "size",
+ "title": "Size",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "capability": "canSeeMedia",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "format": {"type": "value", "args": ["B"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bitrate",
+ "title": "Bitrate",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "format": {"type": "value", "args": ["bps"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "numberoffiles",
+ "title": "Number of Files",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "capability": "canSeeMedia",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "sort": true,
+ "value": {"key": "files", "type": "length"}
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "user",
+ "title": "User",
+ "type": "string",
+ "capability": "canSeeMedia",
+ "find": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "created",
+ "title": "Date Created",
+ "type": "date",
+ "columnWidth": 120,
+ "format": {"type": "date", "args": ["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "modified",
+ "title": "Last Modified",
+ "type": "date",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "date", "args": ["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "accessed",
+ "title": "Last Accessed",
+ "type": "date",
+ "capability": "canSeeAccessed",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "date", "args": ["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "timesaccessed",
+ "title": "Times Accessed",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "capability": "canSeeAccessed",
+ "columnWidth": 60,
+ "format": {"type": "number", "args": []},
+ "sort": true
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "rightslevel",
+ "title": "Rights Level",
+ "type": "enum",
+ "columnWidth": 90,
+ "format": {"type": "ColorLevel", "args": [
+ ["Public", "Restricted", "Private"]
+ ]},
+ "sort": true,
+ "sortOperator": "+",
+ "values": ["Public", "Restricted", "Private", "Unknown"]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "random",
+ "title": "Random",
+ "type": "integer",
+ "sort": true
+ }
+ ],
+ /*
+ "itemName" specifies the name of items ("Movies", "Videos" or similar).
+ Note that anything excessively long may cause layout errors.
+ */
+ "itemName": {
+ "singular": "Video",
+ "plural": "Videos"
+ },
+ /*
+ "itemRequiresVideo" regulates if items without video can be created. If set
+ to true, the only way to add a new item is to upload a new video.
+ */
+ "itemRequiresVideo": true,
+ /*
+ "itemTitleKeys" is a list of itemKeys required to compose the item title
+ displayed at the top of the screen. This title can be customized by adding
+ "/static/js/getItemTitle.SITENAME.js".
+ */
+ "itemTitleKeys": ["title", "director", "year"],
+ /*
+ "itemViews" is an ordered list of available item views. Implemented views
+ are "info", "documents", "player", "editor", "timeline", "clips", "map",
+ "calendar", "data" and "media".
+ */
+ "itemViews": [
+ {"id": "info", "title": "Info"},
+ {"id": "player", "title": "Player"},
+ {"id": "editor", "title": "Editor"},
+ {"id": "timeline", "title": "Timeline"},
+ {"id": "clips", "title": "Clips"},
+ {"id": "map", "title": "Map"},
+ {"id": "calendar", "title": "Calendar"},
+ {"id": "documents", "title": "Documents"},
+ {"id": "data", "title": "Data"},
+ {"id": "media", "title": "Media"}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "language" is the default language for annotations of type "text". Text in
+ other languages can be added via markup, for example:
+ Voilà!
+ */
+ "language": "cs",
+ /*
+ "languages" is the list of languages that the interface can be switched to.
+ Currently, localization exists for "ar", "el", "en" and "hi".
+ */
+ "languages": ["ar", "cs", "el", "en", "hi"],
+ /*
+ "layers" defines the types of time-based annotations that can be entered.
+ Required keys are:
+ "id": Internal ID
+ "item": Name of one such annotation (singular)
+ "title": Display title
+ "type": Can be "entity", "string" or "text" (strings cannot contain
+ line breaks, text can contain HTML markup).
+ Optional keys are:
+ "autocomplete": Available if the layer is used as a filter
+ "canAddAnnotations": Permissions per user level
+ "canPlayClips": If true, clips from this layer will play for users
+ with canPlayClips access
+ "entity": ID of the referenced entity (if type is "entity")
+ "hasEvents": If true, the calendar will be populated with matches from
+ this layer
+ "hasPlaces": If true, the map will be populated with matches from this
+ layer
+ "isSubtitles": If true, this layer will be displayed as subtitles
+ "overlap": If true, overlapping annotations are allowed. Note that
+ enforcement of "overlap": false is not implemented
+ "showInfo": If true, user and creation time will be displayed in the
+ tooltip that appears on mouseover.
+ */
+ "layers": [
+ {
+ "id": "keywords",
+ "title": "Keywords",
+ "canAddAnnotations": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "item": "Keyword",
+ "overlap": true,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "privatenotes",
+ "title": "Private Notes",
+ "canAddAnnotations": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "item": "Private Note",
+ "overlap": true,
+ "private": true,
+ "showInfo": true,
+ "type": "text"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "publicnotes",
+ "title": "Notes",
+ "canAddAnnotations": {"member": true, "staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "item": "Public Note",
+ "overlap": true,
+ "showInfo": true,
+ "type": "text"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "subtitles",
+ "title": "Subtitles",
+ "canAddAnnotations": {"staff": true, "admin": true},
+ "canPlayClips": true,
+ "hasEvents": true,
+ "hasPlaces": true,
+ "isSubtitles": true,
+ "item": "Subtitle",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
+ /*
+ "license" can be used to implement instance-specific license settings
+ */
+ "license": null,
+ /*
+ "listViews" is an ordered list of available list views. Implemented views
+ are "list", "grid", "timelines", "clips", "clip", "map" and "calendar".
+ */
+ "listViews": [
+ {"id": "list", "title": "as List"},
+ {"id": "grid", "title": "as Grid"},
+ {"id": "timelines", "title": "with Timelines"},
+ {"id": "clips", "title": "with Clips"},
+ {"id": "clip", "title": "as Clips"},
+ {"id": "map", "title": "on Map"},
+ {"id": "calendar", "title": "on Calendar"}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "media" defines additional media that gets added when importing items.
+ "importPosters": If true, a poster file will be imported (if present)
+ "importFrames": If true, 3 full-resolution frames per file will be
+ imported. This is useful to render high-resolution icons and
+ posters for an instance that has only low-resolution video.
+ */
+ "media": {
+ "importPosters": false,
+ "importFrames": false
+ },
+ /*
+ "menuExtras" can be used to add extra functionality to the main menu bar.
+ The plug-in architecture is not yet finalized, documentation forthcoming.
+ */
+ "menuExtras": [
+ "upload",
+ "user",
+ // "locale",
+ "reload"
+ ],
+ /*
+ "personalLists" specifies which pre-defined lists a new member will have
+ after signup. "title" is required. If "query" is present, this defines a
+ smart list. "query" can be any pan.do/ra query object, see /api/find for
+ further documentation. If you need to reference the username (for example
+ in order to include a default "My Videos" list), you can use the syntax
+ {"user": "{username}"}
+ */
+ "personalLists": [
+ {"title": "Favorites"}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "posters" contains details about the poster icons. "ratio" is the default
+ ratio (used to display a placeholder while poster icons are loading).
+ */
+ "posters": {
+ "ratio": 0.625
+ },
+ /*
+ "rightsLevel" defines which initial rights level will be assigned to items
+ and texts created by users of these user levels.
+ */
+ "rightsLevel": {"member": 2, "staff": 2, "admin": 2},
+ /*
+ "rightsLevels" is an ordered list of rights levels, one of which will be
+ assigned to each item.
+ */
+ "rightsLevels": [
+ {"name": "Public", "color": [128, 255, 128]},
+ {"name": "Restricted", "color": [255, 192, 128]},
+ {"name": "Private", "color": [255, 128, 128]}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "sendReferrer", if set to false, will cause all outgoing links to originate
+ from one single URL
+ */
+ "sendReferrer": false,
+ /*
+ "site" contains various settings for this instance. In "email", "contact"
+ if the address in the contact form (to), "system" is the address used by
+ the system (from).
+ */
+ "site": {
+ "description": "This is a demo of pan.do/ra - a free, open source media archive. It allows you to manage large, decentralized collections of video, to collaboratively create metadata and time-based annotations, and to serve your archive as a cutting-edge web application.",
+ "email": {
+ // E-mail address in contact form (to)
+ "contact": "system@pandora.local",
+ "footer": "-- \npan.do/ra - http://pan.do/ra",
+ "prefix": "pan.do/ra News -",
+ // E-mail address uses by the system (from)
+ "system": "system@pandora.local"
+ },
+ "https": false,
+ "id": "pandora",
+ "name": "pan.do/ra",
+ "sendReferrer": true,
+ "url": "pandora.local"
+ },
+ /*
+ "sitePages" defines the sections of the main site dialog. If "news" is
+ present, this will add an interface to add news items. If "contact" is
+ present, this will add an interface to contact the site owners.
+ */
+ "sitePages": [
+ {"id": "about", "title": "About"},
+ {"id": "news", "title": "News"},
+ // {"id": "tour", "title": "Take a Tour"},
+ {"id": "faq", "title": "Frequently Asked Questions"},
+ {"id": "terms", "title": "Terms of Service"},
+ {"id": "license", "title": "License"},
+ {"id": "contact", "title": "Contact"}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "sites" specifies which other pan.do/ra instances, if any, will appear in
+ the user interface for creating embeds. This allows for easier creation of
+ cross-instance references.
+ */
+ "sites": [
+ {"name": "0xDB", "url": "0xdb.org", "https": true},
+ {"name": "Pad.ma", "url": "pad.ma", "https": true},
+ {"name": "Indiancine.ma", "url": "indiancine.ma", "https": true}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "textRightsLevels" defines a list of rights levels for texts.
+ */
+ "textRightsLevels": [
+ {"name": "Public", "color": [128, 255, 128]},
+ {"name": "Private", "color": [255, 128, 128]}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "themes" is a list of themes that the user interface can be switched to.
+ Currently available themes are "oxlight", "oxmedium" and "oxdark". The
+ default theme can be set in user.ui.theme.
