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2020-04-04 18:04:56 +02:00
Capacity Development,"training and development, institutional strengthening, institutional learning"
Civil Society/NGOs,"civic action, collective community action, community-based organization (CBO) action, grassroots action, integrative DRR, non-governmental organization (NGO) action"
Climate Change,"adaptation to climate change, sustainable development"
Community-based DRR,"local knowledge, local risk mapping"
Complex Emergency,"multiple hazard crisis, humanitarian crisis, conflict"
Critical Infrastructure,"communications systems, health facilities, 'lifelines', power and energy, emergency evacuation shelters, financial infrastructure, schools, transportation, waste disposal, water supplies"
Disaster Risk Management,"civil protection, contingency and emergency planning, early recovery, preparedness"
Early Warning,"risk knowledge, monitoring and warning service, risk communication, response capability, disaster preparedness, risk modelling"
Economics of DRR,"cost benefit analysis, disaster risk financing, financial effects of disasters, poverty and disaster risk, risk sharing, socio-economic impacts of disasters"
Education & School Safety,"learning, safe schools"
Environment,"sustainable development, environmental degradation, ecosystems and environmental management"
Food Security & Agriculture,"cost benefit analysis, disaster risk financing, financial effects of disasters, poverty and disaster risk, risk sharing, socio-economic impacts of disasterscost benefit analysis, disaster risk financing, financial effects of disasters, poverty and disaster risk, risk sharing, socio-economic impacts of disasters"
Gender,"gendered vulnerability, gender-sensitive disaster risk management"
GIS & Mapping,"geographic information systems, hazard exposure mapping, vulnerability mapping, risk mapping"
Governance,"disaster risk reduction policy and legislation, National Platform for disaster risk reduction, Regional Platforms for disaster risk reduction"
Health & Health Facilities,"capacity of health practitioners, mental health"
Indigenous Knowledge,"indigenous early warning system, local adaptation for implementation, local knowledge, local skills, local technical knowledge, local knowledge systems, traditional knowledge, transferable indigenous knowledge; related: coastal zones, food security and agricultural practice, housing, mountain ecosystems, river basin management, water management"
Information Management,"disaster databases, disaster information, disaster risk information portals, ICT"
Media,"disaster reporting, disaster information dissemination"
Private-public Partnerships,"corporate social responsibility, private sector engagement in DRR"
Recovery,"building back better, long-term recovery and reconstruction, rehabilitation, shelter"
Risk Identification & Assessment,"risk assessment, loss data, disaster risk management"
Risk Transfer & Insurance,"disaster insurance, contingency funding, micro-insurance, post-disaster loans, risk financing, risk insurance, risk sharing, pooling"
Social Impacts & Resilience,"coping capacity, loss absorption, loss acceptance, psychosocial support, social vulnerability, trauma prevention"
Space Technology,satellite disaster imagery
Structural Safety,"building codes, building standards, building materials, construction, retrofitting"
Urban Risk & Planning,"urban planning, urban management"
Vulnerable Populations,"at-risk populations, including: children, orphans, disabled, elderly, homeless, hospitalized people, illegal immigrants, illiterate, medically or chemically dependent, impoverished populations, migrants, Person With Disabilities (PWDs), speakers of non-local languages"
Water,"drinking water, freshwater, irrigation, potable water, water and sanitation, water resource management"