+ */
+ "themes": ["oxlight", "oxmedium", "oxdark"],
+ /*
+ "timelines" is a list of timeline types. Implemented types are "antialias",
+ "slitscan", "keyframes" and "audio".
+ */
+ "timelines": [
+ {"id": "antialias", "title": "Anti-Alias"},
+ {"id": "slitscan", "title": "Slit-Scan"},
+ {"id": "keyframes", "title": "Keyframes"},
+ {"id": "audio", "title": "Waveform"}
+ ],
+ /*
+ "totals" specifies which totals are displayed in the status bar at the
+ bottom of list views. Possible ids are "duration", "files", "items",
+ "pixels" and "size". Adding a capability limits the display of a specific
+ total to users of the corresponding user levels.
+ */
+ "totals": [
+ {"id": "items"},
+ {"id": "files", "capability": "canSeeMedia"},
+ {"id": "duration", "capability": "canSeeMedia"},
+ {"id": "size", "capability": "canSeeMedia"},
+ {"id": "pixels"}
+ ],
+ /*
+ If "tv" is set to true, then in TV mode, the site logo will be displayed in
+ the corner of the screen.
+ */
+ "tv": {
+ "showLogo": false
+ },
+ /*
+ The "user" object contains the default user settings. "ui" is the default
+ interface state for new users, and after selecting "Reset UI Settings" in
+ Preferences -> Advanced. This is the place to configure various defaults,
+ like the site-wide language and theme, the default list and item views, the
+ default set of filters, etc.
+ Please make sure that in case you rename or remove entries that are
+ referenced in "ui", you update them here as well.
+ */
+ "user": {
+ "level": "guest",
+ "ui": {
+ "annotationsCalendarSize": 128,
+ "annotationsMapSize": 128,
+ "annotationsRange": "all",
+ "annotationsSize": 256,
+ "annotationsSort": "position",
+ "calendarFind": "",
+ "calendarSelection": "",
+ "clipColumns": 2,
+ "clipSize": 416,
+ "collectionColumns": ["title", "id", "extension", "dimensions", "size", "description", "matches", "user", "created", "modified"],
+ "collectionColumnWidth": {},
+ "collectionSelection": [],
+ "collectionSort": [
+ {"key": "title", "operator": "+"},
+ {"key": "extension", "operator": "+"}
+ ],
+ "collectionView": "grid",
+ "collections": {},
+ "columns": {
+ "Colors": {
+ "columns": ["title", "director", "language", "hue", "saturation", "brightness"],
+ "columnWidth": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "document": "",
+ "documents": {},
+ "documentSize": 256,
+ "documentView": "view",
+ "documentsSelection": {},
+ "documentsSort": [{"key": "title", "operator": "+"}],
+ "documentsView": "grid",
+ "edit": "",
+ "edits": {},
+ "editSelection": [],
+ "editSort": [
+ {"key": "index", "operator": "+"},
+ {"key": "year", "operator": "+"},
+ {"key": "director", "operator": "+"},
+ {"key": "title", "operator": "+"},
+ {"key": "position", "operator": "+"},
+ {"key": "duration", "operator": "+"}
+ ],
+ "editView": "list",
+ "embedSize": 256,
+ "entitiesSelection": {},
+ "entitiesType": "",
+ "filters": [
+ {"id": "director", "sort": [{"key": "items", "operator": "-"}]},
+ {"id": "country", "sort": [{"key": "items", "operator": "-"}]},
+ {"id": "year", "sort": [{"key": "name", "operator": "-"}]},
+ {"id": "featuring", "sort": [{"key": "items", "operator": "-"}]},
+ {"id": "keywords", "sort": [{"key": "items", "operator": "-"}]}
+ ],
+ "filtersSize": 176,
+ "find": {"conditions": [], "operator": "&"},
+ "findDocuments": {"conditions": [], "operator": "&"},
+ "followPlayer": true,
+ "help": "",
+ "icons": "posters",
+ "infoIconSize": 256,
+ "item": "",
+ "itemFind": "",
+ "itemSort": [{"key": "position", "operator": "+"}],
+ "itemView": "info",
+ "listColumns": ["title", "director", "year", "language", "duration"],
+ "listColumnWidth": {},
+ "listSelection": [],
+ "listSort": [{"key": "title", "operator": "+"}],
+ "listView": "grid",
+ "lists": {},
+ "locale": "cs",
+ "mapFind": "",
+ "mapSelection": "",
+ "page": "",
+ "part": {
+ "api": "",
+ "document": "",
+ "entities": "",
+ "faq": "",
+ "help": "",
+ "news": "",
+ "preferences": "",
+ "tv": ""
+ },
+ "section": "items",
+ "sequenceMode": "shape",
+ "sequenceSort": [{"key": "director", "operator": "+"}],
+ "showAdvancedEmbedOptions": false,
+ "showAnnotations": true,
+ "showAnnotationsCalendar": true,
+ "showAnnotationsMap": true,
+ "showBrowser": true,
+ "showCalendarControls": false,
+ "showClips": true,
+ "showDocument": true,
+ "showFilters": true,
+ "showIconBrowser": false,
+ "showInfo": true,
+ "showLayers": {
+ "keywords": true,
+ "privatenotes": true,
+ "publicnotes": true,
+ "subtitles": true
+ },
+ "showMapControls": false,
+ "showMapLabels": false,
+ "showFolder": {
+ "edits": {
+ "personal": true,
+ "favorite": true,
+ "featured": true,
+ "volumes": true
+ },
+ "items": {
+ "personal": true,
+ "favorite": true,
+ "featured": true,
+ "volumes": true
+ },
+ "documents": {
+ "personal": true,
+ "favorite": true,
+ "featured": true
+ }
+ },
+ "showReflections": true,
+ "showSidebar": true,
+ "showSitePosters": false,
+ "showTimeline": true,
+ "sidebarSize": 256,
+ "text": "",
+ "texts": {},
+ "theme": "oxmedium",
+ "updateAdvancedFindResults": false,
+ "videoLoop": false,
+ "videoMuted": false,
+ "videoPoints": {},
+ "videoResolution": 240,
+ "videoScale": "fit",
+ "videoSize": "small",
+ "videoSubtitles": true,
+ "videoSubtitlesOffset": 0,
+ "videoTimeline": "antialias",
+ "videoView": "player",
+ "videoVolume": 1
+ },
+ "script": "",
+ "username": "",
+ "volumes": []
+ },
+ /*
+ "userLevels" is an ordered list of user classes. The first entry is for
+ unregistered visitors.
+ */
+ "userLevels": ["guest", "member", "staff", "admin"],
+ /*
+ "video" contains the video settings.
+ "formats": Supported video formats.
+ Should be ["webm", "mp4"] to support WebM and MP4,
+ ["webm"] if only WebM is used or
+ ["mp4"] for MP4 only.
+ "previewRatio": Aspect ratio used in the info panel in the bottom left
+ corner of the screen
+ "resolutions": List of video resolutions. Supported values are 96, 144,
+ 240, 288, 360, 432, 480, 720 and 1080.
+ "torrent": If true, video downloads are offered via BitTorrent
+ */
+ "video": {
+ "formats": ["webm", "mp4"],
+ "previewRatio": 1.3333333333,
+ "resolutions": [240, 480],
+ "torrent": true
+ }
diff --git a/pandora/srv/pandora/static/json/locale.0xdb.cs.json b/pandora/srv/pandora/static/json/locale.0xdb.cs.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0967ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora/srv/pandora/static/json/locale.0xdb.cs.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/pandora/srv/pandora/static/json/locale.pandora.cs.json b/pandora/srv/pandora/static/json/locale.pandora.cs.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76fbd2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora/srv/pandora/static/json/locale.pandora.cs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+ "...": "...",
+ "{0} annotations imported.": "{0} vysvětlivky importovány.",
+ "{0} browser": "{0} prohlížeč",
+ "{0} can download the video": "{0} může stáhnout video",
+ "{0} can play clips": "{0} může přehrát klipy",
+ "{0} can play the full video": "{0} může přehrát celé video",
+ "{0} can see the item": "{0} může vidět položku",
+ "{0} can't download the video": "{0} nemůže stáhnout video",
+ "{0} can't play the full video": "{0} nemůže přehrát celé video",
+ "{0} can't see the item": "{0} nemůže vidět položky",
+ "{0} Edits": "{0} Sestřihy",
+ "{0} Lists": "{0} Seznamy",
+ "{0} not found": "{0} nenalezen",
+ "{0} or click to hide": "{0} nebo kliknout ke skrytí",
+ "{0} subscribers": "{0} odběratelů",
+ "{0} Texts": "{0} Texty",
+ "{0} users selected": "{0} uživatelů vybráno",
+ "{0} View": "{0} Zobrazení",
+ "About": "Více o",
+ "About {0}": "Více o {0}",
+ "About Rights": "Více o Právech",
+ "Account": "Účet",
+ "Accounts": "Účty",
+ "Add {0} to {1} {2}": "Přidat {0} k {1} {2}",
+ "Add Documents to {0}": "Přidat Dokumenty k {0}",
+ "Add Documents to {0}...": "Přidat Dokumenty k {0}...",
+ "Add to": "Přidat k",
+ "Add Volume...": "Přidat Svazek ...",
+ "Admin": "Administrátor",
+ "Advanced": "Pokročilý",
+ "Advanced Find": "Rozšířené hledání",
+ "Advanced Find...": "Rozšířené hledání ...",
+ "Advanced Sort...": "Rozšířené třídění ...",
+ "All {0}": "Vše {0}",
+ "All users": "Všichni uživatelé",
+ "Alternative Title": "Alternativní Titulek",
+ "Alternative Titles": "Aternativní Titulky",
+ "Alternatively, you can contact us via {0}": "Případně nás můžete kontaktovat prostřednictvím {0}",
+ "Always Show {0} Poster": "Vždy zobrazovat {0} plakát",
+ "Annotation": "Vysvětlivka",
+ "Annotations": "Vysvětlivky",
+ "another": "jiný",
+ "Anti-Alias": "Vyhlazený",
+ "API Documentation": "API Dokumentace",
+ "API Documentation...": "API Dokumentace...",
+ "Appearance": "Vzhled",
+ "Application Error": "Chyba aplikace",
+ "Archives...": "Archivy...",
+ "Are you sure you want to delete the {0} \"{1}\"?": "Opravdu chcete smazat {0} \"{1}\"?",
+ "Are you sure you want to delete the file \"{0}\"?": "Opravdu chcete odstranit soubor \"{0}\"?",
+ "Are you sure you want to make the list \"{0}\" private and lose its {1}?": "Opravdu chcete udělat seznam \"{0}\" soukromý a ztratit jeho {1}?",
+ "Are you sure you want to reset all UI settings?": "Opravdu chcete obnovit všechna nastavení uživatelského rozhraní?",
+ "Are you sure you want to sign out?": "Opravdu se chcete odhlásit?",
+ "Are you sure you want to update the value": "Opravdu chcete aktualizovat hodnotu",
+ "as Clips": "Jako klipy",
+ "as Grid": "Jako Mřížka",
+ "as List": "Jako Seznam",
+ "Ascending": "Vzestupně",
+ "Aspect Ratio": "Poměr stran",
+ "Back to {0}": "Zpět na {0}",
+ "Basic": "Základní",
+ "Bitrate": "Bitrate",
+ "Browse": "Procházet",
+ "Browser": "Prohlížeč",
+ "Browser Versions": "Verze prohlížeče",
+ "Browsers": "Prohlížeče",
+ "Calendar": "Kalendář",
+ "calendar": "kalendář",
+ "Calendars": "Kalendáře",
+ "Cancel Upload": "Zrušit nahrávání",
+ "Clear All Filters": "Vymazat všechny filtry",
+ "Clear Cache": "Vyčistit mezipaměť",
+ "Clear Clipboard": "Vymazat schránku",
+ "Clear Filter": "Vymazat filtr",
+ "Clear Filters": "Vymazat filtry",
+ "Clear Form": "Vymazat formulář",
+ "Clear History": "Smazat historii",
+ "Click to clear or doubleclick to reset query": "Kliknutím zrušte nebo dvojitým klepnutím obnovíte dotaz",
+ "Click to open preferences or doubleclick to sign out": "Kliknutím otevřete předvolby nebo dvojitým klepnutím, chcete-li se odhlásit",
+ "Click to reload {0}": "Kliknutím znovu načtete {0}",
+ "Click to sign up or doubleclick to sign in": "Pro přihlášení klikněte sem nebo dvouklikem se zaregistrujte",
+ "Clip": "Klip",
+ "Clips": "Klipy",
+ "clips": "klipy",
+ "Code": "Kód",
+ "Columns": "Sloupce",
+ "Contact": "Kontakt",
+ "Copy": "Kopírovat",
+ "Copy {0}": "Kopírovat {0}",
+ "Copy and Add to Clipboard": "Kopírovat a přidat do schránky",
+ "Country": "Země",
+ "Created": "Vytvořeno",
+ "Current": "Aktuální",
+ "Current Reference": "Aktuální reference",
+ "Cut {0}": "Vyjmout {0}",
+ "Cut and Add to Clipboard": "Vyjmout a přidat do schránky",
+ "Cut{control_x}": "Vyjmout{control_x}",
+ "cuts per minute": "střihů za minutu",
+ "Cuts per Minute": "Střihů za minutu",
+ "Data": "Data",
+ "Debug": "Odladit",
+ "Default": "Výchozí nastavení",
+ "Default View: ...": "Výchozí zobrazení: ...",
+ "Define Place or Event...": "Definovat místo nebo událost ...",
+ "Delete": "Smazat",
+ "Delete {0}": "Smazat {0}",
+ "Delete {0} {1}": "Smazat {0} {1}",
+ "Delete {0}...": "Smazat {0} ...",
+ "Delete Document": "Smazat dokument",
+ "Delete Document...": "Smazat dokument ...",
+ "Delete Selected Edit...": "Smazat vybraný sestřih ...",
+ "Delete Selected List...": "Smazat vybraný seznam ...",
+ "Delete Selected Text...": "Smazat vybraný text ...",
+ "Descending": "Klesající",
+ "Description": "Popis",
+ "description": "popis",
+ "Dimensions": "Rozměry",
+ "Director": "Režisér",
+ "Disable": "Zakázat",
+ "Disable Cache": "Zakázat mezipaměť",
+ "Disable Debug Mode": "Zakázat režim odladění",
+ "Disable Event Logging": "Zakázat protokolování událostí",
+ "Disabled": "Zakázáno",
+ "Document": "Dokument",
+ "Documents": "Dokumenty",
+ "documents": "dokumenty",
+ "Documents{2}": "Dokumenty{2}",
+ "Don't Loop": "Necyklit",
+ "Don't Reset": "Neresetovat",
+ "Don't send me a receipt": "Neposílejte mi potvrzení",
+ "Don't Update": "Neaktualizovat",
+ "Dont use this file": "Nepoužívat tento soubor",
+ "Doubleclick to edit": "Dvojklikem upravit",
+ "Doubleclick to edit icon": "Dvojklikem upravit ikonu",
+ "Doubleclick to edit text": "Dvojklikem upravit text",
+ "Doubleclick to edit title": "Dvojklikem upravit název",
+ "Doubleclick to insert text": "Dvojklikem vložit text",
+ "down": "dolů",
+ "Duplicate Selected Edit": "Duplikovat vybraný střih",
+ "Duplicate Selected List": "Duplikovat vybraný seznam",
+ "E-Mail": "E-mail",
+ "e-mail address": "emailová adresa",
+ "E-Mail Address": "Emailová adresa",
+ "E-Mail Address already exists": "Emailová adresa již existuje",
+ "E-Mail Addresses": "Emailové adresy",
+ "Edit ": "Upravit",
+ "Edit {0}...": "Upravit {0} ...",
+ "Edit Default View": "Upravit výchozí zobrazení",
+ "Edit Document...": "Upravit dokument ...",
+ "Edit Icon": "Upravit ikonu",
+ "Edit Path": "Upravit cestu",
+ "Edit Query": "Upravit Query",
+ "Edit Query...": "Upravit Query ...",
+ "Edit Selected Edit...": "Upravit vybraný střih ...",
+ "Edit Selected List...": "Upravit vybraný seznam ...",
+ "Edit Selected Text...": "Upravit vybraný text ...",
+ "Edit Sort Name": "Upravit řazení Názvu",
+ "Edit Title": "Upravit titulek",
+ "Edit...": "Upravit...",
+ "Editor": "Editor",
+ "editor": "editor",
+ "Editor View": "Zobrazení editoru",
+ "edits": "střihy",
+ "Edits": "Střihy",
+ "Embed": "Vložit",
+ "Embed Document": "Vložit dokument",
+ "Embed Document...": "Vložit dokument ...",
+ "Embed Video": "Vložené video",
+ "Embed...": "Vložit...",
+ "Embeds": "Vložené",
+ "Enable": "Povolit",
+ "Enable Debug Mode": "Povolit režim ladění",
+ "Enable Event Logging": "Povolit protokolování událostí",
+ "Enabled": "Povoleno",
+ "Encoding cancelled.": "Kódování zrušeno.",
+ "Encoding failed.": "Kódování selhalo.",
+ "Encoding is currently running\\Do you want to leave this page?": "Kódování je aktuálně spuštěno \\ Chcete tuto stránku opustit?",
+ "encoding...": "Kódování ...",
+ "Enter": "Zadejte",
+ "Enter {0}": "Zadejte {0}",
+ "Enter Fullscreen": "Přepnout na celou obrazovku",
+ "Enter Video Fullscreen": "Přepnout video na celou obrazovku",
+ "Error Logs": "Chybové protokoly",
+ "Exit": "Odejít",
+ "Exit Fullscreen": "Ukončit celoobrazovkový režim",
+ "Export E-Mail Addresses...": "Exportovat e-mailové adresy ...",
+ "Extension": "Rozšíření",
+ "Favorite": "Oblíbený",
+ "favorite": "oblíbený",
+ "Favorite {0}": "Oblíbené {0}",
+ "Favorite Edits": "Oblíbené sestřihy",
+ "Favorite Lists": "Oblíbené seznamy",
+ "Favorite Texts": "Oblíbené texty",
+ "Featured": "Doporučený",
+ "featured": "doporučený",
+ "Featured {0}": "Doporučené {0}",
+ "Featured {0} are selected public {0}, picked by the {1} staff.": "Doporučené {0} jsou vybrány veřejně {0}, vybrané členy {1}.",
+ "Featured Edits": "Doporučené sestřihy",
+ "Featured Lists": "Doporučené seznamy",
+ "Featured Lists and Texts": "Doporučené seznamy a texty",
+ "Featured Texts": "Doporučené texty",
+ "Featuring": "Představuje",
+ "File contains {0} annotation": "Soubor obsahuje {0} poznámku",
+ "Filename": "Název souboru",
+ "Filters": "Filtry",
+ "filters": "filtry",
+ "Find Clips": "Najít klipy",
+ "Find in Texts": "Najít v textech",
+ "Find Similar Clips...": "Najít podobné klipy ...",
+ "Find: {0}": "Najít: {0}",
+ "Find: Advanced": "Najít: Pokročilé",
+ "Find: Advanced...": "Najít: Pokročilé ...",
+ "Find: All {0}": "Najít: Vše {0}",
+ "Find: E-Mail Address": "Najít: E-mailovou adresu",
+ "Find: Filename": "Najít: Název souboru",
+ "Find: Text": "Najít: Text",
+ "Find: This List": "Najít: Tento seznam",
+ "Find: URL": "Najít: URL",
+ "Find: User": "Najít: Uživatel",
+ "Find: Username": "Najít: Uživatelské jméno",
+ "First Seen": "První shlédnutí",
+ "First Seen & Last Seen": "První shlédnutí a poslední shlédnutí",
+ "Frames": "Rámce",
+ "Frequently Asked Questions": "Často kladené otázky",
+ "From": "Z",
+ "from Edit": "Ze Sestřihu",
+ "from List": "Ze seznamu",
+ "General": "Všeobecné",
+ "Go to Position": "Přejděte na pozici",
+ "Grid": "Mřížka",
+ "Grid View": "Zobrazení Mřížky",
+ "groups": "skupiny",
+ "Groups": "Skupiny",
+ "Guest": "Host",
+ "Help": "Pomoc",
+ "Help...": "Pomoc...",
+ "Hide {0} Browser": "Skrýt prohlížeč {0}",
+ "Hide Annotations": "Skrýt poznámky",
+ "Hide Clips": "Skrýt klipy",
+ "Hide Document": "Skrýt dokument",
+ "Hide Filters": "Skrýt filtry",
+ "Hide Info": "Skrýt informace",
+ "Hide Sidebar": "Skrýt postranní panel",
+ "Hide Timeline": "Skrýt časovou osu",
+ "HTML": "HTML",
+ "Hue": "Odstín",
+ "Icon": "Ikona",
+ "Icons": "Ikony",
+ "ID": "ID",
+ "Ignore Selected Files": "Ignorovat vybrané soubory",
+ "Import": "Import",
+ "Import {0}...": "Importovat {0} ...",
+ "Import Annotations": "Importovat poznámky",
+ "Importing {0} annotations...": "Import {0} poznámek...",
+ "Importing annotations failed.": "Import poznámek selhal.",
+ "In": "v",
+ "In Point": "In bod",
+ "Include": "Zahrnout",
+ "Include Guests": "Zahrnout hosty",
+ "Include Robots": "Zahrnout roboty",
+ "Incorrect code": "nesprávný kód",
+ "Incorrect password": "nesprávné heslo",
+ "Index": "Index",
+ "Info": "Info",
+ "info": "Info",
+ "Info View": "Zobrazení Info",
+ "Insert Embed": "Vložit Embed kód",
+ "Insert Embed...": "Vložit Embed kód ...",
+ "Insert HTML...": "Vložit HTML ...",
+ "Instances": "Instance",
+ "Invalid ": "Neplatný",
+ "Invalid e-mail address": "Neplatná emailová adresa",
+ "Invert Selection": "Obrátit výběr",
+ "IP Address": "IP adresa",
+ "Item": "Položka",
+ "Items": "Položky",
+ "Join Selected Clips at Cuts": "Připojte vybrané klipy na střihy",
+ "just switch to the editor.": "Stačí přepnout na editor.",
+ "Keep {0}": "Zachovat {0}",
+ "Keep Document": "Zachovat dokument",
+ "Keep List Public": "Zachovat seznam veřejný",
+ "Keyframes": "Klíčové snímky",
+ "Keyword": "Klíčové slovo",
+ "Keywords": "Klíčová slova",
+ "Language": "Jazyk",
+ "Languages": "Jazyky",
+ "Last 30 Days": "Posledních 30 dní",
+ "Last Accessed": "Poslední přístup",
+ "Last Modified": "Naposledy změněno",
+ "Last Seen": "Naposledy shlédnuto",
+ "Level": "Úroveň",
+ "License": "Licence",
+ "Lightness": "Světlost",
+ "Links": "Odkazy",
+ "List {0}": "Seznam {0}",
+ "Lists": "Seznamy",
+ "lists": "seznamy",
+ "Load Layout...": "Rozložení zatížení ...",
+ "Loading...": "Načítání...",
+ "Local Volumes": "Místní svazky",
+ "Location": "Umístění",
+ "Locations": "Místa",
+ "Loop": "Smyčka",
+ "Mail": "Pošta",
+ "Make List Private": "Udělat seznam soukromý",
+ "Make Private": "Udělat soukromý",
+ "Make Public": "Udělat veřejný",
+ "Make Selected Clips Editable": "Udělat vybrané klipy upravitelné",
+ "Manage Documents": "Upravit dokumenty",
+ "Manage Documents...": "Upravit dokumenty ...",
+ "Manage Events": "Upravit Události",
+ "Manage Events...": "Upravit Události ...",
+ "Manage Favorite {0}": "Upravit oblíbenou položku {0}",
+ "Manage Featured {0}": "Upravit doporučené {0}",
+ "Manage Names": "Upravit jména",
+ "Manage Names...": "Upravit jména ...",
+ "Manage Personal Edits": "Upravit osobní střihy",
+ "Manage Personal Lists": "Upravit osobní seznamy",
+ "Manage Personal Texts": "Upravit osobní texty",
+ "Manage Places": "Upravit místa",
+ "Manage Places...": "Upravit místa ...",
+ "Manage Titles": "Upravit titulky",
+ "Manage Titles...": "Upravit titulky ...",
+ "Manage Users": "Upravit uživatele",
+ "Manage Users...": "Upravit uživatele ...",
+ "Manage Volumes": "Upravit svazky",
+ "Map": "Mapa",
+ "map": "mapa",
+ "Maps": "Mapy",
+ "Media": "Média",
+ "Member": "Člen",
+ "Message": "Zpráva",
+ "Message Sent": "Zpráva odeslána",
+ "Modified": "Změněno",
+ "Mount Volume": "Připojte hlasitost",
+ "Move Files": "Přesunout soubory",
+ "Move selected files to another {0}": "Přesunout vybrané soubory do jiného {0}",
+ "movie": "film",
+ "movies": "filmy",
+ "Moving files...": "Přesouvání souborů ...",
+ "name": "název",
+ "names": "Názvy",
+ "Names": "Jména",
+ "Navigation": "Navigace",
+ "New PDF": "Nové PDF",
+ "New Edit": "Nová sestřih",
+ "New Edit from Selection": "Nová sestřih z výběru",
+ "New List": "Nový seznam",
+ "New List from Selection": "Nový seznam z výběru",
+ "New Password": "Nnové heslo",
+ "New PDF": "Nové PDF",
+ "New Smart Edit": "Nový virtuální sestřih",
+ "New Smart Edit from Results": "Nový virtuální sestřih z výsledků",
+ "New Smart List": "Nový virtuální seznam",
+ "New Smart List from Results": "Nový virtuální seznam z výsledků",
+ "New Text": "Nový text",
+ "News": "Zprávy",
+ "Newsletter": "Oběžník",
+ "Next Clip": "Další klip",
+ "Next Reference": "Další reference",
+ "No {0} {1}": "Ne {0} {1}",
+ "No {0} {1} found": "Nebylo nalezeno {0} {1}",
+ "No {0} Lists": "Ne {0} seznamy",
+ "No description": "Bez popisu",
+ "No document selected": "Nebyl vybrán žádný dokument",
+ "No Documents": "Žádné Dokumenty",
+ "No Embeds": "Žádné Embeddované",
+ "No local volumes": "Žádné místní svazky",
+ "No recipients": "Žádní příjemci",
+ "No text": "Žádný text",
+ "No user selected": "Žádný uživatel nebyl vybrán",
+ "No Video": "Žádné video",
+ "Not Now": "Teď ne",
+ "not signed in": "Nepřihlášen",
+ "Note": "Poznámka",
+ "Notes": "Poznámky",
+ "Number of Cuts": "Počet střihů",
+ "Number of Documents": "Počet Dokumentů",
+ "Number of Files": "Počet souborů",
+ "Number of Words": "Počet slov",
+ "on Calendar": "Na Kalendáři",
+ "on Map": "Na Mapě",
+ "Only show my documents": "Zobrazit pouze mé dokumenty",
+ "Open {0}": "Otevřít {0}",
+ "Open Clips": "Otevřít klipy",
+ "Open Document": "Otevřít dokument",
+ "Open in {0} Vew": "Otevřít v {0} Zobrazení",
+ "Open in {0} View": "Otevřít v {0} Zobrazení",
+ "Open Selected Clip": "Otevřít vybraný klip",
+ "Order {0}": "Objednat {0}",
+ "Order {0} Filter": "Objednat {0} Filtr",
+ "Order Clips": "Objednat klipy",
+ "Order Filters": "Objednat filtry",
+ "Other...": "Jiný...",
+ "Out": "Out",
+ "Out Point": "Out Point",
+ "pan.do/ra. \\u2620 2007-{0} 0x2620. All Open Source.": "Pan.do/ra. \\ u2620 2007-{0} 0x2620. Vše Open Source.",
+ "Part": "Část",
+ "Part Title": "Název Části",
+ "Password": "Heslo",
+ "Paste": "Vložit",
+ "Path": "Cesta",
+ "People": "Lidé",
+ "personal": "osobní",
+ "Personal": "Osobní",
+ "Personal {0}": "Osobní {0}",
+ "Personal Edits": "Osobní Střihy",
+ "Personal Lists": "Osobní Seznamy",
+ "Personal Texts": "Osobní Texty",
+ "Pixels": "Pixely",
+ "Places": "Místa",
+ "Platform & Browser Versions": "Platforma a verze prohlížeče",
+ "Platform Versions": "Verze platformy",
+ "Platforms": "Platformy",
+ "Platforms & Browsers": "Platformy a prohlížeče",
+ "Player": "Přehrávač",
+ "player": "přehrávač",
+ "Please enter ": "Prosím zadejte",
+ "Please enter a message": "Zadejte prosím zprávu",
+ "Please enter a valid e-mail address": "Prosím zadejte platnou emailovou adresu",
+ "Please select layer and .srt file": "Vyberte prosím vrstvu a .srt soubor",
+ "Please select the video file you want to upload.": "Vyberte video soubor, který chcete nahrát.",
+ "please sign up or sign in.": "Zaregistrujte se nebo se přihlaste.",
+ "Position": "Pozice",
+ "Posters": "Plakáty",
+ "Preferences": "Předvolby",
+ "Preferences...": "Předvolby ...",
+ "Previous Clip": "Předchozí klip",
+ "Previous Reference": "Předchozí odkaz",
+ "Print": "Tisk",
+ "Private": "Soukromý",
+ "Private Notes": "Soukromé poznámky",
+ "Processing video on server": "Zpracování videa na serveru",
+ "Protocol": "Protokol",
+ "Public": "Veřejný",
+ "public": "veřejný",
+ "Public Lists": "Veřejné seznamy",
+ "Query": "Query",
+ "Random": "Náhodný",
+ "Redo": "Znovu zpět",
+ "Reload Application": "Znovu načtení aplikace",
+ "Remove {0} from {1}": "Odstranit {0} od {1}",
+ "Remove from": "Odstranit z",
+ "Remove from {0} {1}": "Odstranit z {0} {1}",
+ "Remove Selected Volume...": "Odebrat vybraný svazek ...",
+ "Replace {0}...": "Nahradit {0} ...",
+ "Reset": "Resetovat",
+ "Reset Filters": "Resetovat filtry",
+ "Reset Layout": "Resetování rozvržení",
+ "Reset Password": "Obnovit heslo",
+ "Reset Password...": "Obnovit heslo...",
+ "Reset UI Settings": "Obnovit nastavení uživatelského rozhraní",
+ "Reset UI Settings...": "Obnovit nastavení UI ...",
+ "Restricted": "Omezený",
+ "Rights Level": "Úroveň práv",
+ "Run Script on Load": "Spustit skript na začátku",
+ "Run Script on Load...": "Spustit skript na začátku ...",
+ "Saturation": "Sytost",
+ "Save Layout...": "Uložit rozložení ...",
+ "Saving Changes...": "Uložení změn ...",
+ "Scan Selected Volume...": "Skenovat vybraný svazek ...",
+ "Scan Volume": "Skenovat svazek",
+ "Screen Size": "Velikost obrazovky",
+ "Section": "Sekce",
+ "Select All": "Vybrat vše",
+ "Select All {0}": "Vybrat vše {0}",
+ "Select All Updates": "Vybrat všechny aktualizace",
+ "Select Layer": "Vybrat vrstvu",
+ "Select No Updates": "Vybrat možnost Žádné aktualizace",
+ "Select None": "Vybrat možnost Žádný",
+ "Select SRT...": "Vybrat SRT ...",
+ "Select Video": "Vybrat Video",
+ "Selected: ": "Vybraný:",
+ "Send": "Poslat",
+ "Send a receipt to {0}": "Poslat potvrzení na {0}",
+ "Send Message": "Poslat zprávu",
+ "Sending": "Odeslání",
+ "Sending Message...": "Odesílání zprávy ...",
+ "Server {0}": "Server {0}",
+ "Shift+doubleclick to edit": "Shift + dvojklik pro úpravu",
+ "Show": "Zobrazit",
+ "Show Timeline": "Zobrazit časovou osu",
+ "Show {0} Browser": "Zobrazit {0} Prohlížeč",
+ "Show Annotations": "Zobrazit poznámky",
+ "Show Filters": "Zobrazit filtry",
+ "Show Info": "Zobrazit informace",
+ "Show Large Timeline": "Zobrazit velkou časovou osu",
+ "Show Layers": "Zobrazit vrstvy",
+ "Show Query": "Zobrazit Query",
+ "Show Reflections": "Zobrazit reflexe",
+ "Show Sidebar": "Zobrazit boční panel",
+ "sidebar": "boční panel",
+ "Sign In": "Přihlásit se",
+ "Sign In...": "Přihlásit se...",
+ "Sign Out": "Odhlásit se",
+ "Sign Out...": "Odhlásit se...",
+ "Sign Up": "Zaregistrovat se",
+ "sign up": "Zaregistrovat se",
+ "Sign Up...": "Zaregistrovat se...",
+ "Similar Clips": "Podobné klipy",
+ "Similar Colors": "Podobné barvy",
+ "Similar Shapes": "Podobné tvary",
+ "Site": "Stránky",
+ "Size": "Velikost",
+ "Slit-Scan": "Slit-Scan",
+ "Smart List - {0}": "Inteligentní seznam - {0}",
+ "Software": "Software",
+ "Sorry, {0}": "Litujeme, {0} i>",
+ "Sorry, {0} currently doesn't have a {1} view.": "Litujeme, {0} i> momentálně nemá zobrazení {1}.",
+ "Sorry, {0} currently doesn't have an {1} view.": "Litujeme, {0} i> momentálně nemá zobrazení {1}.",
+ "Sorry, a server {0}": "Litujeme, server {0}",
+ "Sorry, you have made an unauthorized request.": "Litujeme, učinili jste neoprávněnou žádost.",
+ "Sorry, your browser is currently not supported.": "Litujeme, ale váš prohlížeč momentálně není podporován.",
+ "Sort": "Seřadit",
+ "Sort {0} by": "Seřadit {0} podle",
+ "Sort {0} Filter by": "Třídit {0} Filtrování podle",
+ "Sort by {0}": "Seřadit podle {0}",
+ "Sort by Clip {0}": "Seřadit podle klipu {0}",
+ "Sort clips": "Třídit klipy",
+ "Sort Clips by": "Třídit klipy podle",
+ "Sort Filters": "Třídit filtry",
+ "Sort Manually": "Třídit ručně",
+ "Sort Name": "Třídit Název",
+ "Sort Title": "Seřadit Titulek",
+ "Source ({0})": "Zdroj ({0})",
+ "Split Selected Clips at Cuts": "Rozdělit vybrané klipy podle střihů",
+ "Staff": "Člen",
+ "Statistics": "Statistika",
+ "Statistics...": "Statistika...",
+ "Status": "Postavení",
+ "Stay Signed In": "Zůstat přihlášen",
+ "Student": "Student",
+ "Subject": "Předmět",
+ "Subscribed": "Přihlášeno",
+ "subscriber": "odběratel",
+ "Subscribers": "Odběratelé",
+ "Subscribers only": "Pouze odběratelé",
+ "Subtitle": "Titulky",
+ "Summary": "Souhrn",
+ "Supported file types are GIF, JPG, PNG and PDF.": "Podporované typy souborů jsou GIF, JPG, PNG a PDF.",
+ "Switch to {0} View": "Přepněte na zobrazení {0}",
+ "Switch to Editor": "Přepněte do Editoru",
+ "Switch to this {0} after moving files": "Přepněte na toto {0} po přesunutí souborů",
+ "System": "Systém",
+ "system": "systém",
+ "Terms of Service": "Smluvní podmínky",
+ "Text": "Text",
+ "text": "text",
+ "Texts": "Texty",
+ "texts": "Textů",
+ "Thanks for your message!
We will get back to you as soon as possible.": "Děkujeme za vaši zprávu!
Ozveme se co nejdříve.",
+ "The file {0} already exists": "Soubor {0} již existuje",
+ "The file {0} already exists as {1}": "Soubor {0} již existuje jako {1}",
+ "Theme": "Téma",
+ "This view cannot
be embedded.": "Tento pohled nemůže
být embeddován",
+ "This view is not
implemented.": "Tento pohled není
+ "timeline": "časová osa",
+ "Timelines": "Časové osy",
+ "Times Accessed": "krát dostupno",
+ "Times Seen": "krát viděno",
+ "title": "titul",
+ "titles": "titulky",
+ "To": "Na",
+ "To add or edit {0}, ": "Chcete-li přidat nebo upravit {0},",
+ "To browse and subscribe to shared {0} from other users, please sign up or sign in.": "Chcete-li procházet a odebírat sdílené {0} od ostatních uživatelů, zaregistrujte se nebo se přihlaste.",
+ "To create and share your own {0} please sign up or sign in.": "Chcete-li vytvořit a sdílet vlastní {0}, zaregistrujte se nebo se přihlaste.",
+ "To create and share your own list of {0} please sign up or sign in.": "Chcete-li vytvořit a sdílet svůj vlastní seznam {0}, zaregistrujte se nebo se přihlaste.",
+ "To embed this clip, use the following HTML:
": "Chcete-li tento klip vložit, použijte následující kód HTML:
+ "To embed this file, use the following HTML:
": "Chcete-li tento soubor vložit, použijte následující kód HTML:
+ "To import {0} from a local disk, please sign up or sign in.": "Chcete-li importovat {0} z místního disku, zaregistrujte se nebo se přihlaste.",
+ "To reset your password, please enter either your username or your e-mail address.": "Chcete-li obnovit heslo, zadejte prosím své uživatelské jméno nebo e-mailovou adresu.",
+ "To sign in to your account, please choose a new password, and enter the code that we have just e-mailed to you.": "Chcete-li se do svého účtu přihlásit, vyberte nové heslo a zadejte kód, který jsme vám zaslali e-mailem.",
+ "To sign in to your account, please enter your username and password.": "Chcete-li se do svého účtu přihlásit, zadejte své uživatelské jméno a heslo.",
+ "To sign up for an account, please choose a username and password, and enter your e-mail address.": "Chcete-li se přihlásit k účtu, vyberte prosím uživatelské jméno a heslo a zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu.",
+ "To sign up for an account, please choose a username.": "Chcete-li se přihlásit k účtu, vyberte prosím uživatelské jméno.",
+ "to the list \"{0}\"": "do seznamu \"{0}\"",
+ "To update the metadata for this {0}, please enter its IMDb ID.": "Chcete-li aktualizovat metadata pro tento {0}, zadejte jeho ID IMDb.",
+ "Top 30 Days": "Posledních 30 dní",
+ "Total: ": "Celkový:",
+ "TV": "TV",
+ "Undo": "Zpět",
+ "Unknown": "Neznámý",
+ "unknown": "neznámý",
+ "Unknown Director": "Neznámý Režisér",
+ "Unmount Volume": "Odpojit svazek",
+ "Unsubscribed": "Odhlášeno",
+ "up": "nahoru",
+ "Update": "Aktualizace",
+ "Update IMDb ID": "Aktualizovat IMDb ID",
+ "Update IMDb ID...": "Aktualizovat IMDb ID ...",
+ "Update Metadata": "Aktualizovat metadata",
+ "Update Metadata...": "Aktualizovat metadata ...",
+ "Update Results in the Background": "Aktualizovat výsledky na pozadí",
+ "Upload": "nahrát",
+ "Upload {0}...": "Nahrát {0} ...",
+ "Upload cancelled.": "Nahrávání bylo zrušeno.",
+ "Upload Document": "Nahrát dokument",
+ "Upload Document...": "Nahrát dokument ...",
+ "Upload failed.": "Nahrávání selhalo.",
+ "Upload PDF": "Nahrát PDF",
+ "Upload Video": "Nahrát Video",
+ "Upload Video...": "Nahrát video ...",
+ "Uploading {0}": "Nahrávání {0}",
+ "uploading...": "Nahrávání ...",
+ "URL": "URL",
+ "Use this file": "Použijte tento soubor",
+ "User Agent": "Agent uživatele",
+ "User: {0}": "Uživatel: {0}",
+ "Username": "Uživatelské jméno",
+ "Users": "Uživatelé",
+ "Version": "Verze",
+ "Video": "Video",
+ "videos": "videa",
+ "Videos": "Videa",
+ "View {0}": "Zobrazit {0}",
+ "View Clips as Grid": "Zobrazit klipy jako mřížku",
+ "View Clips as List": "Zobrazit seznamy jako seznam",
+ "View Data": "Zobrazit data",
+ "View Error Logs...": "Zobrazit chybové protokoly...",
+ "View List": "Zobrazit Seznam",
+ "View Media": "Zobrazit Média",
+ "View on IMDb": "Zobrazit na IMDb",
+ "Views": "Zobrazení",
+ "Visit {0}": "Navštivte {0}",
+ "Watch on {0}": "Sledujte na {0}",
+ "Waveform": "Waveform",
+ "Welcome to {0}": "Vítejte v {0}",
+ "Welcome, {0}!
Your account has been created.": "Vítejte, {0}!
Váš účet byl vytvořen.",
+ "Window Size": "Velikost okna",
+ "with Clips": "s Klipy",
+ "with Timelines": "s časovou osou",
+ "Words per Minute": "Slov za minutu",
+ "Year": "Rok",
+ "You can only {0} {1}
to your own lists": "Do svých vlastních seznamů můžete pouze {0} {1}
+ "You can only remove {0}
from your own lists.": "Z vlastních seznamů můžete pouze odstranit {0}
+ "You can only upload a video to an existing {0}.": "Video můžete nahrát pouze do stávajícího {0}.",
+ "You can't {0} {1}
to smart lists": "Nemůžete {0} {1}
používat inteligentní seznamy",
+ "You can't remove {0}
from smart lists.": "Nelze odstranit {0}
z inteligentních seznamů.",
+ "your": "vaše",
+ "Your E-Mail Address": "Vaše emailová adresa",
+ "Your message could not be sent. Please try again.": "Vaše zpráva nemohla být odeslána. Prosím zkuste to znovu.",
+ "Your message has been sent.": "Vaše zpráva byla odeslána.",
+ "Your Name": "Vaše jméno",
+ "Your video will be transcoded before upload.": "Vaše video bude před nahráním překódováno.",
+ "Your video will be uploaded directly.": "Vaše video bude nahráno přímo."
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/Ox/js/Constants.js b/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/Ox/js/Constants.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebf2ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/Ox/js/Constants.js
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+'use strict';
+//@ Ox.AMPM <[s]> ['AM', 'PM']
+Ox.AMPM = ['AM', 'PM'];
+//@ Ox.BASE_32_ALIASES Base 32 aliases
+Ox.BASE_32_ALIASES = {'I': '1', 'L': '1', 'O': '0', 'U': 'V'},
+//@ Ox.BASE_32_DIGITS Base 32 digits
+//@ Ox.BCAD <[s]> ['BC', 'AD']
+Ox.BCAD = ['BC', 'AD'];
+Ox.EARTH_RADIUS Radius of the earth in meters
+ See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS-84
+Ox.EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137;
+//@ Ox.EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE Circumference of the earth in meters
+//@ Ox.EARTH_SURFACE Surface of the earth in square meters
+Ox.EARTH_SURFACE = 4 * Math.PI * Math.pow(Ox.EARTH_RADIUS, 2);
+//@ Ox.HTML_ENTITIES HTML entities for ... (FIXME)
+ '"': '"', '&': '&', "'": ''', '<': '<', '>': '>'
+//@ Ox.KEYS Names for key codes
+// The dot notation ('0.numpad') allows for namespaced events ('key_0.numpad'),
+// so that binding to 'key_0' will catch both 'key_0' and 'key_0.numpad'.
+Ox.KEYS = {
+ 0: 'section', 8: 'backspace', 9: 'tab', 12: 'clear', 13: 'enter',
+ 16: 'shift', 17: 'control', 18: 'alt', 20: 'capslock', 27: 'escape',
+ 32: 'space', 33: 'pageup', 34: 'pagedown', 35: 'end', 36: 'home',
+ 37: 'left', 38: 'up', 39: 'right', 40: 'down',
+ 45: 'insert', 46: 'delete', 47: 'help',
+ 48: '0', 49: '1', 50: '2', 51: '3', 52: '4',
+ 53: '5', 54: '6', 55: '7', 56: '8', 57: '9',
+ 65: 'a', 66: 'b', 67: 'c', 68: 'd', 69: 'e',
+ 70: 'f', 71: 'g', 72: 'h', 73: 'i', 74: 'j',
+ 75: 'k', 76: 'l', 77: 'm', 78: 'n', 79: 'o',
+ 80: 'p', 81: 'q', 82: 'r', 83: 's', 84: 't',
+ 85: 'u', 86: 'v', 87: 'w', 88: 'x', 89: 'y', 90: 'z',
+ // fixme: this is usually 91: window.left, 92: window.right, 93: select
+ 91: 'meta.left', 92: 'meta.right', 93: 'meta.right',
+ 96: '0.numpad', 97: '1.numpad', 98: '2.numpad',
+ 99: '3.numpad', 100: '4.numpad', 101: '5.numpad',
+ 102: '6.numpad', 103: '7.numpad', 104: '8.numpad', 105: '9.numpad',
+ 106: 'asterisk.numpad', 107: 'plus.numpad', 109: 'minus.numpad',
+ 108: 'enter.numpad', 110: 'dot.numpad', 111: 'slash.numpad',
+ 112: 'f1', 113: 'f2', 114: 'f3', 115: 'f4', 116: 'f5',
+ 117: 'f6', 118: 'f7', 119: 'f8', 120: 'f9', 121: 'f10',
+ 122: 'f11', 123: 'f12', 124: 'f13', 125: 'f14', 126: 'f15',
+ 127: 'f16', 128: 'f17', 129: 'f18', 130: 'f19', 131: 'f20',
+ 144: 'numlock', 145: 'scrolllock',
+ 186: 'semicolon', 187: 'equal', 188: 'comma', 189: 'minus',
+ 190: 'dot', 191: 'slash', 192: 'backtick', 219: 'openbracket',
+ 220: 'backslash', 221: 'closebracket', 222: 'quote', 224: 'meta'
+ // see dojo, for ex.
+//@ Ox.LOCALE Default locale
+Ox.LOCALE = 'en';
+//@ Ox.LOCALE_NAMES Locale names
+ 'ar': 'العربية',
+ 'cs': 'Česky',
+ 'de': 'Deutsch',
+ 'el': 'Ελληνικά',
+ 'en': 'English',
+ 'fr': 'Français',
+ 'hi': 'हिन्दी'
+//@ Ox.LOCALES Locales per module
+Ox.LOCALES = {};
+//@ Ox.MAX_LATITUDE Maximum latitude of a Mercator projection
+Ox.MAX_LATITUDE = Ox.deg(Math.atan(Ox.sinh(Math.PI)));
+//@ Ox.MIN_LATITUDE Minimum latitude of a Mercator projection
+//@ Ox.MODIFIER_KEYS Names for modifier keys
+// meta comes last so that one can differentiate between
+// alt_control_shift_meta.left and alt_control_shift_meta.right
+ altKey: 'alt', // Mac: option
+ ctrlKey: 'control',
+ shiftKey: 'shift',
+ metaKey: 'meta' // Mac: command
+//@ Ox.MONTHS <[s]> Names of months
+Ox.MONTHS = [
+ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
+ 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
+//@ Ox.SHORT_MONTHS <[s]> Short names of months
+Ox.SHORT_MONTHS = Ox.MONTHS.map(function(val) {
+ return val.slice(0, 3);
+//@ Ox.PATH Path of Ox.js
+Ox.PATH = (function() {
+ // IE8 can't apply slice to NodeLists, see Ox.slice
+ var index, regexp = /Ox\.js(\?.+|)$/,
+ scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), src;
+ for (index = scripts.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
+ src = scripts[index].src;
+ if (regexp.test(src)) {
+ return src.replace(regexp, '');
+ }
+ }
+//@ Ox.MODE Mode ('dev' or 'min')
+Ox.MODE = Ox.PATH.slice(0, -1).split('/').pop();
+//@ Ox.PREFIXES <[str]> `['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P']`
+Ox.PREFIXES = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P'];
+//@ Ox.SEASONS <[s]> Names of the seasons of the year
+Ox.SEASONS = ['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall'];
+//@ Ox.STACK_SIZE Maximum number of arguments
+Ox.STACK_SIZE = 65536;
+//@ Ox.SYMBOLS Unicode characters for symbols
+ dollar: '\u0024', cent: '\u00A2', pound: '\u00A3', currency: '\u00A4',
+ yen: '\u00A5', bullet: '\u2022', ellipsis: '\u2026', permille: '\u2030',
+ colon: '\u20A1', cruzeiro: '\u20A2', franc: '\u20A3', lira: '\u20A4',
+ naira: '\u20A6', peseta: '\u20A7', won: '\u20A9', sheqel: '\u20AA',
+ dong: '\u20AB', euro: '\u20AC', kip: '\u20AD', tugrik: '\u20AE',
+ drachma: '\u20AF', peso: '\u20B1', guarani: '\u20B2', austral: '\u20B3',
+ hryvnia: '\u20B4', cedi: '\u20B5', tenge: '\u20B8', rupee: '\u20B9',
+ celsius: '\u2103', fahrenheit: '\u2109', pounds: '\u2114', ounce: '\u2125',
+ ohm: '\u2126', kelvin: '\u212A', angstrom: '\u212B', info: '\u2139',
+ arrow_left: '\u2190', arrow_up: '\u2191', arrow_right: '\u2192',
+ arrow_down: '\u2193', home: '\u2196', end: '\u2198', 'return': '\u21A9',
+ redo: '\u21BA', undo: '\u21BB', page_up: '\u21DE', page_down: '\u21DF',
+ tab: '\u21E5', shift: '\u21E7', capslock: '\u21EA', infinity: '\u221E',
+ control: '\u2303', command: '\u2318', enter: '\u2324', alt: '\u2325',
+ 'delete': '\u2326', clear:'\u2327', backspace: '\u232B', option: '\u2387',
+ navigate: '\u2388', escape: '\u238B', eject: '\u23CF', space: '\u2423',
+ triangle_up: '\u25B2', triangle_right: '\u25BA', triangle_down: '\u25BC',
+ select: '\u25BE', triangle_left: '\u25C0', diamond: '\u25C6',
+ black_star: '\u2605', white_star: '\u2606', burn: '\u2622',
+ sound: '\u266B', trash: '\u267A', flag: '\u2691', anchor: '\u2693',
+ gear: '\u2699', atom: '\u269B', warning: '\u26A0', voltage: '\u26A1',
+ cut: '\u2702', backup: '\u2707', fly: '\u2708', check: '\u2713',
+ close: '\u2715', ballot: '\u2717', windows: '\u2756', edit: '\uF802',
+ click: '\uF803', apple: '\uF8FF'
+//@ Ox.VERSION OxJS version number
+Ox.VERSION = '0.1';
+//@ Ox.WEEKDAYS <[s]> Names of weekdays
+ 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'
+//@ Ox.SHORT_WEEKDAYS <[s]> Short names of weekdays
+Ox.SHORT_WEEKDAYS = Ox.WEEKDAYS.map(function(val) {
+ return val.slice(0, 3);
diff --git a/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/Ox/json/locale.cs.json b/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/Ox/json/locale.cs.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6795432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/Ox/json/locale.cs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ "AD": "po Kr.",
+ "AM": "dopol",
+ "Apr": "Dub.",
+ "April": "Duben",
+ "Aug": "Srp",
+ "August": "Srpen",
+ "BC": "př.Kr.",
+ "d": "d",
+ "day": "den",
+ "days": "dny",
+ "days{2}": "dny",
+ "Dec": "Pro",
+ "December": "Prosinec",
+ "Fall": "Podzim",
+ "Feb": "Úno",
+ "February": "Únor",
+ "Fri": "Pá",
+ "Friday": "Pátek",
+ "h": "h",
+ "hour": "hodina",
+ "hours": "hodiny",
+ "hours{2}": "hodiny",
+ "Jan": "Led",
+ "January": "Leden",
+ "Jun": "Jun",
+ "June": "Juni",
+ "Jul": "Jul",
+ "July": "Juli",
+ "m": " Min.",
+ "Mar": "Mär",
+ "March": "März",
+ "May": "Mai",
+ "Mon": "Po",
+ "Monday": "Pondělí",
+ "minute": "minuta",
+ "minutes": "minuty",
+ "minutes{2}": "minuty",
+ "nd": ".",
+ "nd{22}": ".",
+ "no": "ne",
+ "Nov": "Lis",
+ "November": "Listopad",
+ "Oct": "Říj",
+ "October": "Říjen",
+ "PM": "Odpol.",
+ "rd": ".",
+ "rd{23}": ".",
+ "s": " sek.",
+ "Sat": "So",
+ "Saturday": "Sobota",
+ "second": "vteřina",
+ "seconds": "vteřin",
+ "seconds{2}": "vteřin",
+ "Sep": "Zář",
+ "September": "Září",
+ "Spring": "Jaro",
+ "st": ".",
+ "st{21}": ".",
+ "Summer": "Léto",
+ "Sun": "Ne",
+ "Sunday": "Neděle",
+ "th": ".",
+ "th{11}": ".",
+ "th{12}": ".",
+ "th{13}": ".",
+ "Thu": "Čt",
+ "Thursday": "Čtvrtek",
+ "Tue": "Út",
+ "Tuesday": "Úterý",
+ "Wed": "St",
+ "Wednesday": "středa",
+ "Winter": "Zima",
+ "y": " r.",
+ "year": "rok",
+ "years": "Roky",
+ "years{2}": "Roků",
+ ".": ",",
+ ",": ".",
+ "%": "%",
+ "%A, %B %e, %Y": "%A, %e. %B %Y",
+ "%a, %b %e, %Y": "%a, %e. %b %Y",
+ "%B %e, %Y": "%e. %B %Y",
+ "%b %e, %Y": "%e. %b %Y",
+ "%I:%M %p": "%H:%M",
+ "%I:%M:%S %p": "%H:%M:%S",
+ "%m/%d/%Y": "%d.%m.%Y",
+ "%m/%d/%y": "%d.%m.%y"
diff --git a/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/UI/json/locale.cs.json b/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/UI/json/locale.cs.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b5726e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandora/srv/pandora/static/oxjs/source/UI/json/locale.cs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ ", doubleclick to edit": ", upravit dvojklikem",
+ "Add": "Přidat",
+ "Add Files": "Přidat soubory",
+ "Add Place": "Přidat Místo",
+ "Add a condition": "Přidat podmínku",
+ "Add a group of conditions": "Přidat skupinu podmínek",
+ "Add column after": "Přidat sloupec za",
+ "Add column before": "Přidat sloupec před",
+ "Add row above": "Přidat řádku nad",
+ "Add row below": "přidat řádku pod",
+ "Add {0}": "Přidat {0}",
+ "Adding...": "Přidávání...",
+ "All": "Vše",
+ "Alternative Names": "Alternativní Názvy",
+ "Area": "Oblast",
+ "At Current Position": "Na stávající pozici",
+ "Blockquote": "Uvozovky",
+ "Bold": "Tučný",
+ "Borough": "Čtvrť",
+ "Building": "Budova",
+ "Bullets": "Odrážky",
+ "By Duration": "Podle délky",
+ "By Position": "Podle pozice",
+ "By Text": "Podle textu",
+ "Cancel": "Zrušit",
+ "Cancel/Deselect": "Zrušit / Nevybrat",
+ "Cancelled": "Zrušeno",
+ "City": "Město",
+ "Clear": "Smazat",
+ "Clear Event": "Smazat Událost",
+ "Clear Place": "Smazat Místo",
+ "Clearing...": "Mazání...",
+ "Click to hide": "Kliknutím skrýt",
+ "Click to pan, doubleclick to zoom": "Kliknutím posunout, dvojklikem zvětšit",
+ "Click to select": "Kliknutím vybrat",
+ "Click to select, doubleclick to edit": "Kliknutím vybrat, dvojklikem upravit",
+ "Click to show": "Kliknutím zobrazit",
+ "Close": "Zavřít",
+ "Complete": "Dokončit",
+ "Country": "Země",
+ "Date": "Datum",
+ "Date Created": "Datum vytvoření",
+ "Date Modified": "Datum změny",
+ "Define": "Určit",
+ "Define Event": "Určit Událost",
+ "Define Place": "Určit Místo",
+ "Delete Annotation": "Smazat poznámku",
+ "Deselect": "Odznačit",
+ "Deselect Annotation": "Odznačit poznámku",
+ "Don't Shuffle": "Nepřeházet",
+ "Done": "Hotovo",
+ "Download": "Stáhnout",
+ "Download Selection...": "Stáhnout výběr...",
+ "Download Video...": "Stáhnout video...",
+ "Drag to resize": "Táhnutím změnit velikost",
+ "Drag to resize or click to hide": "Táhnutím změnit velikost nebo kliknutím schovat",
+ "Drag to resize or click to toggle map": "Táhnutím změnit velikost nebo kliknutím přepnout mapu",
+ "Duration": "Trvání",
+ "East": "Východ",
+ "Edit": "Upravit",
+ "Edit Annotation": "Upravit poznámku",
+ "Edit/Submit": "Upravit/Odeslat",
+ "Editing Options": "Možnosti úprav",
+ "Embed Selection...": "Embedovat výběr",
+ "End": "Konec",
+ "Enter Fullscreen": "Přepnout na celoobrazovkový režim",
+ "Event": "Událost",
+ "Events": "Události",
+ "Examples...": "Příklady...",
+ "Exit Fullscreen": "Odejít z celoobrazovkového režimu",
+ "Feature": "Vlastnost",
+ "Find": "Hledat",
+ "Find in All {0}": "Hledat ve všech {0}",
+ "Find in List": "Hledat v seznamu",
+ "Find in This {0}": "Hledat zde {0}",
+ "Find on Map": "Hledat na mapě",
+ "Find...": "Hledat...",
+ "Find: All": "Hledat: Vše:",
+ "Find: Alternative Names": "Hledat: Alternativní Názvy:",
+ "Find: Geoname": "Hledat: Geoname",
+ "Find: Name": "Hledat: Název:",
+ "Flag": "Vlajka",
+ "Font Size": "Velikost písma",
+ "Generating Documentation...": "Vytváření dokumentace...",
+ "Geoname": "Geoname",
+ "Go One Frame Back": "Zpět o jeden frame",
+ "Go One Frame Forward": "Vpřed o jeden frame",
+ "Go One Line Down": "Dolů o jeden řádek ",
+ "Go One Line Up": "Nahoru o jeden řádek",
+ "Go One Second Back": "Zpět o jednu vteřinu",
+ "Go One Second Forward": "Vpřed o jednu vteřinu",
+ "Go to First Frame": "Jít na první frame",
+ "Go to In Point": "Jít na In-point",
+ "Go to Last Frame": "Jít na poslední frame",
+ "Go to Next Annotation": "Jít na další poznámku",
+ "Go to Next Cut": "Jít na další střih",
+ "Go to Next Result": "Jít na další výsledek",
+ "Go to Out Point": "Jít na Out-point",
+ "Go to Poster Frame": "Jít na Poster frame",
+ "Go to Previous Annotation": "Jít na předchozí poznámku",
+ "Go to Previous Cut": "Jít na předchozí střih",
+ "Go to Previous Result": "Jít na předchozí výsledek",
+ "Headline": "Nadpis",
+ "Hide": "Skrýt",
+ "Hide Controls": "Skrýt ovládací prvky",
+ "Hide Labels": "Skrýt visačky ",
+ "Home": "Úvod",
+ "Home Channel": "Hlavní kanál",
+ "Image": "Obrázek",
+ "Import Annotations...": "Importovat poznámky...",
+ "In Current Selection": "Ve stávajícím výběru",
+ "Insert": "Vložit",
+ "Insert HTML": "Vložit HTML",
+ "Insert...": "Vložit...",
+ "Italic": "Italic",
+ "Join Clip(s) at Cuts": "Spojit klip(y) ve střihu",
+ "Keyboard Shortcuts": "Klávesové zkratky",
+ "Keyboard Shortcuts...": "Klávesové zkratky...",
+ "Large": "Velký",
+ "Large Player": "Velký přehrávač",
+ "Larger": "Větší",
+ "Latitude": "Zeměpisná šířka",
+ "Limit to": "Omezit na",
+ "Linebreak": "Zalomení",
+ "Link": "Odkaz",
+ "List": "Seznam",
+ "Longitude": "Zeměpisná délka",
+ "Make Clip(s) Static": "Udělat klip(y) Statické",
+ "Map Options": "Vlastnosti mapy",
+ "Match": "Odpovídá",
+ "Matches": "Odpovídají",
+ "Medium": "Střední",
+ "Monospace": "Neproporční",
+ "Mute": "Vypnout zvuk",
+ "Mute/Unmute": "Vypnout/zapnout zvuk",
+ "Name": "Název",
+ "New Event": "Nová Událost",
+ "New Place": "Nové Místo",
+ "Next": "Další",
+ "Next Channel": "Další kanál",
+ "Next Result": "Další výsledek",
+ "No file selected": "Nevybrán žádný soubor",
+ "No files selected": "Nevybrány žádné soubory",
+ "North": "Sever ",
+ "Numbers": "Čísla",
+ "Open in New Tab": "Otevřít v nové záložce",
+ "Options": "Vlastnosti",
+ "Other": "Jiný",
+ "Paragraph": "Odstavec",
+ "Pause": "Zastavit",
+ "Paused": "Zastaveno",
+ "Person": "Osoba",
+ "Place": "Místo",
+ "Place or Event": "Místo nebo Událost",
+ "Play": "Hrát",
+ "Play Current Track": "Hrát tuto stopu",
+ "Play In to Out": "Hrát od In do Out ",
+ "Play Next Track": "Hrát další stopu",
+ "Play/Pause": "Hrát / Pauza",
+ "Previous": "Předchozí",
+ "Previous Channel": "Předchozí kanál",
+ "Previous Result": "Předchozí výsledek",
+ "Region": "Region",
+ "Reload": "Obnovit",
+ "Remove": "Odstranit",
+ "Remove Event": "Odstranit Událost",
+ "Remove File": "Odstranit Soubor",
+ "Remove Place": "Odstranit Místo",
+ "Remove this column": "Odstranit tento sloupec",
+ "Remove this condition": "Odstranit tuto podmínku",
+ "Remove this group of conditions": "Odstranit tuto skupinu podmínek",
+ "Remove this row": "Odstranit tento řádek",
+ "Removing...": "Odstraňuji...",
+ "Repeat All": "Opakovat vše",
+ "Repeat None": "Neopakovat",
+ "Repeat One": "Opakovat jednou",
+ "Reset this condition": "Resetovat tuto podmínku",
+ "Resolution": "Rozlišení",
+ "Restart": "Restart",
+ "Restore Defaults": "Obnovit základní nastavení",
+ "Results": "Výsledky",
+ "Resume": "Shrnutí",
+ "Right-to-Left": "Zprava-doleva",
+ "Run Tests": "Spustit testy",
+ "Save Changes": "Uložit změny",
+ "Save as Smart List": "Uložit jako virtuální seznam",
+ "Scale to Fill": "Zvětšit do vyplnění",
+ "Scale to Fit": "Zvětšit do okna",
+ "Scroll to Player": "Rolovat k přehrávači",
+ "Select Current Annotation": "Vybrat stávající poznámku",
+ "Select Current Cut": "Vybrat stávající střih",
+ "Select File": "Vybrat soubor",
+ "Select Next Annotation": "Vybrat další poznámku",
+ "Select Previous Annotation": "Vybrat předchozí poznámku",
+ "Set ": "Nastavit ",
+ "Set In Point": "Nastavit In Point",
+ "Set Out Point": "Nastavit Out Point",
+ "Set Poster Frame": "Nastavit Poster Frame",
+ "Settings": "Nastavení",
+ "Show Annotations": "Zobrazit Poznámky",
+ "Show Controls": "Zobrazit ovládání",
+ "Show Dates": "Zobrazit data",
+ "Show Labels": "Zobrazit visačky",
+ "Show Other": "Zobrazit ostatní",
+ "Show People": "Zobrazit osoby",
+ "Show Places": "Zobrazit Místa",
+ "Show Remaining Time": "Zobrazit zbývající čas",
+ "Show Subtitles": "Zobrazit titulky",
+ "Show Users": "Zobrazit Uživatele",
+ "Shuffle": "Přeházet",
+ "Small": "Malý",
+ "Small Player": "Malý přehrávač",
+ "Smaller": "Menší",
+ "Sort Annotations": "Třídit poznámky",
+ "South": "Jih",
+ "Split Clip(s) at Cuts": "Rozdělit Klip(y) na střihu",
+ "Start": "Start",
+ "Street": "Ulice",
+ "Strike": "Přeškrtnutý",
+ "Subscript": "Dolní index",
+ "Subtitles": "Titulky",
+ "Superscript": "Horní index",
+ "Switch Theme": "Přepnout Theme",
+ "Timeline": "Časová osa",
+ "Title": "Název",
+ "Turn Volume Down": "Zeslabit zvuk",
+ "Turn Volume Up": "Zesílit zvuk",
+ "Type": "Písmo",
+ "Underline": "Podškrtnutí",
+ "Undo Changes": "Zrušit změny",
+ "Unmute": "Zapnout zvuk",
+ "Untitled": "Bez názvu",
+ "User": "Uživatel",
+ "Valid": "Platný",
+ "View": "Pohled",
+ "View Live": "Zobrazit Live",
+ "View Source": "Zobrazit Zdroj",
+ "View as Grid": "Zobrazit jako mřížku",
+ "View as List": "Zobrazit jako seznam",
+ "Volume": "Hlasitost",
+ "West": "Západ",
+ "add": "přidat",
+ "all": "vše",
+ "and": "a",
+ "annotations": "poznámky",
+ "any": "jakékoliv",
+ "ascending": "vzestupně",
+ "bracket": "závorky",
+ "contains": "obsahuje",
+ "descending": "sestupně",
+ "does not contain": "neobsahuje",
+ "does not end with": "nekončí na",
+ "does not start with": "nezačíná s",
+ "ends with": "končí s",
+ "file": "soubor",
+ "files": "soubory",
+ "in": "v",
+ "is": "je",
+ "is after": "je po",
+ "is before": "je před",
+ "is between": "je mezi",
+ "is greater than": "je větší než",
+ "is less than": "je menší než",
+ "is not": "není",
+ "is not after": "není po",
+ "is not before": "není před",
+ "is not between": "není mezi",
+ "is not greater than": "není větší než",
+ "is not less than": "není menší než",
+ "items": "položky",
+ "of the following conditions": "z následujících podmínek",
+ "order": "řazení",
+ "sorted by": "seřazeno podle",
+ "starts with": "začíná s",
+ "unknown": "neznámý",
+ "{0} Century": "{0} století",
+ "{0} Century BC": "{0} století před Kristem",
+ "{0} Millennium": "{0} tisíciletí",
+ "{0} Millennium BC": "{0} tisíciletí před kristem"